Eighth Generation

3024. Jonathan Moulton PHILBRICK1325 was born on 23 September 1827 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.234

He appeared in the census on 26 August 1850 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.659 Age 22, born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Jonathan M. Philbrick.

He appeared in the census on 6 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.493 Age 32, born Maine. He was a farmer and head of household, which included wife Hannah M., 24; mother Betsey, 55; brother Joseph, 35; and sister Abigal, 20. Name on census: Jonathan M. Philbrick.

Jonathan died on 27 January 1870 at the age of 42. He was buried in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine. Later his grave was moved to Abbot, Maine. It is unknown when, why, or by whom.

Jonathan Moulton PHILBRICK and Hannah Mary KING were married on 10 July 1859 in Parkman, Piscataquis, Maine.

Hannah Mary KING1326, daughter of Elijah KING and Hannah Glidden NUTT, was born on 13 October 1836 in Parkman, Piscataquis, Maine.

She appeared in the census on 17 August 1850 in Parkman, Piscataquis, Maine.659 Age 13, born Maine, living with parents. Name on census: Hannah King.

She appeared in the census on 6 July 1860 in Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine.493 Age 24, born Maine, living with husband Jonathan. Name on census: Hannah M. Philbrick.

Hannah appeared in the census on 14 June 1870 in Dexter, Penobscot, Maine.493 Age 26, born Maine. She was working in a woollen mill and was living with her mother-in-law, Betsey PHILBROOK. Also living with her was her son Walter B., 5. Name on census: Hannah M. PHILBROOK. NOTE: Age 26 is not a typo or a transcription error. That is what the census image clearly says. It is likely that the census taker was either given wrong information or wrote it down wrong.

She appeared in the census on 1 June 1880 in Harmony, Somerset, Maine.493 Age 43, born Maine. She was living with her 2nd husband, Sylvester GILMAN, 44, and her three children with Jonathan; Laura J., 20; Lauraine F., 17; and Walter B., 15. Name on census: Maria H. GILMAN.

She appeared in the census on 18 June 1900 in Abbot, Piscataquis, Maine.493 Age 60, born Oct. 1839 Maine, parents born Maine. She was a widow and had had 5 children, only 1 still living. She was head of household and her son Walter B., 35, was living with her. Name on census: Hannah HARDY.

Hannah died on 7 October 1906 at the age of 69 in Abott Village, Piscataquis, Maine.1327

Jonathan Moulton PHILBRICK-23002 and Hannah Mary KING-15017 had the following children:



Laura T. PHILBRICK-56520.



Lauraine F. PHILBRICK1328 was born on 25 December 1862.1329
He appeared in the census on 1 June 1880 in Harmony, Somerset, Maine.493 Age 17, born Maine. He was living with his mother "Maria H." in the household of his stepfather Sylvester GILMAN. He was listed as "son of wife". Name on census: Lauraine F. PHILBRICK.
He died on 16 March 1884 at the age of 21. Lauraine was buried in Cambridge, Somerset, Maine.



Walter Burton PHILBRICK-56508.
Last Updated: 12 March 2013