RootsWeb Tools

McWh*rter   Genealogy

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Research Tools

Updated 6-Jan-2000






   we_love_button.gif (2103 bytes)   
If you are an ancestor hunter and are as yet unfamiliar with the RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative, it is time you got acquainted!

RootsWeb is devoted to making mountains of genealogical information available to researchers over the internet free of charge! What began as a small community of computer-literate genealogy buffs in 1988 has grown over the last few years to become a major resource for ancestor hunters worldwide.

RootsWeb makes accessible to everyone a wide variety of on-line research tools. You can find out about all of them at:

rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes)    RootsWeb Home Page

Below you will find listed and described those small parts of the RootsWeb system specific to McWh*rter research with easy links to the places within the system that can be of most help to McWh*rter researchers.

The following RootsWeb Tools, described more completely below, will aid you in your McWh*rter Research.

   RootsWeb Surname List (RSL)
   RootsWeb McWhorter Mailing List (Email list)
   WorldConnect - Searchable GEDCOMs
   GenConnect BBS - Fourteen (14) McWh*rter Surname Boards
   Search Engines at RootsWeb
   Automatic Surname Notification Program
   Genealogy Websites Hosted by RootsWeb

tools1.gif (386 bytes)      RootsWeb Surname List (RSL)

This is a service that will allow you to locate other McWh*rter researchers working on the same ancestral lines as yourself. You will find on the McWh*rter Surname Lists a roster of other researchers working on McWh*rter lines and information on how to contact them.

In the RSL researchers submit "basic" information which then appears on-line. The list is updated once-a-month.The "basic" information that is posted includes:

the SURNAME (McWhorter , McWhirter, McWherter etc. are all listed separately)

the YEARS the researcher is working on, (i.e. 1750-1875)


and, a "NAMETAG" (or ID code for the submitting researcher).

By clicking on the
"nametag" you can find the researcher's name, email address and possibly postal address

To check the current RSL for the various spellings of McWh*rter just click below:

rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes)    RootsWeb Surname List

Please don't hesitate to add your name to one of the McWh*rter lists!

tools1.gif (386 bytes)      RootsWeb McWhorter Mailing List

RootsWeb maintains thousands of mailing lists for surnames, localities and special genealogical interests. To find a complete listing of the mailing lists just click below

rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes)    RootsWeb Mailing Lists

When you subscribe to a mailing list:

you receive by email all messages posted to the list by other subscribers.

any messages you post to the list will be received by all subscribers to the list.

The RootsWeb "McWhorter" Mailing List
(supporting all spelling variations of McWh*rter)
is maintained by Tricia Petitt
(a descendant of David McWhorter & Mary Poston of Lancaster co., PA).

To subscribe to the McWhorter Mailing List click below,
then send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the message.

rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes)    McWhorter Mailing List

More details about the RootsWeb McWhorter Mailing List are posted on a separate page of this website. Click here for more info!

tools1.gif (386 bytes)    WorldConnect - Searchable GEDCOMs

WorldConnect is a free service hosted by RootsWeb that allows you to search thousands of GEDCOMs contributed to a cooperative database whose none-to-modest goal is to connect everyone in the world through the contributions of particpating researchers.

What is unique about the WorldConnect effort is that the information contributed remains the property of the contributer and the contributer retains the right to remove, modify or add to the information at anytime through a password system.

Searching for a person is fast, easy and often rewarding. Although the effort has only just begun over 10,000,000 names are already available to be searched and the goal is to raise the number to over 100,000,000 (over 100 million) by the end of the year 2000.

To begin your search at WorldConnect click here!


tools1.gif (386 bytes)      GenConnect Bulletin Board Service

genbutn1.gif (9111 bytes)   GenConnect Bulletin Boards at RootsWeb serve localities, special genealogical interests and now surnames worldwide!

Two important features of the GenConnect Boards are:

the ability to subscribe to an automatic notification whenever a NEW posting is made to the board

the ability to subscribe to an automatic notification whenever a response is posted to any of your own queries.

GenConnect Boards at RootsWeb are administered by volunteers and all data that you post remains your own possession rather than becoming that of the hosting authority as is sometimes the case with commercial sponsored query boards elsewhere.

Fourteen (14) McWh*rter Surname Boards
have been activated to help in the sharing of information and ideas
concerning McWh*rter genealogy research.
The boards are administered by Alan D. McWhirter
(a descendant of John McWhirter & Agnes Sloan of Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland).

Each of the boards is for the posting of a different kind of McWh*rter genealogy information. You can access each of the boards easily by clicking on the buttons below
or the
links in the descriptions of each board which follow.

McWhorter Boards

query.gif (2155 bytes) biosrp.gif (2029 bytes) obitop.gif (2093 bytes) biblbutn.gif (1907 bytes) deedbutn.gif (1835 bytes) pensbutn.gif (1842 bytes) willbutn.gif (1828 bytes)

McWhirter Boards

query.gif (2154 bytes) biosrp.gif (2028 bytes) obitop.gif (2093 bytes) biblbutn.gif (1914 bytes) deedbutn.gif (1834 bytes) pensbutn.gif (1850 bytes) willbutn.gif (1828 bytes)


iquery.gif (1535 bytes)    The McWhorter Query Board & McWhirter Query Board
are for the posting of queries, responses, questions, suggestions and ideas
as well as for the posting of thoughts and comments about information
posted to the other twelve (12) boards.

ibiosred.gif (1456 bytes)   The McWhorter Biographies Board & McWhirter Biographies Board
are the place to post biographies of your McWh*rter ancestors,
whether those bios were written by you, or found during your research.
Please be sure to credit in your posting the authors and sources of any bios that you post.

iobitor.gif (1130 bytes)    The McWhorter Obituaries Board & McWhirter Obituaries Board
are for the posting of McWh*rter obits, both recent and long past.
Please be sure to indicate the date and source of any obits that you post.

ibiblred.gif (1484 bytes)   The McWhorter Bible Records Board & McWhirter Bible Records Board
are for the posting of your Bible records so that they may be shared
with other McWh*rter researchers to whom they may be of value.

ideeds.gif (1122 bytes)    The McWhorter Deeds Board & McWhirter Deeds Board
are for the posting of land records you may have found pertaining to McWh*rters.
Whether those McWh*rters belong to you or not,
they belong to someone who might find the information of great value.

ipensred.gif (1465 bytes)   The McWhorter Pensions Board & McWhirter Pensions Board
are the place to post any McWh*rter related Revolutionary War, Civil War pensions etc.
that you may have found during your ancestral search.

iwills.gif (1130 bytes)    The McWhorter Wills Board & McWhirter Wills Board
is for posting the text of McWh*rter related wills.
Please be sure to provide dates of execution and probate when known
and indicate where the original document can be found.

tools1.gif (386 bytes)      Search Engines at RootsWeb

RootsWeb is all about search engines. These computerized sleuths will help you find McWh*rter related material posted anywhere on the RootsWeb system as well as much McWh*rter information and data posted elsewhere.

Each of the RootsWeb sponsored or RootsWeb hosted
search engines
listed here can help you with your research.
You can access each of the search engines easily by clicking on the
buttons below
or the
links in the descriptions of each search engine which follow.

RootsWeb Surname List RootsWeb Location List RootsWeb Mailing Lists Roots-L Archives GenConnect Global Search Engine Surname Helper
rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes) rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes) rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes) rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes) gencon1.gif (3884 bytes) shlogo-half.gif (1479 bytes)
Check each spelling variation Who is searching where? See all McWhorter messages Check 10 years of messages Search all GenConnect boards world-wide for McWh*rter variations Check queries and databases


eye95.gif (819 bytes)   The RootsWeb Surname List.
(See more about the RSL above).
After accessing the search engine be sure to try all the spelling variations of McWh*rter
as they are listed separately in the  RSL.
Be sure to add your own name to the list.

eye95.gif (819 bytes)    The RootsWeb Location List
Here you can search locations worldwide
to find the names and addresses of persons researching each location.

eye95.gif (819 bytes)    The RootsWeb Mailing Lists
Here you can access and selectively search
all of the more than 4,000 genealogy mailing lists hosted by RootsWeb.
Enter "McWhorter"
and you can view all or selective messages
posted to the McWhorter Mailing List over the past years.

eye95.gif (819 bytes)   The Roots-L Archives
Roots-L is the original Internet genealogical mailing list.
There are currently over 10,000 subscribers.
You can easily search over 10 years of messages
for all the spelling variations of McWh*rter.

eye95.gif (819 bytes)    GenConnect Bulletin Boards
This search engine searches only GenConnect location and surname boards,
but there are thousands of them and the number is growing fast.
Invaluable in finding McWhorters, McWhirters, McWherters etc.
mentioned on other surname and locations boards.

eye95.gif (819 bytes)    The Surname Helper
This engine provides a searchable database of queries and surname registrations
posted on a variety of genealogy sites
including many USGenWeb and WorldGenWeb sites.

tools1.gif (386 bytes)    Automatic Surname Notification Program

The Automatic Surname Notification Program at RootsWeb is one of the few features that is limited to sponsors of the cooperative. If you become a RootsWeb sponsor (for as little as $24 a year) you can enter your surname(s) in the automatic notification system. The computer will generate and email you a "baseline" report showing you all the places within the USGenWeb etc. system where those surnames appear in posted data. After the initial report you will receive automatic email notices anytime a file or database is added that contains your surname(s).

To become a RootsWeb Sponsor click the button below:

rwbutton.gif (2135 bytes)    Become a RootsWeb contributor

tools1.gif (386 bytes) Genealogy WebSites Hosted by RootsWeb

RootsWeb is becoming server host to more and more genealogy related websites! The USGenWeb Project, numerous genealogical societies and now many personal genealogy websites have found a permanent and comfortable home at RootsWeb.

The McWh*rter Genealogy Website, displaced by the impending termination of Prodigy Classic as ISP, has found a new home at RootsWeb. Furthermore, the help of many RootsWeb volunteers has helped make the transition an easy one.

Click below for a listing of all the genealogy related websites now

hosted_by_rootsweb.gif (2319 bytes)


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