Ninth Generation5599. Stephen WILLIAMS455 was born in April 1849 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 He appeared in the census on 23 August 1850 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 1, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Not named Williams. He appeared in the census on 13 July 1860 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 11, born Pennsylvania, living with [widowed] mother. Name on census: Steven Williams. Stephen appeared in the census on 19 June 1880 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 30, born Pennsylvania, father born Maine, mother Pennsylvania. He was single, working as a farmer, and living with his widowed mother. Name on census: Stephen Williams. He appeared in the census on 12 June 1900 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 51, born April 1849 Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a farmer and he had been married 13 years. His household included his wife Sarah A., 46, and children Leslie, 12; Clay, 9; and Eva, 6. Name on census: Stephen Williams. He died on 9 June 1908 at the age of 59 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Stephen WILLIAMS and Sarah A. ROBISON were married on 31 March 1887 in Beallsville, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Sarah A. ROBISON455, daughter of Salem ROBISON and Adaline BURKHART, was born in May 1854 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 11 July 1860 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 6, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Sarah A. Robison. She appeared in the census on 28 June 1870 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 16, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Sarah A. Robinson. Sarah appeared in the census on 16 June 1880 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 26, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Sarah A. Robison. She appeared in the census on 12 June 1900 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 46, born May 1854 Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She had been married 13 years and had 4 children, 3 still alive. She was living with husband Stephen and their 3 children. Name on census: Sarah A. Williams. She appeared in the census on 19 April 1910 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 56, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She was a widow and she had been married 22 years and had 3 children, 1 still alive [sic]. She was a farmer and her household included her sons Leslie, 22, and Clay, 19. Her daughter Eva, 17, was listed at the end of the census for this township, living alone. It is likely she was actually living with her mother but was missed when the enumerator came by. Name on census: Sarah A. Williams. [Note: The enumerator must have meant 3 living children, 1 dead.] Sarah appeared in the census on 13 January 1920 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 65, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She was a widow and her household included her son Clay, 29, and daughter Eva, 26. Name on census: Sarah Williams. She appeared in the census on 25 April 1930 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 75, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She was a widow and was living with her daughter Eva, 36, and her husband Bert Sprolls. Name on census: Sarah A. Williams. She died on 14 July 1930 at the age of 76 in West Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Stephen WILLIAMS-70548 and Sarah A. ROBISON-70765 had the following children: