Descendants of Jesse Self of Walker County, GA
- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Y
SELFFaye L. (1914 - )Flora Jane (1888 - 1900)Florida E. (1858 - )Frances (1870 - )Frances (1896 - 1954)Frances C. (1870 - )Frances Lorene (1919 - 1967)Francis T. (1826 - )Freddye Beatrice (1920 - 1996)Garland Otis (~1904 - )George Franklin (1911 - 1984)Henry Alonzo (1884 - )Henry Herman Jefferson (1900 - 1983)Henry Pickford (1854 - 1929)Ida M. (1886 - 1900)J. B. (1915 - 1993)J. D. (1920 - )JackJames Chappell (1907 - 1970)James L. (1860 - )James R. (1860 - 1934)James Thomas (1904 - 1973)James Thomas (~1917 - )James William (1887 - 1915)Jesse (1893 - )Jesse (1782 - 1868)Jesse A. (1840 - )Jesse Franklin (1832 - 1877)Jessie Belle (1902 - 1974)Jewell O. Thelma (1908 - 1981)Jo Anner (1900 - 1900)John (1859 - )John F. M. (1834 - <1860)John N. (1813 - >1860)John R. (~1878 - )John T. (1900 - 1900)John Thomas (1894 - 1970)Joseph L. (1843 - 1861)Joseph L. (1824 - 1899)Joseph Robert (1878 - )Josephina (1919 - )Josie (1895 - )JudsonKatheryneKelly Rosco (1896 - 1954)Laura C. (1852 - 1923)Lela M. (1908 - 1974)Leon (1911 - )Lloyd (1914 - )Lola Isabel (1914 - 1983)Lonnie (1909 - )Lou Ellen (1874 - )Lula Myrtle (1900 - )Madge (1913 - )Madison (1871 - )Maggie (1897 - )Margaret Ellen (1864 - 1951)Marie (1911 - 1984)Martha A. (1868 - )Martha Ann (1852 - 1932)Martha Beulah (1895 - 1918)Martha Jane (1836 - 1903)Martha K. (1853 - )Mary (1853 - )Mary Alice (1821 - >1888)Mary Frances (1886 - 1982)Mary Lou (1854 - 1927)Mary Louise (1897 - )Mary M. (1846 - )Mary Margaret L. (1854 - )Matilda A. M. (1850 - )MattieMattie Lee (1898 - )Mattie Mae (1896 - 1979)Maude Neil (1920 - 1980)Melvin P. (1845 - )Melvin Thomas (1905 - 1992)Mildred J. (1911 - )Minnie (1880 - 1880)Nancy J. (1852 - )Nancy L. (1859 - )Nancy Priscilla (1816 - 1895)Nancy Susan (1881 - 1958)Ora Mae (1896 - 1990)Orester Lee (1900 - 1973)Oscar A. (~1875 - )Pearl Edna (1911 - >1981)Robert Lee (1871 - 1938)Robert S. (1891 - 1959)Roxanna Diana (1866 - 1953)Roxanna Faye (1909 - 1996)Roy Dennis Sr. (1894 - 1984)Russell (1890 - 1890)Sarah A. (1850 - 1931)
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Created 26 Feb 2000 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.