Tenth Generation9527. Lowell L. PHILBROOK was born on 2 August 1918 in Illinois.1349,1435 He appeared in the census in 1920 in Concord Township, Bureau, Illinois. Age 1, born Illiniois, living with parents. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Concord Township, Bureau, Illinois.1435 Age 11, single, born Illinois, parents Illinois. Lowell lived at 105 N Euclid in Princeton, Bureau, Illinois in 2002.1349,2709 He died on 15 July 2002 at the age of 83 in Princeton, Bureau, Illinois.1349 He had Social Security Number 352-12-2466 issued in Illinois before 1951.1349 Lowell L. PHILBROOK and Dorothy were married. Dorothy was born (date unknown). Lowell L. PHILBROOK-33729 and Dorothy -33730 had the following children: