Eleventh Generation12041. Seth L. HOWARD455 was born on 8 April 1894 in Agra, Phillips, Kansas.455 He appeared on the Kansas State census on 1 March 1895 in Plum, Phillips, Kansas Age 1, born Kansas, living with parents. Name on census: Seth Howard. He appeared in the census on 25 June 1900 in Plum, Phillips, Kansas. Age 6, born April 1894 Kansas, father born Maine, mother Wisconsin, living with parents. Name on census: Seth L. Howard. Seth appeared in the census on 29 April 1910 in Lincoln, Cerro Gordo, Iowa. Age 16, born Kansas, father born Maine, mother Wisconsin, living with parents. He was working as a laborer on the home farm. Name on census: Seth Howard. He registered for the World War I draft on 5 June 1917 in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa He was age 23, born 8 April 1894 in Agra, Kansas. He was single with no dependents and he was working as a farmer for himself. His name was writteh Seth Howard. He appeared in the census on 1 April 1930 in Union Township, Cerro Gordo, Iowa. Age 36, born Kansas, parents born Wisconsin. He was single, working as a farm laborer, and lodging in the household of Frank and Ester Patterson. Name on census: Seth Howard. Seth appeared in the census on 9 April 1940 in Lincoln, Cerro Gordo, Iowa. Age 46, born Kansas. He was a farming laborer and his household included his wife Florence Bell, 46. Name on census: Seth Howard. He died on 26 May 1945 at the age of 51 in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.455 Seth L. HOWARD and Florence Bell were married.455 Florence Bell455 was born about 1894 in Kansas.455 She appeared in the census on 9 April 1940 in Lincoln, Cerro Gordo, Iowa. Age 46, born Kansas. She was working as a nurse at the orphanage and living with husband Seth. Name on census: Florence Bell Howard. |