Cecil County Land Record Book, Liber HHM, Number 9, Folio 48

Cecil County Land Record Book, Liber HHM, Number 9, Folio 48

This Deed made this Twentieth day of February in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty seven, by Daniel Arbuckle Junior of the City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania, Witnesseth, that in consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand dollars, the said Daniel Arbuckle Junior doth grant unto Hiram McCullough of Cecil County Maryland In fee. All that Farm tract or parcel of Land lying and being in Cecil County aforesaid, composed of a part of a tract called "Castle Finn" a tract called "Gardner's Gift" a tract called "New Munster" "Evan's Success" and "Less Room" and part of a tract called "Fox Den" now known as the "White Hall Farm" and which is contained within the following metes and bounds courses and distances to Wit. Beginning In the same at a large pile of stones being a corner of Land of Thomas Tong and running thence with said Tong's Land and land of George Earle South seventy nine degrees West, one hundred and sixty nine perches to a Stone, thence North Eleven degrees East one hundred and seventy nine perches with land of James Valentine and Nicholas Hiss to two stones thence South seventy six and one half degrees East forty six and one half perches West of the Elkton & Fair Hill Road, thence South two and three quarters degrees East twenty one and one quarter perches to two stones on the East side of said Road, thence South seventy Eight and three quarters degrees East forty perches to a stone thence North seventy seven and one half degrees East one hundred and sixteen perches to a stone near the West side of a Rim(?), South sixty six and one half degrees East sixteen perches, thence South forty nine and one half degrees East thirty two perches, thence South thirteen and one half degrees East twenty three perches, thence South twenty six and one half degrees East fourteen perches, then South forty one degrees East twenty six perches, thence South forty nine and one half degrees East seventeen perches, thence South forty one and one half degrees West nineteen perches, thence South sixty two and one half degrees West twenty and one half perches to the Land of Thomas Tong aforesaid, thence by a straight line to the place of Beginning. Containing two hundred and seventeen and one half acres of Land more or less. And the said Daniel Arbuckle covenants that he will warrant specially the property conveyed. And the said Daniel Arbuckle covenants that he will execute such further assurances as may be reqiusite {sic}.

Witness My hand and seal

Daniel Arbuckle Jr

Test Wm Hanes

State of Maryland

Cecil County, To Wit

I hereby certify, that on this twentieth day of February in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty seven before the subscriber a Justice of the peace of the State of Maryland in and for Cecil County, personally appeared Daniel Arbuckle and acknowledged the foregoing Deed to be his act.

Wm Hanes

Recorded August 18th, 1857 and Examined

Delivered Daniel Arbuckle Sept 23rd 1857 Per H. H. Mitchell Clk

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