No SurnamesE: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with E (No Surnames)

Eadgifu of Kent              (896-)      I3110   2-45, 17-44
Eadgyth (Edith)              (-0946)     I6884   2-45, 16-44, 75-43, 248-45, 
       506-44, 719-43
Eadgyth of Mercia                        I14239  79-41
Eadric                       (-949)      I4166   13-43
Eafa                         (732-)      I3206   2-50
Ealdgyth                                 I11575  78-40, 256-40
Ealdgyth of Northumbria      (-1016)     I9451   17-42, 79-41
Ealhmund of_Kent             (0758-0788) I3163   2-49
Ealhswith of_Mercia          (852-905)   I3116   2-46, 14-45, 15-45, 68-45
Ebal I                       (1087-1130) I7049   303-36, 761-37
Ebal III                     (1133-1174) I7031   303-34, 528-33
Ebal IV                      (1158-1235) I7028   16-35, 303-33, 528-33
Eberhard                                 I9903   25-39, 837-40
Eberhard I                   (1196-1258) I7047   16-37
Eberhard II                  (-929)      I7012   724-42
Eberhard III                 (915-)      I7010   724-41
Eberhard of Bavaria                      I7411   576-44
Eberhard of Friuli                       I5347   129-47, 308-45, 363-46, 575-44, 
       576-44, 627-45
Eberhard V                               I10131  507-42
Eberhard_I                   (730-)      I5373   249-48
Eberhard_II Wichman                      I5370   249-46
Eberhard_III                 (-898)      I5369   249-45
Eberhard_IV                  (870-972)   I5368   249-43, 507-42, 508-42, 509-42, 
       509-41, 524-43
Ebles I                      (988-1033)  I4489   21-40, 96-39, 101-39, 293-41, 
       301-38, 674-39
Ebles II                     (-1094)     I6156   3-39, 304-37, 798-39
Ebles Mancer                             I4610   31-42, 361-43
Ecgfrida of Chester                      I9092   817-40, 818-38
Ecgfrida of Chester                      I14235  257-40
Ecwina (Egwina)                          I3122   2-45
Edburga of Mercia            (830-)      I6424   2-46
Edburh                                   I3112   2-45
Edgar                                    I3094   17-42
Edgar                        (1074-1106) I3044   79-39, 257-39
Edgar "the Peaceful"         (-975)      I3085   17-43, 37-40
Edgar Athling                (1053-1126) I3075   79-40
Edgira (Aelfgifu) (Elgiva)               I6372   2-45, 17-44
Edgiva                                   I3113   2-45
Edgiva                                   I3129   2-45
Edhilda                                  I3131   2-45
Edith                                    I7053   725-39
Edith                        (-0946)     I6393   2-45
Edith                                    I3095   17-42
Edith Swan-neck (Ealdgyth)   (-1086)     I7890   1-38, 14-40, 17-41, 58-38, 
       200-39, 208-39, 650-39
Edla                                     I7631   8-41
Edmund                                   I3087   17-43
Edmund                                   I3100   79-41
Edmund                                   I9435   79-39, 257-39
Edmund "Crouchback"          (1244-1296) I11729  5-31, 44-31, 53-30, 108-28, 
Edmund Eriksson of Birka     (832-)      I3848   1-45
Edmund I "the Magnificent"               I3103   2-45, 17-44
Edmund II Ironsides          (-1016)     I9450   17-42, 79-41
Edmund of Almayne                        I5672   168-31, 253-32
Edmund of_Langley            (1344-1402) I611    1-27, 3-28, 67-28
Edmund of_Woodstock          (1301-1330) I11752  2-30, 214-30, 262-31
Ednoth                       (1024-1068) I12234  856-40
Ednowen Bendew               (1020-1079) I10819  651-40, 750-40
Ednyffed Vychan ap Kendrig               I14087  207-36
Edred                                    I3111   2-45
Edred                                    I3091   17-42
Edulph                       (921-)      I10842  14-44
Edward                       (1365-1372) I4184   2-29
Edward                                   I3093   17-42
Edward                       (-1093)     I9434   79-39, 257-39
Edward "the Elder"           (-924)      I3109   2-45, 16-44, 17-44, 20-41, 
       74-45, 506-44
Edward Atheling the_Exile    (1016-1057) I9446   79-40, 257-39, 366-36
Edward of_Botherton          (1319-1334) I3794   21-29, 131-29, 538-30
Edward of_England "the Black Prince"
                             (1330-1376) I3309   1-27, 2-29, 3-28
Edward the_Confessor         (1002-1066) I3081   17-42, 37-40
Edward the_Martyr                        I3107   17-43
Edward_I (Longshanks)        (1239-1307) I12029  2-31, 3-29, 4-32, 44-32, 
       168-30, 174-32, 262-31, 444-31, 445-31, 478-32, 537-30, 538-30, 539-30
Edward_II                    (1284-1327) I3278   1-27, 3-29, 174-32, 262-31, 
       445-31, 537-30
Edward_III                   (1312-1377) I11746  1-27, 2-29, 3-28, 11-26, 
       12-26, 24-28, 46-27, 52-29, 78-29, 445-31
Edwin                        (-1086)     I7702   62-41, 209-40, 651-38
Edwin                                    I3127   2-45
Edwy                                     I3105   17-44
Edwy                         (-1017)     I3092   17-42
Edzo                         (-1034)     I5481   81-40
Ega                          (0560-0560) I11059  715-54
Egbert                       (-1005)     I3089   17-42
Egbert                       (784-838)   I3158   2-48, 305-43
Egil Aunsson                 (530-)      I4218   708-57
Egino V                      (-1236)     I7038   16-37, 725-37
Egon I                       (1002-)     I7075   725-42
Egon II                      (1055-)     I7071   725-40
Egon III                     (1085-1158) I7052   725-39
Egon IV                      (-1196)     I7042   16-37, 725-38
Egon V                       (1152-1230) I7035   16-37, 725-37, 814-36
Eilaf                                    I7579   1-40
Eilone Fernandez                         I14248  795-43
Eimilde de Gevaudun                      I14246  743-41
Einion ap Owain                          I3544   650-42, 701-41
Ekbert                                   I6955   16-43, 75-43
Ekbert I                                 I14314  311-40
Ela Fitz Walter                          I6308   36-33, 167-33, 479-34
Ela of Salisbury             (1245-1276) I8179   62-33, 226-35, 477-34, 826-31
Eldegarde                                I6977   262-40, 730-41
Eldegarde of Amiens          (-990)      I6420   308-42, 363-44, 577-43
Eldo                         (-0949)     I6917   97-44, 263-43, 311-43, 540-42, 
Eldred                                   I9106   599-39
Eleanor                      (1318-1355) I3281   3-29, 445-31
Eleanor                      (1261-1283) I7493   887-32
Eleanor                      (1580-1642) I1472   1052-21
Eleanor                      (1306-1311) I3341   2-31, 262-31
Eleanor                      (1264-1297) I3285   174-32, 262-31
Eleanor                      (1325-)     I2113   977-27
Eleanor                                  I11609  21-24
Eleanor de_Vitre             (1145-1232) I5144   213-35, 555-35, 911-35
Eleanor of England           (1215-1275) I7596   180-33, 262-33
Eleanor of_Aquitaine         (1122-1204) I3359   18-36, 34-35, 34-35, 84-34, 
       135-35, 178-34, 180-33, 199-36, 262-33, 269-33, 270-33, 383-34, 384-34, 411-36, 
Eleanor of_England           (1162-1214) I3365   39-34, 84-34, 90-34, 135-35, 
       178-34, 269-33, 383-34, 460-33
Eleanora of Normandy         (1010-1071) I2601   15-41, 33-40, 145-39, 147-40, 
Eleanore of Arborea                      I14027  896-35, 914-35
Elemund                                  I4137   711-57, 712-56
Elen Verch Llywarch          (893-)      I10937  650-43, 700-42, 728-43
Elena                        (1279-)     I13822  193-30
Elena                                    I2901   778-31
Elena                                    I8072   928-36
Elena of Normandy                        I7510   134-38, 143-39
Eleonore de Chatellerault    (1105-1130) I3375   84-34, 135-36, 199-36, 411-36, 
Elesa                                    I3164   2-61
Elfgifu                                  I6394   2-45
Elfleda                                  I3128   2-45
Elfrida                                  I3120   2-46
Elfwina                      (905-)      I10876  14-44
Elgiva                                   I3133   2-45
Elgiva                                   I6382   6-44
Elgiva                       (997-)      I6198   17-42
Elias of Novgorod                        I7748   720-40
Elidir ap Meirchion                      I5226   472-55
Elidir ap Sandde                         I5219   472-48
Elie II                      (-1151)     I7762   27-36, 84-36
Elisabeth                                I9388   804-39, 808-38
Elisabeth                    (-1235)     I13259  39-34, 174-33
Elisabeth (Isabel) of France (-1108)     I9135   496-41
Elisau                       (720-)      I8963   710-49
Elise Ap Anarawd             (885-)      I4441   472-44
Elizabeth                                I1858   980-22
Elizabeth                                I4042   51-30, 236-30
Elizabeth                    (1583-1673) I2279   1060-15
Elizabeth                    (-1614)     I1913   998-17
Elizabeth                                I10072  447-18
Elizabeth                    (-1330)     I2620   844-31
Elizabeth                                I3595   1-31, 278-32
Elizabeth                    (-1067)     I10001  838-39
Elizabeth                    (1581-)     I2161   935-20
Elizabeth                                I14598  1031-13
Elizabeth                    (-1688)     I1199   1037-15
Elizabeth                    (1600-1651) I9483   997-20
Elizabeth                                I14674  997-27
Elizabeth                                I9215   41-26
Elizabeth                                I2761   778-27, 941-26
Elizabeth                                I3021   61-29, 465-27
Elizabeth                    (-1715)     I1703   41-18, 177-17
Elizabeth                                I2324   967-18
Elizabeth                    (-1642)     I1563   41-19
Elizabeth                                I10354  763-42, 764-41
Elizabeth                                I7614   783-37
Elizabeth                                I2749   778-23, 964-24
Elizabeth                    (-1608)     I2020   999-25
Elizabeth                                I14547  1031-14
Elizabeth                    (-1558)     I2024   999-27
Elizabeth                                I12167  78-37, 238-37
Elizabeth                    (-1295)     I5857   162-30, 921-29
Elizabeth                                I1181   1035-16
Elizabeth of Hungary         (-1190)     I3608   1-35, 81-34
Elizabeth of Namur           (-1144)     I8263   91-37, 283-36, 293-39, 558-38
Elizabeth of Rethel                      I8373   64-34, 91-36, 170-34, 283-36, 
Elizabeth of_Hungary         (-1231)     I3601   1-33
Elizabeth of_Lancaster       (1363-1425) I3306   2-28, 3-26, 48-27, 78-29
Ella of_Semur                (1016-1055) I4577   31-40, 129-39, 135-39, 274-39, 
       380-38, 381-38, 496-41, 560-39, 745-39, 796-39
Ellen                                    I4756   982-26
Ellen                        (1133-)     I4197   397-33, 819-33
Ellen                                    I3470   848-32
Ellenor                                  I5216   650-42, 701-41
Elli I                                   I6912   687-42, 793-43
Ellisif (Elizabeth) Jaroslavna
                             (1032-)     I10034  5-41, 8-39, 28-43, 720-40
Elsa                                     I3171   2-62
Elvira Alfonso of Castile    (-1151)     I4565   496-41, 788-41
Elvira Diaz                  (1077-)     I4586   68-39, 227-39, 659-40, 795-40
Elvira Diaz de Saldana                   I9108   227-44, 787-43
Elvira Garcia                (970-1017)  I10163  227-43, 787-44
Elvira Gualtar                           I9689   89-34, 496-39
Elvira Melendez of Gallicia  (996-1022)  I9732   496-42, 787-43
Elvira of Castile            (-1101)     I4568   496-42, 787-42
Elystan Glodrydd                         I14178  816-40
Emerard I de Faucigny        (-1030)     I6980   528-36, 679-38
Emerard II                   (-1030)     I6978   528-36, 679-37
Emliana                                  I4611   31-42, 361-43
Emma                         (1288-)     I9827   324-29
Emma                                     I4915   34-40, 148-40, 405-39
Emma                         (-1547)     I4183   91-25
Emma                                     I8806   84-35, 208-37, 209-37, 502-37
Emma                                     I3810   646-31
Emma (Ermeline)              (1046-)     I5666   423-36, 857-37
Emma de Limoges                          I7727   135-36
Emma de Mortain              (1058-1080) I5126   135-37, 223-41, 589-37, 660-41, 
       743-40, 747-39
Emma de Provence             (-1063)     I13250  298-39, 743-41, 746-40, 840-39
Emma of Blois                (950-1003)  I10002  31-42, 296-40, 361-41, 583-42, 
Emma of Burgundy             (943-0968)  I6294   3-41, 97-42, 505-44
Emma of Normandy             (985-1052)  I10803  2-39, 3-41, 17-42, 37-40, 
       80-41, 308-39
Emma of Perigord                         I14283  840-42
Emma of Sicily                           I10363  39-39
Emma of_Blois                            I8415   18-38, 88-37
Emme                                     I7016   869-39
Emmo III                     (-1078)     I6181   832-37, 833-36
Emund the Old of Sweden Olafsson
                                         I7630   8-41
Engelberge                   (-900)      I4472   129-45
Engelberge of Alsace                     I14121  81-44
Engelbert I                  (-968)      I10484  791-46
Engelbert I von Sponheim     (-1096)     I9800   781-38, 782-39
Engelbert II                 (-980)      I10332  790-44, 791-45
Engelbert II                 (-1141)     I5078   18-37, 781-38, 782-38
Engelbert III                (-969)      I10331  789-45, 789-44, 790-44, 791-44
Engelbert im Inn und Nordtal             I5192   782-41
Engeltron                                I4706   305-47, 308-46, 363-46, 572-46
Engeltrude                   (0805-)     I4446   305-45, 364-46
Engeraulf                    (-1066)     I9749   68-41
Engilbert IV                 (-1035)     I10327  789-39, 790-43, 791-44
Englebert                                I7054   16-37, 725-38
Enguerrand                   (0780-)     I4708   68-48
Enguerrand (Isambart) I      (-1046)     I9806   132-39, 228-40, 307-39, 374-38
Enguerrand II of Ponthieu    (-1053)     I5699   132-37, 159-35, 400-38
Enguerrand V                 (-1321)     I9814   24-32, 129-32
Enguerrand VII               (-1398)     I9500   1-27, 3-28
Enna                         (-1126)     I3588   779-37
Eochaid "the_Poisonous"                  I4355   709-49
Eochaid Mugmedon                         I4367   709-58
Eochaid Muinremur                        I4370   709-61
Eochaid_II                   (-697)      I4358   709-52
Eochaid_III                              I4357   709-51
Eochu Buide                  (-630)      I4361   709-55
Eoppa                        (706-)      I3205   2-51
Erard I                      (-1114)     I10258  38-37, 789-38, 790-42
Ercc                                     I4369   709-60
Erchembaldus                 (0590-0590) I11050  715-53
Eremburga                    (-1049)     I9915   813-41
Eremburgis                               I10311  131-38, 762-37
Erenburg                                 I9997   84-37, 838-38
Eric                                     I2737   1-48, 7-47
Erik "Segersall" "the Victorious" Bjonrsson
                             (935-994)   I2962   1-43, 8-42, 711-41
Erik Bjornsson               (814-)      I3849   1-46
Erik Edmundsson              (849-)      I7617   1-44
Ermenfroi                                I6389   308-45, 308-42, 363-45, 575-44
Ermengarda                               I13304  732-46, 735-45
Ermengarde                   (-1057)     I9665   743-41
Ermengarde                               I4647   31-38
Ermengarde                   (-932)      I3685   146-43
Ermengarde                   (1018-1076) I13661  792-39
Ermengarde                   (855-897)   I4473   129-44, 748-43
Ermengarde (Helletrude) of Lorraine
                             (830-)      I4440   20-45, 129-46, 364-45, 365-45, 
Ermengarde de Ampurias                   I13299  368-39, 735-43, 737-43
Ermengarde de Bourbon                    I9900   27-37
Ermengarde de Choisy                     I6504   769-38
Ermengarde de Montjay        (-1139)     I13466  33-35, 769-36
Ermengarde du Maine          (1096-1126) I13477  27-36, 84-36, 93-38, 123-35, 
       502-37, 838-37
Ermengarde N                             I13586  751-37, 752-38
Ermengarde of Arles                      I9786   18-40, 129-40, 367-39, 578-42
Ermengarde of Auvergne       (-1042)     I9776   18-40, 83-39, 84-39, 85-39, 
       148-39, 367-38
Ermengarde of Burgundy       (908-)      I10885  310-42, 765-43
Ermengarde of Burgundy                   I14138  96-41, 294-42
Ermengarde of Chalons                    I6897   96-41, 294-42
Ermengarde of Flanders                   I9959   15-41, 69-40, 73-40, 117-40, 
       229-39, 263-40, 544-40
Ermengarde of Germany        (855-896)   I6825   81-44
Ermengarde of Hesbaye        (778-818)   I3011   97-48, 129-47, 361-46, 362-46, 
Ermengarde of Lorraine                   I6723   19-41, 91-42, 666-41
Ermengarde of Namur                      I6721   19-41, 91-41
Ermengarde of Turin          (-1078)     I6764   259-40, 526-40, 576-42, 794-42
Ermengarde of_Anjou          (1018-1076) I4508   27-38, 135-39, 154-37, 581-40
Ermengarde of_Anjou          (1068-1147) I4918   27-37, 122-36, 135-37, 267-37, 
       356-35, 501-37, 893-36
Ermengarde of_Tours          (800-851)   I4438   20-45, 129-46, 365-45, 715-46
Ermengarde von Gilching                  I14071  311-37
Ermensinde of Luxembourg     (1080-1143) I5277   16-39, 72-36, 91-38, 281-37, 
       282-37, 286-37, 543-39, 831-36
Ermentruda (Adelaide)        (970-1022)  I5020   2-42, 19-41, 20-40, 91-41, 
       284-40, 675-40
Ermentrude                               I13308  732-47, 733-46
Ermentrude                   (830-869)   I10939  2-47, 20-44, 68-46, 74-46, 
       129-47, 305-44, 364-46, 524-46, 573-43, 574-43, 628-45
Ermentrude                   (870-)      I3031   509-43, 524-45, 525-44
Ermentrude Agda                          I14303  368-37
Ermentrude de Roucy          (-1005)     I10809  27-39, 33-39, 96-41, 178-40, 
       293-42, 293-41, 294-41, 295-40, 296-40, 297-40, 298-40, 299-40, 310-39, 310-39, 
       361-40, 369-39, 449-39, 450-39, 451-39, 452-39, 563-40
Ermentrude of Burgundy       (1060-1105) I4601   75-39, 82-38, 92-39, 178-38, 
       264-37, 284-38, 290-38, 455-37
Ermesende                                I4888   732-46, 735-45
Ermesende de Melgueil                    I11463  743-38
Ermesinde de Carcassonne     (-1057)     I7593   344-39, 733-42, 736-41, 740-41, 
Ermina                                   I7103   3-44, 30-43
Ernald                       (1246-)     I8365   932-27
Ernest I                     (-1015)     I10189  259-39, 311-40
Ernest II                    (1005-)     I10190  311-40
Ernicule                                 I14264  22-43, 105-42
Estaphania Sanchez of Navarre            I9744   659-41
Este Rodrigo Melendez        (1111-)     I9308   908-37
Esther                       (1640-)     I2054   1042-20
Estmond                      (1074-)     I12032  849-37, 856-38
Estritha (Margaret) of Denmark
                             (967-)      I9787   1-40, 8-39, 33-40, 144-39
Esyllt Verch Cynan           (770-)      I5955   472-46
Eth (Aethelred)              (-1128)     I9436   79-39, 257-39
Ethelbald                    (-0860)     I6418   2-47, 305-43
Ethelbald                                I3153   2-47
Ethelbert                                I3154   2-47
Ethelfleda                               I3106   17-43
Ethelfleda                   (869-918)   I4178   2-46, 14-45
Ethelfleda of_Domerham                   I3114   17-44
Ethelgiva                                I6365   2-46
Ethelgiva of_Shaftesbury                 I3119   2-46
Ethelgyth                                I9317   2-45, 20-41, 74-45, 506-44
Ethelhilda                               I3130   2-45
Ethelinde von Northeim                   I7274   510-38
Ethelred                     (865-)      I10855  2-46, 14-45
Ethelred I                               I14189  6-44
Ethelred II "the Unready"    (-1016)     I11579  2-39, 3-41, 14-41, 17-42, 
       37-40, 78-41, 79-41, 80-41, 308-39
Ethelswith                               I3155   2-47
Ethelward                    (880-0922)  I6363   2-46
Ethelwerd                                I3126   2-45
Ethelwerd                                I3117   2-46
Ethelwulf (Ethelbald)        (806-858)   I6417   2-47, 13-46, 305-43, 305-43
Ethil of Gwynedd                         I5218   472-47, 710-46
Eticho of Altdorf            (-910)      I7250   717-44
Eticho_I                     (-690)      I5376   249-51
Eticho_II of the Nordgau                 I5375   249-50
Eudes I Borel de Bourgogne   (1058-1102) I4572   92-39, 92-39, 178-38, 178-38, 
       274-38, 288-38, 291-38, 375-35, 552-37, 553-37, 745-39
Eudes I of Chartres          (950-995)   I4424   18-41, 367-38, 583-41, 689-42
Eudes II de Porhoet          (-1170)     I7918   122-34
Eudes II of Blois            (-1037)     I4398   3-41, 18-40, 83-39, 84-39, 
       85-39, 148-39, 367-38, 583-41
Eudes II of Chartres                     I14083  30-42, 583-42, 629-44, 689-44
Eudes of Brittany            (-1079)     I4914   34-39, 148-40
Eudes of Cambria                         I14340  791-47
Eudes of Logenahe                        I5492   719-45
Eudes of Orleans             (800-)      I4445   305-45, 364-46
Eudes of_Champagne           (1030-1090) I5703   83-38, 400-38
Eudo                                     I5591   131-32, 149-34
Eudocia Ingerina             (840-882)   I4478   748-45
Eudon_I                                  I4927   267-36, 893-37
Eudoxia Komnena              (1162-1202) I9036   43-34, 288-35
Eunydd ap Gwernwy                        I7714   207-39, 836-40
Euphrosyne Castamonita                   I5441   773-36
Euphrosyne Mstislawna of_Kiev(1130-1175) I3411   1-35, 33-34, 81-34
Eustace de Guines            (-1052)     I10271  105-40, 106-38, 228-38, 335-37
Eustace FitzJohn             (-1157)     I5683   109-37, 405-36, 869-35
Eustace I de Roeux           (-1192)     I10405  118-36, 230-35, 304-35
Eustace I of Boulogne        (1004-1049) I9879   2-40, 22-40, 23-39, 37-39, 
       107-39, 228-40, 400-38, 525-39, 542-40
Eustace II le Valet          (-1186)     I10402  73-33, 118-35, 230-35
Eustace II of Boulogne       (1030-1080) I5065   2-39, 22-40, 24-38, 37-39, 
       79-38, 426-35, 525-39
Eustace_III of Boulogne      (1058-1125) I5057   2-38, 79-38, 86-37, 525-39
Eustace_IV of Boulogne       (1120-1153) I5123   199-37, 262-36, 866-37
Eustache de_Champagne                    I5122   274-35, 866-36
Eustachie d'Argenton de Chemille
                                         I5577   151-35
Eustacia                                 I4072   213-34, 397-31
Eva fil Llewellyn            (1024-)     I7715   207-39, 836-40
Eva of Luxembourg            (-1020)     I4719   249-43, 249-42, 506-41, 508-42, 
Eve                          (-1294)     I7528   887-33
Eve of_Roussillon                        I4422   97-44, 263-43, 716-43, 716-42
Everard I Radulf             (-1112)     I4683   115-36, 827-38, 828-37
Evesna                                   I5371   249-46
Evfimiya (Euphemia) of Chernigov & Kiev
                             (1095-1139) I6591   1-37, 58-38
Eystein                                  I4193   722-49
Eystein "the Severe"                     I4203   3-49
Eystein Adilsson             (594-)      I4213   3-54, 708-55
Eystein Glumra Ivarsson      (810-)      I4187   3-45, 4-46, 29-44, 722-47
