Ninth Generation7351. Frederick Norton PHILBROOK was born on 12 September 1869 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. He appeared in the census on 9 June 1880 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. Age 10, born Maine, parents born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Fred N. Philbrook. He died on 15 August 1957 at the age of 87 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. Frederick was buried at Matinicus Cemetery in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. Frederick Norton PHILBROOK and Jessie M. AMES were married on 16 November 1893 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. Jessie M. AMES was born on 7 July 1873 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. She died on 9 July 1957 at the age of 84 in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. She was buried at Matinicus Cemetery in Matinicus, Knox, Maine. Frederick Norton PHILBROOK-27256 and Jessie M. AMES-27263 had the following children: