Schwitzgebel Genealogy (and more)

Master Research Database

Database refreshed 9 June, 2014

General Information About These Data

Please bear in mind, as you browse the materials presented, that these data are work in progress. It is not my intention that these these pages be taken as a citable source. Rather, it is my hope that you may find we have some ancestor(s) in common, and that this discovery may prompt you to contact me to establish an exchange of information.

Because of privacy concerns, I now make public only the following subset of our data:

I have made a good faith effort to mask vital dates and places for individuals who are known to be living or who may be living; however, if, in browsing this database, you find someone for whom I have failed to do this, please bring the matter to my attention so that I can correct it.

Table of Contents:


The research you see here is the result of a collaborative effort and I wish to acknowledge that much of the information contained in these pages has been provided by other researchers: