Third Generation
55. Mary CASS was born on 5 October 1665 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 [another source says she was born about 1652 or 1653] She died on 23 July 1692 at the age of 26 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 Mary CASS and Isaac GREEN were married on 18 February 1680.79,119 Isaac GREEN, son of Henry GREEN and Mary HUSSEY, was born on 25 January 1651/2 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 [another source says he was born in Seabrook and still another source says he was born 23 Jan.] He signed a will on 20 February 1712/3 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 From the Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire: ISAAC GREEN 1712/13 HAMPTON In the name of God amen ye 20th day of feberuary 1712(13) I Isaac Green of Hamton in new hamshier in New England laborer being weak in body * * * Impris: I give & bequath unt Mary Green My dearly beloved wife all my housing stock of cattle money debts houshold goods & all moveable estate to be at her own dispose to her & her heirs for ever excepting my iron chains which my will is they should be devided between my two sones namely Jacob & Isaac Green which Isaac shall divide & Jacob chuse also I give unto my said wife the whole improvement & use of all my real estate both lands & Marsh with all the appurtences during her widowhood - 2ly I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Mehetabell Page the one half of a six acre lot of salt Marsh lying in Salisbury Cow Common division near the long pines so called which I bought of Jacob Bradbury - 3ly I Give & bequeath unto my beloved sone Jacob Green all the rest of my Marsh lying southerly of Andrew Grelys Mill in ye township of Salisbury as also the one half to two lotts of marsh which is between my brother Abraham Green & myself which is yet undivided as also thre Acres of Marsh contained on two small Islands a little northerly of said Greelys Mill as also a lot called ye ponde Lot together with all my land at a place called high spain butting upon ye road leading to Exeter all which said Marsh & land my said sone is to be possest of at my wifes decease or as soon as she shall be Marryed again - 4ly I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Isaac Green all the rest of my land & marsh which I have in Hamton or else where not before disposed of (except my common Right in hamton which my will is it be devided betwixt my said sones which Isaac shall devide & Jacob chuse if ever it be laid out) & my said sone Isaac shall possess ye sd land & marsh at my sd wifes decease or as soon as she shall marry again - 5ly My will is that my son Isaac shall pay as a legacy thirty pounds in or as money to my beloved daughter Mary Green when she comes to the age of twenty one years & also twenty pounds in or as money to my sd Daughter Mehitabel Pages four Children which she had by her husband dow five pound to each Child when they come to the age of twenty one years Item. I make Constitute & ordain my loving wife Mary Green my sole Executrix of this my last will & testament & I do hereby utterly disalow revoke & disanull all & every other former testament by me in any wise before named willed & bequeathed, Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last will & testament in witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written - Signed sealed published pro- Isaac Green [seal] anownced & declared by the sd Isaac Green as his last will & testament in presence of us the subscribers Jacob Bradbury Thomas Crosbie deborah Crosbye [Proved June 6, 1716] [Inventory, Mary 25, 1716; amount 761 pounds .17 .0; signed by Benjamin Brown and Thomas Crosby.] He died on 12 May 1716 at the age of 64 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 Isaac was buried at Quaker Cemetery in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, British North America.79 Isaac lived in Hampton and Salisbury, where his father deeded him land in Mr. Hall's Farm, 1668. Mary CASS-3027 and Isaac GREEN-29123 had the following children: +222 | i. | Mehitable GREEN-29399. | 223 | ii. | Abigail GREEN was born on 18 February 1678/9.79 | 224 | iii. | Jonathan GREEN was born on 4 June 1681 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 He died on 17 August 1703 at the age of 22 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire.79 He was killed by Indians at the age of 22. | +225 | iv. | Jacob GREEN-29127. | 226 | v. | Isaac GREEN died young.79 He was baptised with Jacob. | +227 | vi. | Isaac GREEN-29128. | +228 | vii. | Mary GREEN-29124. |