ancestor photos of Rosemarie Schulte

Ancestor Photo Gallery

Helen Niezen c.1885 Garrett Frielink c.1885
Helen Niezen - c.1885 - age 48
Garrett Frielink - c. 1885 - age 58
Frances Frielink, age 17 Charles Lewis, age 27
Frances Frielink - c. 1889 - age 17
Charles Lewis - c. 1889 - age 27

Helen Niezen and Garrett Frielink
were the parents of Frances, who married Charles Lewis.
Frances and Charles were the parents of Helen Lewis.

Helen Lewis, age 17 Royal Gibson, age 24
Helen Lewis - 1926, age 17
Rosie's birth mother
Royal Gibson - 1929, age 24
Rosie's birth father

Rose S. Rivard c.1925 Alfred C. Trombly c.1925
Rose Susanne Rivard - c. 1925, age 52
Alfred C. Trombly - c. 1925, age 53
Sadie M. Trombly, 1900 Joe Schulte, c.1912
Sadie M. Trombly - 1900, age 5
Joseph F. Schulte - c. 1912, age 18

Rose and Alfred were the parents of Sadie Trombly,
who married Joseph Schulte.

Wilhelmina Knoche and Anthony Schulte, 1890
Wilhelmina Knoche and Anthony Schulte - 1890
She was 21 and he was 33.

Minnie and Anthony were the parents of Joe.