Tenth Generation8985. George CAMPBELL455 was born in 1874 in Monongahela, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 He appeared in the census on 4 June 1880 in Monongahela, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 6, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: George Campbell. He appeared in the census on 19 April 1910 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 36, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a coal miner and he had been married 9 years. His household included his wife Maud, 26, and children Adellia, 7, and Charles E., 2. Name on census: George Campbell. George CAMPBELL and Maud were married about 1901 in Pennsylvania.455 Maud455 was born about 1884 in Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 19 April 1910 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 26, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She had been married 9 years and had 3 children, only 2 still alive. She was living with husband George and their 2 children. Name on census: Maud Campbell. George CAMPBELL-71093 and Maud -71100 had the following children: