Second Generation5. Mary PHILBRICK was born in June 1622 in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, England. She died on 28 October 1702 at the age of 80 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. Mary PHILBRICK and Edward TUCK of Hampton, NH were married about 1648 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. Edward TUCK of Hampton, NH, son of Robert TUCK and Joanna , was born about 1620 in England. He died on 6 April 1652 at the age of 32 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. Mary PHILBRICK-2977 and Edward TUCK of Hampton, NH-3015 had the following children:
Mary PHILBRICK and James WALL were married about 1654.26 James WALL signed a will on 20 September 1659 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. The last will & testament of James Wall of Hampton in the County of norfolke I James Wall being very weake of Body but of Good understanding & memory Due by these prsents Comend unto all unto whome they shall Come the true Intent of my mind Conserning the setteling of my Estate after my Decease viz Conserning the Deeds formerly made to my two Eldest Daughters (Elizabeth & Sarah Wall) of my farme which lyeth westward of Robert Pages Land & bounded with the River Call Taylors River towards the South & Likewise Six Acres of Salt marsh lying on the south side of the falls River being bounded with the marsh of will Marston now in the Hands of John Cram towards the south the which lands above mentioned I Doe Conferme unto them my two Eldest Daughters Having made and appointed Henery Roby as a feffer in trust for what I Have Given unto my two Eldest Daughters & to whatt is already Given them the Land is to be Eaqually Devided between them two : & I Doe farther Give & bequeath unto Elizabeth Wall A Horse Coltt of two yeer & the vantage old : & I Give unto my Daughter Sarah A Horse Coltt of this yeere & A peese of stuffe between them to make Each of them a Goune the stuffe is a peese of mixt stuff of a sad Culler of a boutt twenty-five yards : & I Have Given them a fether bed with a fether bolster with a payer of blankets & a Red Rugge Itum to my Daughter Elizabeth my best Hatt & a Carsey westcot to Each of them=== Ittum I give and bequeath unto mary Wall my Loving wife & to my two Children which I Had by Her viz Mary & Hannah Wall my Dwelling House & the House lott lying between the lott of Robert Tuck towards the south and the lott of Thomas webstur somtimes will Howards towards the north and Six acres of Salt marsh lying on the north sid of the falles River bounded with the marsh of Gilles ffuller towards the north Ittum I Give my wife & Her two Children my fower oxen & fouer Cowes & my mare and all the moveable Goods Excepting whatt is a bove mentioned & Given to my two Eldest Daughters Itt a Debt of fifty pounds Due unto mee from mr Samuell Dudly & Humphrey willson & thirty pounds Due from John Godward & a bill of twenty two pounds from nicolas smith : & these lands & moveables Given to wife & my yongest Children are to bee Improved by my Excequetor for the maintenance of my wife & the bringing up of my two Children and att my wives Death or mariage whatt is left is to Returne to my two yongest Children mary & Hanna wall and I appoint Henery Robey as a feffer in trust to take noties of what Estate is left & in Cause my wife should marrie or dy whilest the Children are under Age Henery Robey is to take Care of the Estate which shall bee left to settell Itt to the Children when they shall a Rive to the Age of Eighteen yeers & for the Cearfull bringing of them up in Cause God should take a way my wife by Death sooner : & I Doe make & appoint mary wall my loving wife to bee my lawfull Excequetor to this my last will & tesment which I Doe Conferme with my Hand & seale thearunto affixed the twenteth of september Anno Dm one thousand Six Hundred & fifty nine James [Seal] wall Signed Sealed & Confermed [Proved Oct. 4, 1659.] [Inventory of the estate, taken by William Godfrey and Samuel Dalton in 1659; amount, £373.16.0.] [Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.] [Guardianship of Mary Wall and Hannah Wall granted to their uncle, Thomas Philbrick of Hampton, Oct. 8, 1672.] [Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records, Oct. 8, 1672, and Deeds, vol. 4, p. 5.] Mary PHILBRICK-2977 and James WALL-19351 had the following children: