Ninth Generation5901. Walter Sylvanus SUTHERLAND was born on 14 June 1860 in Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin.493 Age 1 month, born Wisconsin, living with parents. Name Walter Sutherland. In 1865, after his mother had died, Walter became a ward of the State of Maine.1988 His grandfather, Peter Philbrick, filed for guardianship and it was granted the 6th of February 1866 and recorded in Wisconsin June 14, 1866. When Peter passed on, the courts awarded guardianship to Frances Philbrick, who had the help of her son, George W. Philbrick, Walter's uncle. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jefferson, Lincoln, Maine.493 Age 9, born Maine. He was living with his grandparents, Peter and Fannie Philbrick. Name Walter Sutherland. In 1873, at the age of 13, Walter sailed with George's family around the horn of South America to California.1988 They settled in Arroyo Grande, San Ouise Obispo County, California. Walter appeared on the voter registration list in San Luis Obispo county in 1882.1988 He was listed as Walter J. Sutherland [note the "J." rather than "S."], age 22, born Wisconsin. The 1885 San Luis Obispo directory lists Walter J. Sutherland as a Blacksmith. He was listed on the Voter Registration lists in 1892 in San Luis Obispo County, California.1988 He was listed as Walter Southerland [note the spelling of Sutherland with an "ou"], age 32, five feet 11 1/2 inches, complexion fair, no visible scars, born Wisconsin, occupation Blacksmity, resided in Nipoma. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Nipomo, San Luis Obispo, California.493 Age 39, blacksmith, married 13 years, born Jun 1860 Wisconsin, father born Canada (Fr.), mother Maine. His household included wife Anna, 32, and children Walter F., 10, John J., 8, Francis D., 6, Della D., 3, and Ethel J., 2. Name Walter J. Sutherland. They moved to Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, California early in 1906. Walter died of acute Pulmonary Phthsis on 20 May 1906 at the age of 45 in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, California.1988 This was a lung disease possibly related to his work environment. He was buried at Santa Maria Cemetery in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, California.1359 His funeral made the front page of the Santa Maria Times of 26 May 1906. In addition to being a blacksmith, Walter bought a grocers store that, upon his death, Anna maintained and later bought out another shop in the area while she also worked as a book keeper for another business. Walter Sylvanus SUTHERLAND and Anna DeSilva WILLEY were married on 16 November 1886 in Wilmington, Los Angeles, California.1988 They proceeded to have nine children. Three died young and are buried in the Arroyo Grande Cemetary, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County. Anna DeSilva WILLEY, daughter of Jacob WILLEY and Frances Mariam SNOWMAN, was born on 2 June 1867 in Georgetown (Bath), Sagadahoc, Maine. She moved in Farmingdale, Kennebec, Maine in 1870.493 In 1878, she sailed around South America with her father Jacob at the helm.1359 They settled in Wilmington, California. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Nipomo, San Luis Obispo, California.493 Age 32, born Jun 1867 Maine, parents born Maine, married 13 years, 6 children born, 5 still living. She was living with husband Walter and five children. Name Annah D. Sutherland. Anna died on 29 September 1944 at the age of 77 in Coalinga, Fresno, California. She was buried at Santa Maria Cemetery in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, California.493 She had not remarried and was buried beside Walter with no additional grave marker. Walter Sylvanus SUTHERLAND-5684 and Anna DeSilva WILLEY-5685 had the following children: