No SurnamesG: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with G (No Surnames)

Gabran "the_Treacherous"                 I4363   709-57
Gabriel                      (-1103)     I6508   27-36, 33-36, 293-38
Gainfroi                                 I4448   20-47, 718-47
Gaitelgrima of Benevento     (-1027)     I10119  798-41
Galiena Blund INSULA                     I14113  835-35
Galindo Velasquez            (1070-)     I9272   909-37
Galtha                                   I6255   868-34
Gamel                                    I5983   847-36
Gamel                                    I5984   847-37
Gamel Bern                               I5985   847-38
Gandalmoda                               I14123  755-43
Garcia                       (1074-)     I9274   909-36, 910-35
Garcia Arnaldo               (-1000)     I6971   731-42, 733-41
Garcia Fernandez                         I13979  787-44
Garcia III                   (1020-1054) I5430   496-43, 659-42, 731-41, 733-41, 
Garcia III Sanchez of Navarre            I9143   227-46
Garcia Rodriguez             (1132-)     I9307   908-36
Garcia Sanchez                           I14047  729-40, 736-43, 738-43
Garcia_IV Sanchez of Navarre (964-999)   I5431   227-44, 496-43, 787-43
Garcia_VII "el Restaurador" of Navarre
                             (1110-1150) I4579   68-39, 178-36, 178-35, 179-35, 
       227-38, 659-40
Garibaldi                                I4133   711-56, 712-56
Garnier                                  I9209   129-42
Garnier (Werner)             (844-)      I10913  308-41, 309-44
Garsinde de Albon            (-1160)     I9675   39-38, 366-36
Garsinde du Maine                        I9795   18-39, 144-37
Garteud                      (-1670)     I1387   980-20
Gaucher                      (-1213)     I13365  247-34, 751-35
Gausberto I de Ampurias      (-930)      I13305  735-44, 737-43
Gauthier                                 I7094   730-44
Gauthier I                               I10350  579-39, 764-40
Gauthild                                 I4209   3-51
Gautier                      (-1174)     I6637   801-37, 854-37
Gautier                                  I10251  82-35
Gautier de Chatillon-sur-Marne
                             (-1097)     I6500   769-37
Geata                                    I3186   1-74
Gebhard                                  I14290  263-44, 311-43, 793-43
Gebhard                                  I5494   719-45
Gebhard I                    (-1080)     I6204   259-39, 311-38, 529-38
Gebhard II                   (1058-1085) I6165   311-37, 830-36
Gefion                       (241-)      I3892   1-68
Geldouin_I                               I5599   149-36
Genilles fil Hoedliw                     I14176  209-39, 209-37, 651-38
Geoffrey d' Arques                       I14185  851-39
Geoffrey de Marais                       I14207  900-32
Geoffrey de Porhoet          (-1141)     I4925   122-36, 226-38, 267-36, 893-36
Geoffrey FitzPiers           (1165-1213) I3819   35-32, 63-35, 69-32, 98-32, 
       160-32, 429-31, 647-33
Geoffrey I de Gastinois      (-1000)     I10038  27-39, 96-41, 294-40, 581-40
Geoffrey I de Porhoet                    I14199  122-34
Geoffrey I de Semur                      I14270  796-42
Geoffrey II de Chateaudun                I10078  568-40
Geoffrey II de Perche        (-1100)     I4583   68-40, 96-38, 222-41, 301-37, 
       498-37, 568-37, 569-36, 683-36, 858-38
Geoffrey II de Semur         (-1019)     I10011  796-41
Geoffrey III de Chateaudun   (-1040)     I9595   568-39, 858-38
Geoffrey III the Bearded     (-1096)     I9898   27-38, 581-40
Geoffrey IV of Anjou         (1073-1106) I9901   27-37
Geoffrey of Arles            (-1061)     I10150  298-40, 369-39
Geoffrey of England          (1158-1186) I3364   34-35, 84-34, 135-35
Geoffrey of the Gatinais                 I6407   309-45
Geoffrey of_Brittany         (980-1008)  I4520   3-41, 34-40, 84-39, 147-41, 
       148-40, 309-41, 404-40, 405-39
Geoffrey VI of Anjou         (1134-1157) I8804   84-35, 502-37
Geoffroy I                   (-1274)     I8177   262-33, 377-32
Geoffroy I "Grisegonnelle"   (940-987)   I10810  147-41, 309-42, 310-41, 579-41, 
       580-41, 581-41, 585-40
Geoffroy I de Mayenne                    I14323  758-40, 763-41
Geoffroy II                  (-1141)     I10287  563-36, 682-36
Geoffroy II                  (-1169)     I10267  131-35, 375-33, 413-36, 546-35, 
Geoffroy II Grisegonelle     (-1145)     I10344  85-38, 579-38, 682-37
Geoffroy V d'Anjou           (1113-1151) I13435  27-36, 84-35, 123-35, 135-35, 
       268-34, 319-35, 443-35, 502-37
Georg                                    I6599   423-38
Gerald fitz Maurice fitz Gerald
                             (-1292)     I15001  158-31
Gerald FitzMaurice           (1150-1203) I5166   211-36, 212-33
Gerald II                    (-1061)     I9625   262-39, 527-38, 528-36, 531-38, 
       679-35, 730-40
Gerald of Windsor            (-1136)     I5158   62-38, 210-38, 211-37, 473-37
Gerard                                   I14284  840-41
Gerard                                   I10013  796-40
Gerard de Fleitel                        I14221  317-37, 387-37
Gerard Flamens               (-1058)     I9869   556-40
Gerard II                    (-1141)     I6731   286-38, 556-38
Gerard II                    (-1038)     I9771   75-41, 665-40
Gerard of_Lower_Alsace       (-1024)     I5475   249-43, 249-42, 506-41, 508-42, 
       509-41, 524-43
Gerard_I                                 I4617   129-47, 361-46
Gerberga                     (0564-)     I11060  715-54
Gerberga                                 I9537   411-37, 842-38
Gerberga de Provence         (1053-1112) I9641   3-37, 298-38, 368-35, 746-40
Gerberga of Lorraine         (935-)      I10875  2-44, 20-42, 248-44, 310-43, 
       584-42, 797-41
Gerberga of Macon            (0970-986)  I6802   96-41, 146-42, 178-41, 448-40, 
       526-40, 578-42, 765-41
Gerberga of_Burgundy         (-1016)     I4427   18-42, 82-41, 311-41, 506-40, 
Gerberga of_Saxony           (-984)      I10058  2-43, 18-42, 20-43, 20-40, 
       82-42, 96-42, 248-44, 293-42, 584-42, 766-45
Gerberge                                 I4428   147-42, 309-41
Gerberge du Maine            (913-952)   I10844  129-40, 178-40, 309-43, 310-41, 
       578-42, 579-42, 743-41
Gerberge of Boulogne         (-1049)     I9881   2-40, 22-40, 23-39, 107-39, 
Gerberge of Italy                        I6793   146-42, 258-42
Gerberge of Lorraine         (-995)      I6923   263-42
Gerberge of Lorraine         (975-1008)  I6774   2-41, 20-40, 21-42, 22-40, 
       25-41, 73-39, 117-40, 258-40
Gerberge of Macon            (985-1023)  I6713   96-41, 129-40, 178-40, 298-40, 
       369-39, 451-39, 746-40
Gerberge of Verdun                       I6841   525-42, 706-42
Gerberge von Henneberg                   I7447   576-42
Gerd Gymersdottir of_Uppsala (239-)      I4239   708-70
Gerhard                      (-1127)     I6179   832-36, 833-37
Gerhard                                  I14126  525-43, 706-42
Gerhard I                    (1057-1120) I9756   19-40, 264-37, 284-39, 665-38
Gerhard I Flaminius          (-1138)     I6729   72-37, 286-38, 556-38
Gerhard II                   (-1187)     I5048   286-35, 832-35
Gerhard III                  (-1045)     I9680   19-40, 92-41, 92-38, 284-40, 
       285-40, 507-41, 731-40
Gerhard III                  (-1075)     I5200   284-39, 665-39
Gerhard IV                   (-1070)     I5064   19-40, 92-41, 239-38, 284-40, 
       507-41, 665-38
Gerlotte of Blois                        I6379   30-42, 629-43, 689-43
Gerold (Walter) de D'Evereux (Roumare)
                             (1033-)     I4694   898-39
Gerold I                                 I11004  97-48, 723-49
Gersenda de Besalu                       I10145  368-38, 729-38, 735-42
Gersende de Bigorre          (-1038)     I13317  92-40, 659-42, 660-42, 731-41, 
       733-41, 741-40
Gersende de Toulouse                     I4878   729-42, 732-44
Gersende of Gascony          (-975)      I11711  729-40, 736-43, 738-43, 742-42, 
Gersinde                     (-1026)     I10020  839-39
Gersinde de Mortimer                     I14277  839-41
Gertraut of Hungary          (1128-1155) I6482   81-35, 530-36
Gertrud von Looz                         I14060  286-37, 311-35
Gertruda of Poland                       I14099  81-36
Gertrude of Saxony           (1030-1113) I7475   5-37, 15-39, 19-39, 59-38, 
       72-40, 134-39, 239-39, 576-40, 687-41
Gertrude of_Flanders         (1070-1117) I5062   19-39, 27-35, 93-38, 239-38, 
Gertrude of_Meran            (-1213)     I3600   1-33
Gertrude von Egisheim        (-1077)     I10127  75-41, 311-40, 665-41
Gertrude von Haldensleben                I7468   687-40
Gervase                                  I9996   84-37, 838-38
Gervase de Rethel            (-1124)     I8353   91-37, 283-36, 293-39, 558-38, 
Geva                                     I11124  74-50
Geva of Chester                          I6428   225-41
Geva of Senlis                           I6329   753-45
Gewis                                    I3172   2-63
Geza                                     I9324   79-40
Geza I of Hungary            (1040-1077) I7310   81-37, 261-38
Geza of Hungary                          I7301   261-41
Geza_II                      (1130-1162) I3607   1-35, 33-34, 81-34, 530-36
Gilberga Hermesinda de Conserans
                             (-1054)     I10153  223-40, 302-37, 496-43, 660-42, 
       731-41, 733-40
Gilbert                      (956-991)   I10007  21-40, 96-42, 96-40, 293-41, 
Gilbert                      (-1071)     I10140  368-36, 799-37
Gilbert (Gislebert)          (890-956)   I10884  310-42, 765-43
Gilbert de Lancaster                     I5000   318-36, 599-37
Gilbert di Gievaudun         (1071-1110) I9640   3-37, 298-38, 368-35, 799-36
Gilbert Fitz Roger Fitz Reinfrid
                             (-1220)     I5753   83-34, 318-34
Gilbert I                    (-1084)     I10478  136-37
Gilbert II                   (-1096)     I9741   68-40, 227-38, 301-37, 568-37, 
Gilles de_Sully                          I4001   87-37
Giovanna of Montferrat                   I9619   289-38
Giovanni II                              I14295  798-42
Girard                                   I4710   305-48, 308-47
Gisela                                   I7021   81-43, 756-44
Gisela                       (1034-)     I10787  71-41, 232-40, 448-38
Gisela (Gille) of Burgundy-Ivrea
                             (1060-1133) I10724  71-39, 178-38, 457-37, 749-38, 
Gisela (Volsea)                          I14046  146-44
Gisela of Bavaria            (-1065)     I9453   79-40
Gisela of Burgundy           (-1006)     I6820   82-42
Gisela of Burgundy                       I14044  79-40
Gisela of France             (819-874)   I7388   129-47, 308-45, 363-46, 575-44, 
       576-44, 627-45
Gisela of France                         I9967   31-41, 97-41, 132-40, 228-40, 
       307-39, 313-40
Gisela of France                         I6321   3-43, 74-45
Gisela of Friuli             (880-910)   I6946   146-43, 258-42
Gisela of Lower Lorraine                 I6693   19-40, 92-41, 92-38, 284-40, 
       285-40, 507-41, 731-40
Gisela of Luxembourg         (-1058)     I4725   69-39, 230-38, 263-41, 510-41, 
       544-40, 670-40, 759-38
Gisela of Swabia             (0985-1042) I9892   82-41, 259-39, 296-39, 311-40, 
       506-40, 525-40, 586-39
Gisela of Vaudemont          (1090-1127) I8881   82-38, 264-37, 284-38, 570-35, 
Giselbert                                I10097  584-41, 584-40, 690-41, 690-40
Giselbert                                I4447   20-46, 365-45, 718-47
Giselbert                    (890-939)   I4435   20-43, 96-42, 248-44, 293-42, 
       364-45, 584-42
Giselbert                    (830-0892)  I4442   20-45, 129-46, 364-45, 365-45
Giselbert (Gilbert)                      I10146  799-38
Giselbert I                  (-1050)     I6211   832-38
Giselbert I                  (1005-1059) I4723   263-41, 286-38, 510-41, 543-40, 
Gisele                       (-1071)     I10464  73-38, 335-36
Gisele                                   I10366  21-39, 674-40
Gisele di Cambrai            (-1001)     I13612  769-40
Gisele of_Burgundy           (1070-1133) I4599   39-37, 92-39, 178-38, 199-37, 
       262-37, 289-38, 454-37, 532-36, 533-36, 557-37, 784-36
Gismode of_Worms                         I5487   719-45
Gladys Dhu                   (1194-1251) I3518   207-35, 408-33, 408-31, 492-37
Gladys fil Rhyn                          I14179  816-40
Gleb (St.)                               I7661   720-41
Glismode                                 I10487  827-40
Goda de Salvadores                       I13985  41-36, 380-37, 904-37
Godane                                   I7095   730-44
Godchilde                                I5831   48-41
Godchilde de Belesme                     I14269  838-40
Godchilde de Belesme                     I3831   692-37
Godchilde de Ponthieu Belesme            I14280  858-41
Godefroy                     (-709)      I4620   723-52
Godefroy the Old             (930-1005)  I6840   2-42, 258-41, 525-42, 674-41, 
Godehildis                               I5938   35-40, 154-39, 344-39, 413-38
Godepert                                 I4130   711-53
Godfrey                                  I14144  263-42
Godfrey (Ginbert) of Beulac  (921-)      I14201  30-41
Godfrey I de Rumigny                     I14331  674-41
Godfrey V of Bouillon        (1061-1100) I9857   2-39, 24-38, 160-36, 426-35, 
Godfrey_I of Namur           (1067-1139) I8261   16-39, 72-36, 91-38, 281-37, 
       282-37, 286-37, 558-38, 688-40
Godfrey_I of_Brabant "The Bearded"
                             (1060-1139) I8264   4-39, 25-38, 92-39, 96-35, 
       119-37, 120-37, 178-38, 238-38, 311-35, 393-33, 837-39
Godfrey_II                   (1095-1142) I5017   25-37, 96-35, 286-34, 311-35
Godfrey_III "the Bearded"    (-1069)     I6753   2-39, 258-41, 311-40, 506-40, 
Godfrey_III of_Louvain       (1139-1186) I5034   2-35, 25-36, 121-35, 210-35, 
       286-34, 311-35
Godgifu (Goda)               (1017-1055) I3082   2-39, 17-42, 37-39, 80-41, 
Goditha Tailbois                         I9202   318-36, 599-37
Godiva                       (1076-)     I9947   849-37, 856-38
Godiva                       (1010-1067) I3829   14-42, 17-41
Godizo                       (-1018)     I9985   837-41
Godric                                   I2617   56-41
Godwine                      (987-1053)  I4151   1-39, 13-39, 14-40, 15-40, 
Godwulf                                  I3185   1-73
Gondemaro                                I14252  227-42
Gonzalo Menendez                         I14308  787-43
Gonzelon_I                   (-1044)     I6750   25-40, 91-40, 146-42, 258-41, 
       525-41, 675-40, 706-42
Goody?                                   I1768   1001-19, 1010-18
Gorm "the Old" of Jutland    (840-950)   I4155   6-43
Gormflaith O'Keeley O'MOORE              I14229  779-36
Gormflaith of_Naas           (-1030)     I3572   779-41, 780-41
Goronwy                      (1020-)     I7704   209-39, 651-39, 750-40
Gospatrick                   (1040-1074) I11576  78-39, 251-38, 256-40, 257-38
Gossuin I de Mons            (-1088)     I13585  751-37, 752-38
Gotelene de Clerian          (-1027)     I10160  366-39, 528-38
Gottfried                                I14076  833-39
Gottfried                                I14066  831-39
Gottfried                    (0820-)     I10929  248-45, 766-46
Gottfried I                  (-1127)     I6262   833-38
Gozbert                      (-902)      I7081   725-45
Gozelon                      (911-0943)  I4715   524-44, 525-43, 672-43, 706-42
Grace                                    I14391  69-33, 120-35, 408-33
Grono ap Owen                (1073-1124) I7693   209-39, 209-37, 651-38
Gronw                                    I14177  209-40, 651-38
Gronwy Ap Tudur              (940-)      I10922  700-42
Gruffudd ap Cynan            (1055-1137) I3562   207-38, 208-37, 209-38, 472-38, 
Gruffydd                     (-1128)     I7711   207-39, 836-39
Gruffydd                     (1205-1244) I3115   207-36
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn         (1011-1063) I3837   14-40, 200-39, 208-39, 650-39
Gruffydd ap Rhys             (-1137)     I10538  62-39, 701-38
Gruffydd of Rhuddallt        (1298-)     I15198  49-34
Gryffydd Maelor ap Madog     (-1191)     I7681   207-38, 472-37
Guaimar III                  (-1031)     I10118  798-41
Gudbiorg Ofeigsson                       I7778   5-43, 721-44
Gudbrand Kula                            I7987   5-43, 721-43
Gudeoc                                   I4140   711-60
Gudrod                       (-955)      I5501   28-45
Gudrod Halfdansson "the Magnicent"
                             (738-)      I11007  3-48, 28-47
Guelph                                   I7248   717-47
Guelph (Wolfard) of Altdorf  (-1030)     I7263   263-41, 510-40, 717-40
Guelph I (Welf) of Bavaria   (1035-1101) I5458   5-37, 15-40, 510-38
Guelph II (Welf) the Fat of Bavaria
                             (1073-)     I7280   15-40, 510-38
Guelph of Carinthia                      I7259   510-40, 717-40
Guerinfroi                               I9916   132-38, 400-38
Guerri_I                                 I4421   97-44, 263-43, 716-43, 716-42
Guethenoc                                I6759   893-39
Guglielmo I di Ceva          (1145-1197) I8321   896-36
Guglielmo II                 (1180-1219) I8207   896-35
Gui                                      I14337  789-45
Gui de Chatillon-sur-Marne   (-1076)     I6503   769-38
Gui I                        (-970)      I10208  789-45, 790-44, 791-44, 791-43
Gui II                       (920-992)   I10109  789-42, 797-41
Guichard III                 (-1137)     I13548  808-38
Guichard IV "le Grand"       (-1216)     I13379  18-34, 93-37, 245-35
Guigo VII                    (1050-1125) I9672   39-38, 79-40, 289-37, 366-36
Guigo VIII                   (-1142)     I9674   39-38, 366-36
Guigues I                                I14122  755-43
Guigues III                  (-954)      I6829   366-40, 755-41
Guilla of Spoleto                        I6943   259-42
Guillaime IX de Aquitaine    (1071-1126) I13252  33-35, 122-36, 135-37, 223-40, 
       302-36, 382-36, 411-36, 560-39
Guillaume d'Antenaise                    I10324  776-40
Guillaume de Bethune         (-1138)     I13461  751-37, 752-37
Guillaume de St. Omer        (-1148)     I6634   73-36, 801-37, 802-36, 853-38, 
Guillaume I "the Great" de Bourgogne
                             (1024-1087) I13321  25-38, 33-39, 71-39, 82-38, 
       92-39, 178-38, 262-37, 274-38, 274-38, 285-40, 287-38, 288-38, 289-38, 290-38, 
       291-38, 380-37, 453-37, 454-37, 455-37, 456-37, 457-37, 749-38
Guillaume I de Bethune                   I14329  244-35
Guillaume II                 (-1214)     I13399  751-36
Guillaume II de Dampierre    (-1231)     I13357  291-34, 317-34
Guillaume IV de Toulouse     (1040-1093) I5130   135-37, 223-41, 660-41, 743-40, 
       747-39, 840-39
Guillaume IX of Aquitaine    (1071-1126) I13535  151-37, 792-38
Guillaume V "le Grand" of Aquitaine
                             (-1030)     I13652  792-40
Guillaume VI de Montpellier  (1100-1162) I11449  288-36, 743-37
Guillaume VII de Montpellier (1130-1173) I9821   288-36, 743-36
Guillaume VIII de Montpellier(1158-1218) I9819   43-34, 288-35, 743-36
Guillaume X of Aquitaine     (1099-1137) I13475  792-38
Guillermo I of Astrac                    I14154  731-42, 733-41
Guimond d'Abrincis                       I4058   68-42, 125-38
Guisla de Lluca              (1005-1079) I4080   274-39, 736-40, 745-39
Gulbert de St. Valerie                   I4872   3-41, 32-40
Gundemaro Pinioliz           (-992)      I10168  800-43
Gundreda                     (1051-1085) I9817   98-37, 317-38, 318-37, 387-36, 
       594-37, 685-34
Gundreda                     (1069-)     I3761   760-39
Gundreda                     (-1308)     I8048   414-31, 927-30
Gundwald                                 I4132   711-55, 712-56
Gunhild Haraldsdottir                    I7608   6-42
Gunhilda                     (-1038)     I3084   37-40
Gunhilda (Kunigunde)                     I6490   311-40, 506-39
Gunhilda of Poland                       I7602   33-40, 144-39
Gunhilde de Urgel            (900-)      I4297   732-45, 736-44
Gunnhild Sigurdsdottir                   I8247   5-42
Gunnhild Thorasdottir                    I7986   5-43, 721-43
Gunnild of_Dunbar                        I12170  78-37, 238-36, 599-34
Gunnor                                   I3064   17-42
Gunnora                                  I7820   35-37, 36-39, 163-38
Gunnora of Denmark           (936-1031)  I10802  3-41, 17-42, 18-40, 33-40, 
       34-40, 35-40, 36-40, 37-40, 38-40, 134-39, 147-40, 148-40, 315-39
Guntram the Rich             (-973)      I7008   724-40
Guthorm Sigurdsson                       I7147   5-42
Gutierre Perez               (1150-)     I9296   907-35
Guy                                      I10386  230-36, 241-37
Guy - William VI of Poitou (VIII of Aquitaine)
                             (1024-1086) I5104   122-36, 135-38, 223-40, 296-40, 
       361-40, 496-41, 560-39, 626-39
Guy II de Chatillon          (-1170)     I13369  246-35
Guy II de Chatillon-sur-Marne(-1289)     I13322  5-32
Guy III de Chatillon-sur-Marne
                             (-1317)     I10982  5-32
Guy-a-la-Barbe-Blanche                   I9944   22-42, 228-40
Guy-Guillaume VIII of Aquitaine
                             (-1086)     I13601  792-39
Guy_I of_Ponthieu            (-1100)     I5084   132-38, 375-37, 694-37
Guy_II of_Ponthieu           (1116-1147) I5115   274-36, 375-35, 866-35
Gwair ap Dwywg                           I5223   472-52
Gwaithfoed Ap Gwrydr         (924-)      I6345   750-42
Gwaithgenau                              I14182  836-42
Gwenlian                                 I7720   836-41
Gwenlian of Anglesea                     I5214   62-39, 701-39
Gwenlian of North Wales                  I7684   209-38, 472-38
Gwenliann fil Aaron                      I7697   208-38, 816-39
Gwenliann of Brynffenigi                 I3132   207-36
Gwenllian fil Madog                      I7680   207-38, 472-37
Gwenllian of Gwynedd                     I7686   209-37
Gwenwenen                                I8941   710-54
Gwerful Verch Lluddica       (980-1070)  I10849  651-40, 700-41, 750-40
Gweristan of Powys                       I9242   62-42, 650-40
Gwladus of South Wales       (1098-)     I3565   207-37, 208-37, 209-37, 816-38
Gwriad of Man                            I5217   472-47, 710-46
Gwrst ap Ceneu                           I5228   472-57
Gwrtheyrn                                I8914   710-60
Gwrydr "Hir" Ap Caradog      (894-)      I10872  750-43
Gwyr of Powys                (949-)      I10854  472-40, 780-38
Gymer of_Scandanavia         (214-)      I4240   708-71
Gyrid Olafsdottir                        I7480   1-41, 6-42
Gytha                                    I4150   1-39, 13-39, 14-40, 15-40, 
Gytha of_Wessex              (-1107)     I3424   1-37, 14-40, 58-38
