Eleventh Generation12325. Joseph William KILLIUS455 was born on 10 June 1887 in California, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 He appeared in the census on 25 June 1900 in Coal Center, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 12, born Jun 1887 Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. Name on census: Joseph Killius. He appeared in the census on 23 April 1910 in California, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 21, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania, living with parents. He was an electrician at the coal mine. Name on census: Joseph Kellious. Joseph registered for the WWII draft on 27 April 1942. He was living in California, Washington, Pennsylvania at the time. He was age 53, born 10 Jun 1880 in Coal Center. He was employed by the Republic Steel Co. in Coal Center and the person who would always know his address was Mr. John Berryman. His name was written: Joseph William Killius. He died in October 1965 at the age of 78 in Pennsylvania.455 Joseph William KILLIUS and Mary A. were married.455 |