DNA Kraus Project

The Kraus DNA Project

This page was begun 28 June 2003; last modified on 21 December 2004 -- rak.

On 28 June 2003,  I established a Kraus family project with Family Tree DNA.

I am especially interested in the participation of any male bearing the name and bloodline of Kraus(e) who is descended from Krauses who lived in German villages on the Volga.  But any Kraus(e) is welcome to join.  Using this technology we can establish some relationships, or disprove relationships, in situations where the documentary evidence is missing or misleading.

If you want to consider joining this project and providing a DNA sample, please go to http://www.familytreedna.com/surname_det.asp?group=Kraus and fill out the request form.  I will be in touch with you shortly after that.

As of 21 December 2004, sixteen kits have been sent out, completed and returned to the lab.  The lab has completed at least initial analysis of fifteen.  

We get two primary types of results.  One will teach us the most ancient movements of our male ancestors starting back over 100,000 years ago and coming down to about 10,000 years ago!  The second will teach us more recent relationships in the past few thousand or hundred years.  As results are available they will be posted on this site under ancient story and recent story below.

To better understand the results, one needs a bit of background regarding DNA analysis.  If you do not already have that, some is offered on this site.   I have tried to keep the explanation as straightforward as possible without being misleading.  If you find errors in the presentation, I would very much appreciate your letting me know at the e-mail address given above.


For the background, click it.  For the ancient story, click it.  For the more recent story, click it.

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