Seventh Generation

1562. Ruth PHILBRICK was born about 1774 in Mount Vernon, Kennebec, Maine.727 She died on 30 August 1818 at the age of 44 in New Portland, Somerset, Maine.452

Ruth PHILBRICK and a FOLSOM were married.455 a FOLSOM was born (date unknown).

Ruth PHILBRICK-16829 and a FOLSOM-23497 had the following children:



Woodbury FOLSOM was born on 27 August 1793 in Mount Vernon, Kennebec, Maine.452 He was illegitimate.

Ruth PHILBRICK and Joshua WILLIAMS were married on 27 November 1805 in Maine.728

Joshua WILLIAMS455, son of Samuel WILLIAMS and Sobriety BUNKER, was born on 2 April 1786 in New Hampshire.455

He appeared in the census on 25 September 1850 in New Portland, Somerset, Maine. Age 64, born New Hampshire. He was a farmer and his household included his second wife Sally. His son Orrin, 34, from his first marriage, was living with them. Name on census: Joshua Williams.

He appeared in the census on 2 June 1860 in New Portland, Somerset, Maine. Age 74, born Maine. He was a farmer and he and his wife Sally were living with his son Orrin and his wife. Name on census: Joshua Williams.

Joshua died on 16 July 1867 at the age of 81 in New Portland, Somerset, Maine.455

Ruth PHILBRICK-16829 and Joshua WILLIAMS-64418 had the following children:



Joseph Philbrick WILLIAMS-64425.



Mary "Polly" WILLIAMS-64426.



Hiram WILLIAMS-64427.



Abigail WILLIAMS-64428.



Orrin WILLIAMS-64429.



Ruth WILLIAMS-64430.
Last Updated: 12 March 2013