Twelfth Generation18192. Emma Isabelle KIRLIN was born on 27 April 1929 in Bridgeport, Morrill, Nebraska. She Volunteer between 1967 and 1997 in Broadwater, Morrill, Nebraska. Curly has been the Librarian of the Broadwater Public Library for 30 years. She was ill with Migranes. Emma was ill with Menears Disease. Curly suffers with Menears disease (inner ear inbalance) She was ill with Heart. Curly had a pace maker installed in 1993. She was also known as Curly. Curly had a pace maker installed in 1993. Curly was born in Grandma Emma O'Nele Hedglin's house in Bridgeport, Nebraska. Emma Isabelle KIRLIN and Dale Dee ABEL were married on 6 May 1945 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming. Dale Dee ABEL was born on 2 January 1927 in Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Between 1945 and 1980 he was a Farmer in Wyoming, Otoe, Nebraska. He died on 17 May 1996 at the age of 69 in Bridgeport, Morrill, Nebraska. This is a quote from the local newspaper after Dee's death. A Special Tribute to the "Pepsi Kid" As an east bound Union Pacific freight train passed the Abel home Saturday morning, a bouquet of flowers was dropped out and then soft whistles were sounded as a tribute to a friend, Dale Abel, who had died the day before. Succeeding freights likewise sounded the subdued whistles. Dee's funeral was more a celebration of his life than a sad farewell. The local firefighters paraded their trucks to the funeral. Parrish, a grandson, gave the firemans prayer. After the service, balloons were released flooding the sky. He Volunteer adult life in Nebraska. Dee was a member of the Messiah Lutheran Church at Broadwater, Nebraska, and former member of the Church Council. He was a member of the Broadwater Volunteer Fire Department for 30 plus years and was fire chief for 5 years. He belonged to F.O.E Aerie #2813 at Bridgeport, Nebraska. He was a former Cub Scout Master, former 4-H leader and former board member of School District $8. He was also known as The Pepsi Kid. Dee was a member of the Messiah Lutheran Church at Broadwater, Nebraska, and former member of the Church Council. He was a member of the Broadwater Volunteer Fire Department for 30 plus years and was fire chief for 5 years. He belonged to F.O.E Aerie #2813 at Bridgeport, Nebraska. He was a former Cub Scout Master, former 4-H leader and former board member of School District $8. Emma Isabelle KIRLIN-9755 and Dale Dee ABEL-9766 had the following children: