Eighth Generation2933. Stephen WILLIAMS455 was born in 1815 in Phillips, Franklin, Maine.455 He appeared in the census on 23 August 1850 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 35, born Massachusetts. He was a farmer and his household included his wife Elizabeth, 33, and children Tites, 12; Wm, 10; Mary E., 8; Hiram, 5; Sarah M., 3; and not named male, 1. Name on census: Stephen Williams. He died on 23 July 1855 at the age of 40 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania.455 Stephen WILLIAMS and Elizabeth were married.455 Elizabeth455 was born about 1817 in Pennsylvania.455 She appeared in the census on 23 April 1850 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 33, born Pennsylvania, living with husband Stephen and their 6 children. Name on census: Elizabeth Williams. She appeared in the census on 13 July 1860 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 42, born Pennsylvania. Her household included her children Wm, 21; Mary, 16; Hiram, 14; Sarah M., 13; and Steven, 11. Name on census: Elizabeth Williams. Elizabeth appeared in the census on 19 June 1880 in East Pike Run Township, Washington, Pennsylvania. Age 63, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania. She was a widow and her household included her daughter Mary, 36, and sons Hiram, 34, and Stephen, 30. Name on census: Elisabeth Williams. Stephen WILLIAMS-68907 and Elizabeth -70542 had the following children: