Eleventh Generation12434. Harry E. HOSTETLER455 was born on 7 June 1901 in Twilight, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 He appeared in the census on 9 February 1920 in Twilight, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 19, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. He was a truck driver for the bakery. Name on census: Harry E. Hostetler. He appeared in the census on 14 April 1930 in Charleroi, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 28, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a mechanic at the garage and he had first married at age 24. His household included his wife Blanche, 23, and children Della L., 4 years 5 months, and Edward H., 2 years 11 months. Name on census: Harry Hostetler. Harry died on 2 December 1969 at the age of 68 in Charleroi, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Harry E. HOSTETLER and Blanche were married about 1926.455 Blanche455 was born about 1907 in Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 14 April 1930 in Charleroi, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 23, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She had first married at age 19 and was living with husband Harry and their 2 children. Name on census: Blanche Hostetler. Harry E. HOSTETLER-70681 and Blanche -70737 had the following children: