Ninth Generation5598. Sarah Margaret WILLIAMS455 was born about 1847 in Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 23 August 1850 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 3, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Sarah M. Williams. She appeared in the census on 13 July 1860 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 13, born Pennsylvania, living with [widowed] mother. Name on census: Sarah M. Williams. Sarah appeared in the census on 11 June 1880 in Allen Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 32, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with husband Adison M., 40, and children Dolie, 4; Alvin, 2; and baby, 3 months. Name on census: Margret Young. She died in October 1880 at the age of 33 in Pennsylvania.455 Sarah Margaret WILLIAMS and Addison Mortimer YOUNG were married about 1875 in Penn Township, Jay, Indiana.719 Addison Mortimer YOUNG455, son of Gibson YOUNG and Elizabeth OSBORNE, was born on 17 April 1839 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 He appeared in the census on 24 September 1850 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 11, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Adison Young. He appeared in the census on 30 June 1860 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 20, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Addison Young. Addison enlisted in the Army on 23 November 1862 in Pennsylvania. He appeared in the census on 23 June 1870 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 27, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. He was working as a farmer. Name on census: Addison Young. He appeared in the census on 11 June 1880 in Allen Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 40, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was working as a laborer and his household included his wife Margaret, 32, and their children Dolie, 4; Alvin, 2; and baby, 3 months. Name on census: Adison M. Young. Addison appeared in the census on 18 June 1900 in Twilight, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 61, born April 1839 Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a widower and was working as a truck farmer. His household included his children Delia, 23; Alvin E., 22; Ruth E., 17; Lena N., 14; and Gibson H., 13. Delia and Alvin were from his first marriage. Name on census: Addison M. Young. He appeared in the census on 30 April 1910 in Twilight, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 71, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a widower and was living with his daughter Lena and her family. Name on census: Addison M. Young. He died on 10 December 1919 at the age of 80 in Twilight, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Addison was buried at Maple Creek Cemetery in Charleroi, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Sarah Margaret WILLIAMS-70547 and Addison Mortimer YOUNG-70652 had the following children: