Twelfth Generation16220. Manilla Josephine QUINN455 was born on 23 October 1918 in Washington County, Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 17 April 1940 in Akron, Summit, Ohio. Age 21, born Pennsylvania, living with husband Charles, 23, and sons Larry, 1, and Jerry, 3 months. Name on census: Manilla Allshouse. She died on 21 July 1999 at the age of 80 in Akron, Summit, Ohio.455 Manilla Josephine QUINN and Charles Edward ALLSHOUSE Jr. were married about 1937 in Wood County, West Virginia.455,719 [There is a record in the West Virginia Marriage Index that says Charles and Manilla were married in 1960. If this is true, and it is not a transcription error, then someone else is the mother of the children.] Charles Edward ALLSHOUSE Jr.455, son of Charles Edward ALLSHOUSE and Annie Elsie NOLAND, was born on 4 August 1917 in Akron, Summit, Ohio.455 He appeared in the census on 10 January 1920 in Akron, Summit, Ohio. Age 2 years 6 months, born Ohio, parents born Ohio, living with parents. Name on census: Charles E. Allshouse. He appeared in the census on 10 April 1930 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio. Age 14, born Ohio, parents born Ohio, living with parents. Name on census: Charles E. Allshouse. Charles appeared in the census on 17 April 1940 in Akron, Summit, Ohio. Age 23, born Ohio. He was a laborer with the W. P. A. on the City Streets Project and his household included his wife Manilla and their 2 sons. Name on census: Charles Allshouse. He died on 5 July 2005 at the age of 87 in Akron, Summit, Ohio.455 Manilla Josephine QUINN-70923 and Charles Edward ALLSHOUSE Jr.-70935 had the following children: