Martha Jay Loveless and Stephen Abia Herring
Martha Jay Loveless and Stephen Abia Herring with their children and their first grandchild in 1903
Martha Jay Loveless Herring in about the 1930s Martha Jay Loveless, her parents Benjamin and Sarah, and her siblings
Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Ann Adams Loveless in about 1848
Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Ann Adams Loveless
Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Ann Adams Loveless in 1907 4 or 5 generations of Lovelesses in about 1907 (Benjamin F. and Sarah Ann Loveless' family) Mary Ann Loveless and Henry Pleasant Benjamin Franklin Loveless (1830 - 1909) gravestone in the Elm Branch Cemetery, Bardwell, Ellis Co., TX Sarah Ann Adams Loveless (1830 - 1910) gravestone in the Elm Branch Cemetery, Bardwell, Ellis Co., TX
Complete list of surnames in the family trees on this site