Ninth Generation

5595. William WILLIAMS455 was born about 1840 in Pennsylvania.455

He appeared in the census on 23 August 1850 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 10, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Wm Williams.

He appeared in the census on 13 July 1860 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 21, born Pennsylvania, living with [widowed] mother. He was working as a laborer. Name on census: Wm Williams.

William appeared in the census on 15 July 1870 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 30, born Pennsylvania. He was a butcher and his household included his wife Synttia, 22, and sons Elias R., 3, and Addison, 6 months. Name on census: Wm Williams.

He appeared in the census on 5 June 1880 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 40, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. He was a coal digger and his household included his wife Cinthia, 33, and children Reese, 13; Addison, 12; Elizabeth, 9; and Mary, 7. Name on census: Wm. Williams.

William WILLIAMS and Cynthia H. YOUNG were married.455

Cynthia H. YOUNG455, daughter of Gibson YOUNG and Elizabeth OSBORNE, was born about 1847 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.

She appeared in the census on 25 September 1850 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 3, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Cynthia Young.

She appeared in the census on 30 June 1860 in Fallowfield Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 12, born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Cynthia H. Young.

Cynthia appeared in the census on 15 July 1870 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 22, born Pennsylvania, living with husband William and their 2 sons. Name on census: Synttia Williams.

She appeared in the census on 5 June 1880 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 33, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with husband William and their 4 children. Name on census: Cinthia Williams.

William WILLIAMS-70544 and Cynthia H. YOUNG-70549 had the following children:



Ellis Reese WILLIAMS-70552.



Addison M. WILLIAMS-70571.



Elizabeth "Bessie" WILLIAMS-70578.



Mary WILLIAMS455 was born about 1873 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455

She appeared in the census on 5 June 1880 in Carroll Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 7, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Mary Williams.



Gibson Hiram "Gip" WILLIAMS-70586.
Last Updated: 12 March 2013