Eighth Generation

3026. Samuel H. PHILBRICK was born on 20 April 1836 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234,774,1330 [based on census records, the year of birth is likely wrong.]

He appeared in the census on 26 August 1850 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234,659 Age 20, born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Samuel H. Philbrick. NOTE: Based on his date of birth, calculated from age at death, he should be only 14 on this census. More research needed.

He appeared in the census on 7 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234,659 Age 29, born Maine. He was a farmer and his household included wife Ellen, 25, and children Martha E., 5, and Viletta A., 2. Name on census: Samuel Philbrick.

Samuel died on 20 March 1876 at the age of 39.774 He was buried in Kingsbury, Piscataquis, Maine.774

Samuel H. PHILBRICK and Ellen J. PRATT were married on 2 May 1852 in Knox Center, Waldo, Maine.234

Ellen J. PRATT was born on 1 January 1832.774,1331 She appeared in the census on 7 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.659 Age 25, born Maine, living with husband Samuel, and their 2 children. Name on census: Ellen Philbrick.

She died on 7 December 1869 at the age of 37.774 Ellen was buried in Kingsbury, Piscataquis, Maine.

Samuel H. PHILBRICK-23003 and Ellen J. PRATT-23006 had the following children:



Martha E. PHILBRICK was born on 8 June 1855 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234
She appeared in the census on 7 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.659 Age 5, born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Martha E. Philbrick.
She appeared in the census on 14 June 1870 in Dexter, Penobscot, Maine.493 Age 15, born Maine. She was living with her grandmother Betsey and going to school. Name on census: Martha PHILBROOK.



Violetta A. PHILBRICK was born on 15 September 1857 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234
She appeared in the census on 7 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.659 Age 2, born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Villetta A. Philbrick.
She appeared in the census on 14 June 1870 in Dexter, Penobscot, Maine.493 Age 12, born Maine. She was going to school and living with her grandmother Betsey. Name on census: Velletta PHILBROOK.
Last Updated: 12 March 2013