No SurnamesA: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with A (No Surnames)

                                         I14260  556-41
                                         I14233  413-41
(Daughter)                               I3098   17-42
(Miss) d' Evereux Fleitel                I14222  317-37, 387-37
(Miss) de Beaumont                       I14320  757-42
(Miss) de Botaneiata                     I14055  81-37
(Miss) de Bretagne Mayenne               I14324  758-40, 763-41
(Miss) de Brioude                        I14271  796-42
(Miss) de Humet Riviere                  I14059  852-34
(Miss) de Provence                       I14219  274-37, 743-40, 840-39
(Miss) de Tours                          I14084  30-42, 583-42, 629-44, 689-44
(Miss) von Dillengen                     I14159  16-37
(Miss) von Vliermal                      I14075  832-39
(Mr.) d' Auxerre                         I14281  797-44
Aaron ap Paen Hen                        I7708   816-39
Aba of Ribagorza                         I13980  787-44
Abigail                                  I621    1028-19
Acfrid II de Carcassonne     (-935)      I13310  733-44, 739-43
Acharda                                  I10096  690-42
Ada                          (-1266)     I3230   521-34, 918-33
Ada                                      I8553   882-37
Ada                                      I2420   843-36
Ada                                      I13522  361-44
Ada of Scotland              (-1200)     I8219   320-35
Ada of Scotland              (1146-1216) I8095   320-36, 337-36
Ada of_Huntingdon                        I3142   136-31, 143-33, 337-34, 360-32, 
       398-32, 513-33, 619-33
Adalbert                     (936-971)   I6791   96-41, 146-42, 178-41, 258-42, 
       402-41, 448-40, 526-40, 578-42, 765-41
Adalbert                     (880-923)   I6945   146-43, 258-42
Adalbert (Albert) I          (-998)      I5021   2-42, 19-41, 91-41, 284-40, 
       666-41, 675-40
Adalbert I                               I10074  840-41
Adalbert I                   (-1027)     I7083   815-41
Adalbert II                  (-1059)     I7064   761-39
Adalbert II                  (-1033)     I10134  92-42, 507-41
Adalbert II                  (-1098)     I6144   286-37, 831-36
Adalbert II                              I14135  756-46
Adalbert III                 (1030-1086) I7063   303-37, 761-38
Adalbert III                             I14157  724-43
Adalbert III                             I14148  259-42
Adalbert III                 (-1088)     I9583   223-42, 661-37, 840-40, 841-39
Adalbert III de Longwy       (1000-1048) I9630   92-40, 178-38, 286-39, 361-39, 
       507-41, 731-40
Adalbert of Tuscany                      I9363   146-43
Adalbert of_Metz             (-944)      I5335   92-45
Adalhard                                 I7386   308-45, 363-46
Adalize                      (1052-)     I13837  881-36, 883-37
Adam                                     I5977   817-38, 818-37
Ade de Pierrefonde                       I13413  769-36
Ade de Rumigny                           I13584  752-39
Adela                                    I5702   18-40, 83-39, 400-38
Adela                                    I4454   718-50
Adela                                    I10110  789-42, 797-41
Adela                                    I13846  881-38
Adela (Selvesse)                         I10432  105-37
Adela d' Eschauffon Sable                I14322  757-41
Adela of Carlat              (-1071)     I9650   298-38, 368-36, 799-36
Adela of England             (1062-1137) I7197   2-37, 18-38, 86-37, 87-37, 
       144-37, 238-39, 781-37
Adela of France                          I14196  155-40
Adela of Normandy            (897-0962)  I10818  3-43, 31-42, 97-41, 361-42, 
       689-41, 753-43
Adela of Salins                          I10209  789-45, 790-44, 791-44, 791-43
Adelaide                                 I8743   317-36, 804-35
Adelaide                                 I8741   19-38, 92-37
Adelaide                                 I4496   21-43
Adelaide                                 I6776   2-42, 19-41, 20-40, 25-41, 
       91-41, 797-41
Adelaide                                 I14305  799-39
Adelaide                     (-1141)     I7050   303-36
Adelaide                     (-1047)     I10048  20-42, 584-41, 584-40, 690-41, 
Adelaide (Adelais)           (914-967)   I4501   178-41, 309-42, 310-42, 765-42
Adelaide (Adelheid)          (824-)      I3014   129-47
Adelaide (Alix) of Maurienne (-1079)     I6680   259-39, 366-38, 527-39, 528-38, 
       630-37, 676-39, 678-38
Adelaide (Yolande) of Gueldres
                                         I6732   22-36, 72-37, 243-36, 244-36, 
       282-37, 286-38, 556-37, 827-36
Adelaide d'Ardres                        I13408  247-35, 751-34
Adelaide de Anjou                        I9793   736-43, 743-42
Adelaide de Auvergne                     I13311  733-44, 739-43
Adelaide de Breteuil-Chartres            I9481   589-38
Adelaide de Champagne        (1140-1209) I3713   18-37, 90-36, 93-36, 199-36, 
       274-34, 276-35, 781-37
Adelaide de Montferrat       (1034-1091) I5469   259-39, 262-38, 311-39, 366-38, 
       526-40, 527-39, 528-38, 529-38, 530-38, 678-38
Adelaide de Peronne                      I13519  751-38, 752-37
Adelaide de Rouergue         (-1011)     I13315  731-41, 733-42, 736-41, 740-41
Adelaide de_Clermont         (1074-)     I3664   35-37, 36-38, 98-36, 158-36, 
       321-36, 322-35, 393-35, 417-35, 418-35, 419-35, 420-35, 421-35, 422-35, 570-36, 
       644-35, 684-35, 899-36
Adelaide de_Vermandois       (915-958)   I3008   15-44, 69-43, 70-43, 310-43, 
       582-42, 706-42, 716-42
Adelaide de_Vermandois       (-975)      I4502   147-41, 309-42, 310-41, 579-41, 
       580-41, 581-41, 585-40, 765-42
Adelaide di Savona                       I10360  39-39, 366-36, 526-37
Adelaide Judith of Paris     (855-901)   I3029   305-44, 364-46, 524-46
Adelaide of Albon & Grenoble             I9678   262-39, 366-38, 527-40, 528-37, 
       630-37, 676-39, 679-36
Adelaide of Amiens                       I9414   222-43
Adelaide of Anjou            (923-)      I5340   308-41, 309-44, 577-43, 754-42
Adelaide of France           (1151-1195) I9477   18-37, 135-35, 199-36, 781-37
Adelaide of France           (993-1063)  I9966   31-41, 97-41, 131-40, 297-39, 
       312-40, 757-39
Adelaide of France                       I10979  97-48, 309-47
Adelaide of Nordgau          (-1045)     I5474   311-40, 506-41, 508-41, 509-41
Adelaide of Oltigau                      I6931   527-40
Adelaide of Orlamunda        (1045-1086) I9852   25-39, 72-38, 96-35, 118-38, 
Adelaide of Rouci            (1014-1063) I8861   21-40, 96-38, 101-39, 301-38, 
       302-37, 303-37, 304-37, 565-37, 566-37, 567-37, 568-37, 660-41, 761-37
Adelaide of Senlis                       I14001  222-43
Adelaide of Tours                        I14134  81-46
Adelaide of Zahringen        (-1079)     I9843   528-38
Adelaide of_Barcelona        (1004-1051) I7470   109-40, 157-36, 344-39, 621-38, 
       622-38, 641-37, 736-41, 740-40, 744-40, 870-40
Adelaide of_Holland          (-1284)     I4669   25-33, 115-32
Adelaide of_Namur            (1068-1124) I4680   25-38, 91-39, 96-36, 280-38, 
Adelaide of_Savoy            (1092-1154) I3706   90-36, 135-35, 137-34, 199-37, 
       246-35, 262-36, 289-38, 469-36, 470-36, 866-37
Adelais                                  I10194  789-37
Adelais                                  I10315  131-39, 757-40
Adelais (Judith) of Normandy (0990-1037) I10765  3-39, 33-39, 92-39, 96-41, 
       147-40, 178-39, 749-38
Adelais d'Anjou                          I5265   309-43, 361-40
Adelais of_Aquitaine         (-1006)     I6316   18-41, 21-41, 31-41, 97-41, 
       129-39, 130-40, 131-40, 132-40, 146-41, 297-39, 307-39, 312-40, 313-40, 361-42
Adelania                                 I6819   82-42
Adelberom of Calm                        I7024   724-40
Adelbert                     (-1195)     I7057   16-39, 281-37
Adele                                    I9905   853-40
Adele                                    I10419  21-43, 99-42
Adele                        (902-947)   I11116  829-41
Adele (Aelis) of France                  I4460   18-39
Adele (Chretienne)                       I10465  73-37, 106-38, 335-37
Adele de Amiens                          I6164   37-39, 308-39
Adele de Bar-sur-Aube        (-1053)     I9426   98-39, 584-38, 829-38
Adele de Bois Ferrand                    I14341  791-47
Adele de Cambrai             (-1046)     I13640  752-40
Adele de_Guise               (1155-)     I4673   23-35, 115-34
Adele of England                         I6376   2-45
Adele of Holland                         I9807   2-40, 22-41, 69-41, 106-40, 
       132-39, 228-40, 374-38
Adele of Mosellane                       I14111  23-37
Adele of Mosellane           (-1052)     I6985   82-40, 771-42, 772-41
Adele of Senlis              (944-)      I5338   37-39, 308-40, 754-42
Adele of Toxandrie                       I6385   2-41, 21-42, 25-41, 97-40, 
       100-41, 767-44
Adele-Alice (Aelicie) of_France
                             (1009-1079) I9419   15-41, 31-40, 33-40, 33-40, 
       72-40, 129-39, 134-39, 143-39, 144-38, 238-39, 239-39, 370-38, 378-38, 379-38, 
Adele-Hedwige of_France      (-1050)     I3727   31-39, 129-39
Adelheid                     (0884-)     I10917  765-44
Adelheid de Toulouse                     I11016  729-40, 736-43, 742-42
Adelheid of Louvain                      I5033   25-37, 311-35
Adelheid of Louvain          (-1083)     I9902   25-40, 258-40
Adelheid von Lechsgemuend    (-1111)     I5343   781-39, 782-38
Adelhelm                                 I4419   716-48
Adelicia                                 I13965  905-37
Adelicia Ostercarius                     I14007  648-32, 885-34
Adeline de_Domfront                      I4595   301-37, 568-38, 682-37, 858-38
Adelisa                                  I8992   283-38, 339-34
Adelise N                                I13410  751-36
Adeliz                                   I13963  69-36, 110-35
Adeliza                      (-1119)     I9184   703-36, 871-39, 876-37, 877-36
Adeliza a_nun                (1056-1065) I2591   144-38, 238-39
Adeliza of Normandy          (1030-1081) I8882   2-40, 22-39, 83-38, 108-38, 
       132-37, 144-39, 159-35, 400-38
Adeliza of_Louvain           (1103-1151) I3390   4-39, 25-38, 49-38, 87-35, 
       96-34, 119-37, 238-38
Adelja                                   I7656   720-41
Adils Ottarsson              (572-)      I4214   3-55, 708-55
Adolph                                   I5040   25-36
Aed Find "the_White"                     I4356   709-50
Aedan                        (-608)      I4362   709-56
Aedgifu of England           (-951)      I3032   2-44, 20-41, 74-45, 248-44
Aedh                                     I3217   709-47
Aelfgar                      (-1062)     I3503   1-38, 14-41, 17-41, 650-39
Aelfgifu                                 I3504   1-38, 14-41, 17-41, 650-39
Aelflaed                                 I4640   22-38, 108-39
Aelfthryth (Elfrida) of Devon(-1000)     I3086   17-43, 37-40
Aelfthryth (Ethelwida) of_Wessex
                             (877-929)   I10919  2-46, 15-45, 68-45, 582-42
Aelgert                                  I6979   528-36, 679-37
Aelia of Soisson             (-1047)     I10045  584-40, 690-40
Aelide Walcourt                          I14093  23-35
Aelis                                    I4406   310-43, 716-43
Aelis (Adelaide) de Chalons              I14273  796-41
Aelis de Roucy                           I10184  38-39, 584-40, 690-39
Aelis of Soissons            (-1066)     I10177  38-39, 690-38
Aelis of_Tours_and_Alsace    (819-866)   I4408   97-43, 716-44
Aenor                        (-1060)     I10022  151-40
Aethelflaed                              I4169   13-42
Aethelfrith                              I4164   13-44
Aethelgifu                               I4167   13-43
Aethelgyth                               I4163   13-45
Aethelhelm                   (859-898)   I4162   13-45
Aethelhelm                               I9322   2-45, 20-41, 74-45, 506-44
Aethelmaer Ciel "the Great"  (-1016)     I4170   13-41
Aethelred Mucil              (825-)      I3157   2-46
Aethelred_I                  (-843)      I3156   2-47, 13-46
Aethelthrith                             I4171   13-41
Aethelwerd_I "the Historian"             I4168   13-42
Aethelwulf                   (-903)      I4165   13-45
Afranius Syagrius                        I4887   714-58
Agatha                       (-1074)     I9525   144-38, 238-39, 496-41
Agatha                                   I5594   149-35
Agatha (Getha)                           I7741   37-38, 168-37, 225-40, 622-37
Agatha of Augsburg           (-1066)     I3074   79-40, 257-39, 366-36
Agatha of Lorraine                       I5453   5-35, 19-37, 92-37
Agnes                        (-1253)     I8503   882-36
Agnes                        (-1582)     I1915   998-18
Agnes                                    I859    990-21
Agnes                        (-1291)     I8060   414-30, 927-31
Agnes                                    I10356  820-37
Agnes                        (1519-)     I9482   1017-17
Agnes                        (-1299)     I5909   189-32
Agnes                        (1171-1240) I14348  90-36, 199-36
Agnes                                    I14415  770-36
Agnes                                    I2334   994-19
Agnes                                    I4534   38-34, 500-35
Agnes                        (1112-1198) I6332   37-34, 169-35
Agnes                        (-1308)     I9851   194-36, 467-35, 478-31
Agnes                        (-1550)     I4750   982-22
Agnes                        (1610-)     I1600   1027-20, 1028-19
Agnes                                    I1844   986-19, 1056-18
Agnes                        (1108-)     I5661   158-34, 423-35
Agnes                                    I4759   982-28
Agnes                                    I5302   83-36, 120-36, 265-36
Agnes                        (1049-1143) I10771  296-39, 506-39
Agnes (Annis)                (1617-1681) I14593  1049-14
Agnes (Lucy) of Essex        (1151-1194) I5176   61-37, 155-34, 418-34
Agnes de Baudement           (1130-1202) I13368  72-34, 129-34, 246-35, 504-34
Agnes de Beaujeu             (-1231)     I13347  18-34
Agnes de Bourgogne           (-1068)     I13653  792-40
Agnes de Burgh                           I10887  482-37, 911-37
Agnes de Poitou              (1020-1077) I13610  792-40
Agnes de Vermandois                      I8781   98-38, 129-37
Agnes de_Chatillon           (1153-1184) I3604   1-34, 9-33, 23-33, 33-34, 
       137-32, 769-35
Agnes de_Sully                           I3999   18-38, 87-37
Agnes of Andechs-Meranien    (1180-1201) I3717   25-35, 90-35
Agnes of Aquitaine           (1052-1078) I3981   496-41, 560-39
Agnes of Aquitaine           (-1089)     I6766   259-39, 361-39, 527-39
Agnes of Aquitaine           (1024-1077) I10755  16-41, 259-38, 296-39, 361-40, 
       506-39, 530-38, 561-38, 562-38, 664-38
Agnes of Burgundy            (995-1068)  I6710   96-41, 135-38, 178-40, 286-39, 
       296-40, 361-40, 449-39, 506-39, 559-39, 560-39, 626-39
Agnes of Chester             (1174-1247) I3984   143-34, 218-34, 254-33, 325-33, 
       394-33, 483-33, 642-35, 646-30
Agnes of Cornwall            (1018-)     I5584   34-39
Agnes of Groitzsch-Rochlitz              I8799   90-35
Agnes of Hainaut             (-1168)     I13427  72-35, 129-34, 282-37, 504-34
Agnes of Ponthieu            (-1103)     I5082   274-37, 375-36, 589-38, 694-37
Agnes of Savoy               (1105-1183) I9608   262-37, 289-38, 291-35, 533-36, 
       557-37, 784-36
Agnes of_Saxony              (1074-1143) I5463   5-36, 259-37, 530-38
Agnes von Mels                           I10147  799-38
Agni Dagsson                 (424-)      I4223   708-61
Aimeri I                     (-1105)     I9647   3-38, 41-38
Aimeri II                    (-1134)     I9251   3-38, 41-37, 904-36
Aimon I                      (1050-1128) I9684   262-39, 528-36, 528-35, 531-38, 
       679-35, 850-34
Airald V                                 I14276  839-41
al-Mu'tamid, Emir of Seville (1045-)     I10946  496-41
Alain Cagniart               (-1058)     I6429   267-38, 546-39
Alain I "le Grand" de Bretagne
                                         I8106   546-44
Alain II                                 I7919   122-34
Alan                                     I5979   846-38
Alan de Englefield, Sir                  I14172  825-36
Alan of Galloway             (-1234)     I12173  78-35, 143-32, 252-34, 254-34, 
       399-31, 423-32, 599-34
Alan_III of_Brittany         (997-1040)  I4913   34-40, 84-39, 148-39, 266-38, 
       267-38, 406-38, 546-38
Alan_IV "Fergent"            (1067-1119) I4921   27-37, 122-36, 267-37, 356-35, 
       501-37, 546-38, 893-36
Alasia de_Saluzzo            (1271-1292) I4018   61-32, 71-32, 84-29, 120-33, 
       235-31, 236-31, 272-28, 896-33
Alberada of Burgundy         (-1122)     I6464   3-39, 33-38, 40-38, 59-37, 
Alberge                                  I4920   27-37, 135-37, 267-37
Alberic                                  I13592  769-38
Alberic (Aubri) II of Macon  (-981)      I6346   27-39, 96-41, 293-41, 294-41
Alberic I                    (1110-1183) I7223   136-36, 264-35, 820-36, 825-35
Alberic I                                I9370   96-41, 294-43
Alberic I                                I14335  789-45
Alberich                     (698-)      I5374   249-49
Albert                                   I14063  286-37
Albert                                   I14162  725-46
Albert                       (-1162)     I5030   96-36, 280-38
Albert I                     (-1003)     I7078   725-43
Albert II                    (1000-1063) I6531   19-41, 91-40, 258-41, 525-41, 
       675-40, 688-40
Albert III                   (1030-1102) I6446   23-36, 91-39, 96-36, 279-38, 
       280-38, 286-37, 576-41, 675-40, 687-41, 688-40
Albert of Geneva             (-931)      I7090   730-44
Albert of Geneva                         I6976   262-40, 730-41
Alberto Azzo I               (970-1029)  I6937   259-41
Albert_I the_Pious           (917-0987)  I10874  2-44, 20-42, 310-43, 584-42, 
       716-42, 797-41
Albreda                                  I7956   809-36
Albreda                                  I5843   48-37, 919-38, 920-37
Albreda of France            (930-973)   I10006  20-43, 96-42, 96-40, 178-40, 
       248-44, 293-42, 294-41
Alcwn ap Tegid                           I5221   472-50
Alda, a Frank                            I6907   687-44
Aldara of San Massimo                    I10121  798-40
Aldegarde of Burgundy        (1033-1120) I9531   122-36, 135-38, 223-40, 560-39, 
Aldgyth                                  I5960   817-38, 818-38
Aldred                       (-1038)     I5959   817-39, 818-38
Aldred of_Bernicia                       I4641   22-38, 108-40
Alearde d'Aunay                          I5101   151-42, 410-41
Alexander FitzGerold                     I14103  656-33
Alexander II                 (1198-1249) I8224   34-34, 129-33, 320-35
Alexander_I the_Fierce       (1077-1124) I9438   79-39, 238-38, 257-39
Alexis_I Comnenus            (1048-1118) I5444   773-38
Alfano                                   I14298  798-40
Alfflaed                     (878-919)   I3125   2-45, 16-44, 20-41, 74-45, 
Alfflaed (Aelfgifu)          (-1002)     I3066   14-41, 17-42, 78-41, 79-41
Alfgifu                                  I11578  17-42, 78-41, 256-40
Alfhild Gandoldottier                    I3866   1-49, 4-48
Alfonso                      (1273-1284) I3291   174-32, 262-31
Alfonso de Molino            (1203-1272) I3704   39-34, 178-33
Alfonso I of Aragon          (-1134)     I13544  380-37
Alfonso I of Portugal        (1110-1185) I4557   39-36, 42-35, 89-34, 496-39, 
Alfonso II Alfonsez "el Casto"
                             (1174-1269) I10694  3-34, 232-35, 299-32, 459-35
Alfonso II Raimundez         (1152-1196) I10699  3-35, 43-34, 178-36, 223-38, 
       288-34, 299-32, 459-35
Alfonso IX "the Slobberer" of Leon
                             (1166-1229) I3702   38-35, 39-34, 41-34, 42-35, 
       174-33, 175-33, 178-33, 199-33
Alfonso VII de Le�n-Castile  (1105-1157) I13324  3-37, 3-35, 39-35, 42-36, 
       68-38, 178-36, 179-35, 199-36, 227-38, 227-37, 380-37, 458-35, 459-35, 506-37
Alfonso_V of Leon            (994-1028)  I4569   227-43, 496-42, 787-43
Alfonso_VI                   (1039-1109) I4563   135-39, 144-38, 178-37, 238-39, 
       380-38, 496-41, 551-38, 560-39, 787-42, 788-41
Alfonso_VIII                 (1155-1214) I3394   39-34, 84-34, 90-34, 135-35, 
       178-34, 227-37, 269-33, 460-33
Alfonso_X the_Wise           (1221-1284) I3343   174-33
Alfred "the Great"           (-899)      I6361   2-46, 14-45, 15-45, 68-45
Alfred Athling               (-1036)     I3080   17-42, 37-40
Algert                                   I6981   528-36, 679-38
Algout Gautreksson                       I4210   3-51
Alianor of_Lancaster         (-1371)     I11710  4-30, 38-32, 44-29, 52-30, 
       61-31, 108-28, 185-28, 186-28, 203-31, 205-30
Alianore                                 I2430   843-34
Alianore de Castile          (1244-1290) I12030  3-29, 4-32, 44-32, 168-30, 
       174-32, 199-33, 262-31, 444-31, 445-31, 537-30
Alianore de_Provence         (1223-1291) I3329   2-31, 3-33, 5-31, 44-32, 
       174-32, 180-33, 232-35, 262-32
Alice                                    I5730   83-31
Alice                                    I9056   121-33, 822-34
Alice                        (1516-1587) I14694  1027-21
Alice                        (-1264)     I9208   14-35, 65-34, 219-33, 389-31
Alice                        (1223-)     I14767  936-32
Alice                        (-1608)     I1997   1000-21
Alice                                    I1699   1039-17
Alice                        (-1565)     I2011   995-22
Alice                        (-1587)     I4741   1001-21
Alice                        (-1420)     I2390   987-28
Alice                                    I7530   887-34
Alice                        (1254-)     I14636  971-30
Alice                                    I2381   987-24
Alice                        (-1309)     I8865   933-34
Alice                        (-1402)     I6642   9-29, 953-28
Alice                                    I2753   778-24, 964-23
Alice                        (-1654)     I1678   57-20, 57-19, 940-22, 1006-23, 
Alice                        (1279-1291) I3295   174-32, 262-31
Alice                                    I8891   935-31
Alice                                    I5726   83-30
Alice Bellew Verney                      I14058  852-33
Alice de Blemeis                         I4930   226-38, 267-35, 889-39
Alice of Chester             (1094-)     I7641   143-36, 158-36, 393-35, 420-35, 
Alice of Paris                           I9400   98-38, 129-37
Alice of_France              (1170-)     I3714   90-36, 199-35, 274-34, 276-35, 
Alice of_Normandy                        I4064   143-38, 226-41
Alice of_Northumberland                  I4015   22-37, 108-38, 170-36, 243-36, 
Alicia de Romelli FITZGEROLD             I14104  656-33
Alienor or Hardouine                     I13670  151-43
Alina                                    I8895   935-34
Aline                                    I8897   158-36, 322-35
Aline                                    I3922   48-29, 61-32, 84-27, 204-31
Aline                        (1185-)     I14865  939-37
Alix                         (1110-1131) I3614   33-36, 293-37, 769-35
Alix (Adelaide) of Burgundy              I6831   20-44, 21-43, 99-42, 767-44
Alix d'Avesnes               (-1317)     I8360   25-32
Alix de Beaumont-sur-Vingeanne et d'Autrey
                                         I7623   783-36, 807-35
Alix de Dreux                            I13370  246-35
Alix de Dreux                (-1217)     I13340  129-34, 246-34
Alix de Namur                (1115-1169) I13418  72-36, 91-38, 93-37, 129-34, 
       245-35, 282-37, 286-37
Alix de_Crepi                            I4397   18-39
Alix of Lorraine             (-1200)     I4012   89-35, 783-34
Almode de la Haute Marche    (990-1073)  I3405   3-38, 223-41, 377-38, 412-38, 
       736-39, 743-40, 747-39, 840-39
Almode de Limoges            (-1007)     I10075  840-41
Almode de Toulouse           (-1132)     I9540   743-39, 840-39
Almos                        (1068-1129) I5234   81-36, 530-36
Alof Ragnarsdottir                       I7788   1-48, 5-47
Alonso of Navarre            (-1150)     I9739   227-39, 659-40
Alored                                   I7963   148-36, 853-37
Alpaid                       (794-)      I7345   129-47
Alpaide (Alpais)             (810-)      I10940  129-47
Alpaide de Gougaerde Rumigny             I14332  674-41
Alphonse                     (-1271)     I3697   90-34, 269-32
Alpin                        (-837)      I3219   709-48
Alpsius?                                 I6377   17-43
Alrek Agnason                (466-)      I4220   708-60
Althelreda of_Dunbar                     I4627   78-39, 251-38, 257-38, 491-39
Alvaro Rodriguez de Asturias             I14249  795-41
Alvidis                                  I14204  344-38, 413-38
Alwara                       (0955-)     I9933   14-43
Amabel                                   I14445  251-36, 491-39, 699-32
Amabilia                                 I5293   399-30, 671-34
Amadeo I                                 I6705   262-39, 366-38, 527-40, 528-37, 
       676-39, 679-36
Amadeo I                     (1100-1178) I6466   303-33, 528-34, 679-35, 850-34
Amadeo IV                    (1197-1253) I4025   71-35, 89-35, 232-36, 275-34, 
Amadeus                      (-827)      I9361   146-45
Amadeus II                   (1046-1080) I6678   259-39, 262-38, 289-38, 527-38
Amadeus III                  (1088-1148) I9579   39-37, 262-37, 289-37, 496-39, 
Amaury                                   I14232  413-41
Amaury VI de Montfort                    I14317  85-31
Amelia                       (-1010)     I10018  839-40
Amelia of Aulnay             (-1072)     I9585   377-38, 736-39, 743-40, 840-40, 
Amelie Arques                            I14186  851-39
Ameline                                  I13546  151-38, 792-37
Ameline                                  I10886  898-37, 915-35
Ameline                      (-1065)     I10349  85-39
Amice                                    I6584   169-33, 786-34
Amice de_Montfort                        I3936   22-35, 98-37, 108-36, 168-35, 
       316-36, 434-34, 435-34, 436-34, 591-35, 592-35, 662-36
Amicia of Gloucester         (1160-1225) I7572   148-33, 168-33, 322-33, 347-34, 
       420-33, 437-32, 662-36
Aminiana (Munia)                         I14048  729-40, 736-43, 738-43
Anarawd ap Rhodri            (857-)      I3551   472-44, 713-45
Anastasia Agmunda of Kiev Yaroslavna
                             (1023-)     I7993   8-40, 720-40
Ancitel                      (970-)      I6325   753-43
Andelicia                                I9149   820-34, 905-35
Andre II                     (-1211)     I7261   911-36
Andrew I of Hungary          (1001-)     I7311   261-39
Andrew_II                    (1176-1235) I3412   1-33, 10-32, 33-34, 43-33, 
Andronicus Angelus                       I5440   773-36
Andronicus Ducas                         I5446   773-39
Andronikos I Komnenos        (1123-1185) I6290   90-36, 199-36
Anfrica of Scotland                      I8221   35-33, 160-32, 320-34
Angharad                                 I3090   34-34, 207-36
Angharad                                 I3523   207-36
Angharad Ferch Llewelyn                  I3542   650-42, 701-41
Angharad Ferch Maredudd      (982-)      I3538   14-40, 62-41, 207-40, 208-40, 
       209-40, 650-40
Angharad of Flint                        I7683   207-38, 208-37, 209-38, 472-38, 
Angharad Verch Hywel         (920-)      I10781  650-43, 651-41, 700-42, 728-43
Angharad Verch Iago          (948-)      I10889  651-41, 700-41, 750-40
Angharad Verch Meurig        (825-)      I7338   472-45, 650-44, 713-45
Ann                          (1595-1669) I840    990-15
Ann                          (1603-)     I2133   935-20
Ann                          (1605-1636) I9557   1062-19
Ann                          (1552-1595) I14607  1031-16
Ann                          (1632-1717) I1835   447-18, 1057-18
Anna                         (1504-)     I14709  1032-17
Anna                         (1600-1664) I269    1059-14
Anna                         (886-914)   I4471   129-43, 748-43
Anna of Germany                          I6485   81-35, 259-38, 530-37
Anna of Kiev Yaroslavna      (1024-)     I8002   8-40, 720-40
Anna of Zahringen                        I7046   16-38, 815-38
Anna Porphyrogenita                      I7662   720-41
Annabelle                                I2050   986-25
Anne                                     I1830   1057-20
Anne                                     I8808   874-14, 1033-15
Anne                         (-1541)     I14569  1029-17
Anne                         (1192-1242) I8203   71-35, 89-35, 275-34, 914-34
Anne                                     I9440   7-21, 1007-23, 1021-20, 1041-20
Anne de Leon                 (-1092)     I4928   267-36, 893-37
Anne of Essex                            I6231   60-27, 868-28
Anne of Russia               (1036-1075) I8789   8-40, 31-40, 58-40, 59-39, 
       98-38, 129-38, 154-37, 197-39, 198-38, 576-39
Anne of_Gloucester           (1383-1438) I10690  9-27, 12-25, 52-29, 60-25, 
       103-27, 103-26, 157-27, 188-25
Ansbertus "the Senator"                  I4882   714-55
Anscar                       (-898)      I9362   146-44
Anschitil                                I4066   143-38, 226-41
Ansculf                      (1014-)     I3925   194-40
Anselm                       (-966)      I6932   527-40
Anselme                                  I6930   527-40
Anselme Candavaine           (-1164)     I5121   274-35, 866-36
Anselmo di Ceva                          I9968   896-37
Anselmo di Savona                        I9912   39-39, 526-38
Ansfrid the Dane             (-978)      I6380   30-41, 629-43
Ansgarde of_Burgundy                     I3026   524-46
Ansgise                                  I4877   97-52, 714-52
Ansur Perez                              I14253  796-39
Antonia                                  I4120   711-47
Anund (Jacob) of Sweden Olafsson
                                         I7745   8-41, 711-41
Aragonta Pelaez                          I10698  787-45
Archambaud                   (-1083)     I9542   842-39
Archambaud IV                            I14191  27-37
Archimbert                               I14307  799-37
Ardern                                   I8930   710-55
Ardogia (Arlogia) of Russia              I3927   148-38, 321-35
Ardoino III Glabrione                    I6938   526-42
Ardolph                                  I10270  22-41, 106-40, 228-38
Arembourge de Vergy          (-1060)     I9715   135-39, 796-40
Aremburga                                I7950   361-43
Aremburge                                I13552  151-44
Aremburge (Asceline)                     I10742  151-42, 377-39, 410-41
Arengarde de Mauleon                     I13614  151-39, 377-37, 411-38, 412-38, 
Argloes                                  I8949   713-51
Argyra Skleraina                         I9325   1-37, 58-39
Aribert_I of Obotrites                   I4125   711-50
Aripert_I                                I4131   711-54
Aripert_II                               I4129   711-52
Arnald I of Bigorre                      I14153  731-43
Arnold                                   I7848   644-38, 851-36
Arnold I                     (-1135)     I6173   286-35, 832-36, 833-36
Arnold I de Conserans        (-957)      I13313  129-40, 733-43, 739-43
Arnoldus                                 I4881   714-54
Arnold_I "the_Old"           (885-964)   I4008   15-44, 68-45, 69-43, 70-43, 
       310-43, 582-42, 706-42
Arnold_II                    (-1106)     I5031   96-37, 280-38
Arnoul                                   I3118   589-38
Arnould II                   (-1220)     I13338  24-33, 247-34, 751-34
Arnould IV de Marcq                      I13407  247-35, 751-34
Arnulf of Bavaria                        I7399   576-44
Arnulf of Sens                           I7341   129-47
Arnulf_II "the_Young" of Flanders
                             (961-987)   I10814  15-42, 145-39, 146-42, 146-41, 
       258-42, 263-40, 706-42
Arnulph "the Bad"            (-937)      I6862   308-45, 363-46, 576-44
Arpad of Hungary                         I7297   261-43
Arsenda de Carcassonne       (-968)      I13312  129-40, 733-43, 739-43
Arsende                                  I10313  762-39
Arsendis                                 I10798  377-40, 410-40
Arsendis (Ersendis)          (-989)      I10077  840-40
Arsinde of Anjou                         I9663   309-43, 743-41
Artaid_V                                 I4652   31-37, 805-37
Artaud                                   I9427   39-38, 366-37
Artela of Macon                          I14336  789-45
Artela of Macon                          I9368   96-41, 294-43
Arthemia                                 I4895   97-56
Aruodeu                                  I8951   713-50
Asa                          (743-)      I11008  3-48, 28-47
Asa Eysteinsdottir                       I4202   3-49
Aseda Rognvaldsdottir        (812-)      I10932  3-45, 4-46, 29-44
Aslaug Sigurdsdottir         (755-)      I7794   1-48, 5-47
Asritha                                  I9237   62-41, 650-41
Asta Gudbrandsdottir                     I8097   5-42, 8-39, 721-43
Asthin ap Sitsyllt                       I8966   713-48
Astrid of the Obotrites      (979-)      I7746   8-41, 58-40, 711-41, 720-40
Astrid Olafsdottir                       I7629   8-41
Athelstan                                I3088   17-42
Athelstan                                I3160   2-48
Athelstan                    (-939)      I3123   2-45
Athelstan                                I3152   2-47
Athelstan Mannesson          (0925-)     I9921   14-43
Atila                                    I14339  789-47
Aubrey_II de Danmartin       (1135-1200) I7137   24-34, 136-35, 199-34, 264-35, 
       385-34, 386-34, 387-34, 545-34, 825-35
Aubri of Gastinois                       I13933  27-40, 294-40, 581-40
Aubri-Geoffrey of the Gatinais
                             (1000-1046) I4509   27-38, 154-37, 294-40, 581-40
Aubri_I of Blois                         I4453   718-49
Aubri_II of Blois                        I4452   20-47, 718-48
Aubry de Montjay             (-1139)     I13523  33-35, 769-36
Auchilia of Burgundy                     I10091  259-39, 527-40, 528-37, 676-39
Audr Ivarsdottir of_Am       (633-)      I3869   1-51
Audun Skokul Biornsson                   I7770   5-45
Augilbert                                I9553   97-48, 307-47
Aumary I of Chastellerault   (1076-1157) I7774   135-36, 411-37, 839-38, 842-37
Aupais                       (654-)      I11025  97-51
Aupais                                   I4704   97-48, 305-47, 308-47, 572-46
Ava                          (769-)      I10969  129-46, 715-47
Ava de Ribagorza                         I13297  732-45, 735-43, 737-44
Avelina                                  I13849  36-36, 417-34, 882-38
Avelina FitzJohn             (1238-1274) I4079   24-31, 98-32, 160-31, 329-31, 
       409-31, 430-30
Aveline                                  I8745   49-38, 420-34
Avendrig of Powys            (984-)      I7699   472-40, 780-38
Avenelle de Montfort         (-1031)     I13591  769-39
Avice                                    I6006   923-33
Avice                                    I6107   157-34, 414-33
Avice (Agnes)                            I14400  770-33
Avice de Lancaster           (-1190)     I4635   78-36, 318-36, 599-35
Awelina of Sweden                        I14194  155-41
Awelina of Sweden            (974-)      I9938   315-41, 316-40
Aymer                                    I7282   352-35
Aymer "Taillefer" de_Valence (1165-1202) I3299   137-34, 180-33, 262-34, 377-32, 
       498-34, 661-35
Aymon                        (-1016)     I9685   262-40, 528-36, 730-40
Azeline                      (1020-)     I14792  339-36, 620-35, 646-34
Azo II of Este               (997-1097)  I7278   15-40, 510-39
_____                                    I5557   1003-22
_____                                    I1439   1067-13
_____                        (-1662)     I1780   1013-19
_____                                    I2729   7-40
_____                        (1540-)     I2198   7-22
_____ de Bretagne                        I2261   546-45
_____ de_Rennes              (845-)      I4179   3-43, 753-44
_____ of_Throndheim                      I4190   3-45, 4-47, 722-47
