The IRISH-CANADIAN section of my web site is dedicated to my father, WILLIAM JOSEPH REID, born in South Boston in 1907 to parents who emigrated from Prince Edward Island.
My father taught me to be polite to EVERYONE. He taught me, by example, about "good manners". He taught me to be tolerant. Most important, he taught me to be curious about everything, to ask questions, to challenge self-imposed limitations, to read.
He died 12 September 1997 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
This is Poppa's page.
QUICK INDEX to this Irish-Canadian Page
Where is PEI?
All eight of my paternal GG-grandparents came from Ireland to Prince Edward Island, Canada, prior to the 1841 Census. The Big Question, of course, is, "From WHERE in Ireland???" I've been unable to "jump the Pond" on ANY of my lines!. On these pages you can find summaries of what I've learned about each family, ideas about future projects and some links to Irish and Canadian Resources.
Martin REID, born in Ireland around 1804, emigrated to PEI before the birth of his son, Richard (my Great-grandfather) in 1829. He and his wife, Bridget, farmed in Lot 34, near Covehead, Queens County. He died in 1857.
Related surnames include CARR, VICKERS, DOUGAN, McMANUS, and McGOWAN.
Edward CULLEN, born in Ireland (est. 1808), and his wife, Mary BUTLER, also born in Ireland (est. 1813) emigrated to PEI before the birth of their first child in 1833. They lived in Lot 47, and no relationship to the CULLENs of Hope River, PEI, has been proven.
Other surnames in this line are MULLEN, FURLONG and MONAGHAN.
My FURLONG Families
Patrick FURLONG (born in Ireland in 1804) and his wife, Bridget DOYLE (also born in Ireland abt 1814), settled in Lot 34, near Covehead, Queens County, PEI, before the birth of my Great-Grandmother, Mary Ann FURLONG in 1834.
POWER, MAHER and LANNON are other surnames in this line.
My CURRAN Ancestors
James CURRAN, my Great-grandfather, was born in PEI 4 Mar 1834, to parents who were both born in Ireland. I can find no record of his Baptism, and the record of his marriage to Mary Ann FURLONG gives no parents' names. Because the record does NOT state otherwise, I know he was from the Covehead-Tracadie area of Queens County. There were several CURRAN families in that area of the right age and origin to be James' parents. I have an idea as to who the most likely candidates are, but I can't prove it. I DO know that James' sister, Catherine, married Michael McNALLY; the Michael McNALLYs and the James CURRANs had adjoining farms in Egmont Bay, Prince County. Read more about my search for James CURRAN's parents in the Miss Marge Marple's Minute Mystery called "The Reluctant Farmer".
Related names include O'DONNELL and McISAAC.
PEI DATA BASE PROJECTS INDEX lists information from many sources. These reports range from "McDONALDs in Lot 47 - 1901 Census" to church records from Lot 15. New reports are being uploaded regularly!
- Before I forget - I want to thank the kind folks at HOME PAGE DESIGN - they gave me permission to copy the "Where on Earth is PEI?" map that you saw at the top of this page. HPD created the Prince Edward Island Business and Vacation Guide Page which has some interesting links to business, tourism and other sites.
- GREAT NEWS! Dave Hunter (may his name be blessed forever!) has developed what may well become the ONLY site a PEI researcher needs to bookmark. Visit The Island Register, sign his guestbook and be sure to read the archived guestbook entries - I found several "possibilities" among those archived messages! Dave updates his site regularly, and adds "new stuff" ALL THE TIME! The Island Register provides links to the PEI Genealogical Society AND the PEI GENWEB site as well.
- BUT WAIT!!! THERE'S MORE!!! Al Beagan (may HIS name be blessed as well) has created a website which features an AWESOME amount of data from his own research files. Al is the type of researcher who LOVES to share information; his replies to postings to mailing lists are legendary. DO take a minute to check out AL BEAGAN'S GENEALOGY NOTES - odds are, you'll find something (or SOMEBODY) of interest...
- Next, an official ATTA-GIRL (with Chocolate Clusters) to "PEI Cousin" Roxanne Moos - she has created the PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SURNAME LIST - a "kin-finder" page that might put YOU in touch with folks who are researching YOUR names!!!
- Send an electronic postcard from Prince Edward Island! The PEI Greeting Card Centre offers many scenic views of "The Garden of the Gulf".
- My sister Helen sent me an audio tape of Island fiddle music; that tape has become the best part of my daily commute to and from work. First the toes start tapping, followed by fingers snapping, head wagging, occasional enthusiastic "EE-YAH"s - all this while driving with the car windows down and the volume turned 'WAY up - well, you get the idea. ISLANDER RECORDS web site offers sound clips from the various albums in their catalog. But, BE WARNED! PEI music can be addictive!!!
- Take a quick trip to The Island! Check out The Island Cam!
- A lot of folks know PEI only as the setting for Lucy Maud Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables" books. Take a few minutes to read a brief HISTORY of Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province and "The Birthplace of Confederation".
- As always, Cyndi Howells' site has a PLETHORA of PEI and CANADIAN links; if you haven't visited MARK AND CYNDI'S GENEALOGY SITE recently, you should - she's probably just added the one link you REALLY NEED!
- AT LAST! A source of information on Canadian Immigration records. This site helps to explain why we're having a VERY hard time finding immigration information for our Canadian ancestors!
- IRLGEN WELCOME PAGE A useful starting point for Irish Genealogical research.
- A visit to DIANE'S IRISH PAGE is a delightful experience! Diane provides links to "serious sources" as well as "entertaining" ones ...
- You can find excellent midi files of Maritimes music to download and enjoy at Barry Taylor's TRADITIONAL FAVOURITES IN MIDI FORMAT site!
Marge Reid--[email protected]
This page was updated 24 January 1999.
copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999 - Margaret V Reid