Stewart Family Genealogy - Page 1
Mary Ann Stewart Kaylor
Page ONE
Page TWO Stewart Genealogy
Page THREE Stewart Genealogy
Click for ENDNOTES/SOURCES - Footnote numbers can be found below, sometimes
difficult to see.
INDEX OF SURNAMES found in James Stewart Genealogy
1. James2 Stewart (David1)1 was born Abt. 1720 in VA2, and died Aft. 1796 in Franklin Co.?, Pittsylvania Co., ? VA3.
Notes for James Stewart:
DB#1, pp 437-439, 3 Mar 1788 - Deed
JAMES STEWART, Franklin Co to Samuel Patterson, Franklin Co. 50 pounds, 300 acres on Chestnut Creek adjoining
JAMES STEWARTS own line. Names in description: STEWARTS line crossing said creek.
/s/ James Stewart
DAVIS, Sr. recorded 6 Oct 1788
DB#2, PP 136-137, 15 Feb 1788 - Deed
JAMES STEWART, Senior, Franklin Co. to DAVID STEWART, Franklin Co. for divers good causes and Considerations,
100 acres by survey north side of Chestnut Creek.
/s/James Stewart
ELIZABETH RICHARDS, Certified 4 Aug 1788;recorded 4 Oct 1790
DB#3, p 371, 1 Jul 1796 - Deed
JAMES STEWART, Sr., Franklin Co., to William SHERWOOD (SHEARWOOD) �which the
payment the said JAMES STEWART unto JAMES SMITH & Co. and honestly desires to pay them the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged as by _____on this indenture by Hugh Innes and Samuel Callan, attorneys in fact for James Smith
& Co.� 120 acres on both sides of Chestnut Creek being part of that tract the said JAMES STEWART purchased of
TULLY CHOICE as by Deedrecorded in (Per. Co. NC?) being the said land whereon the said William Shearwood now
lives and has his plantation.
Witnesses: Robert INNES; James COOLEY; JAMES STEWART, Jr.; Wilt Warwick
�We, Hugh Innes and Samuel Calland attorneys in fact for James Smith & Co do acknowledge to have received the sum
of seventy pounds --- in the name of James Smith & Co. relinquish all rights and interest in the said deed of trust.
/s/ Hugh Innes; Sam�l Calland
Witnesses: Robert Innes; Christopher Clark as to Samuel Calland, Samuel Duval as to Samuel Calland.
ReCorded Sept 1796.
Children of James Stewart are:
+ 2 i. Charles3 Stewart, born Abt. 1760 in VA?; died 29 October 1833 in Macoupin Co., IL.
+ 3 ii. David Stewart, born Abt. 1746; died Aft. 1817.
+ 4 iii. Elizabeth Stewart, born Abt. 1749; died Aft. 1812 in Franklin Co ? VA.
+ 5 iv. James Stewart, born Abt. 1755; died 31 August 1829 in Morgan Co., TN.
+ 6 v. William Stewart, born Abt. 1760; died Abt. 1840.
2. Charles3 Stewart (James2, David1)4 was born Abt. 1760 in VA?, and died 29 October 1833 in Macoupin
Co., IL5. He married Charity Richards Abt. 1780 in VA?, daughter of Edward Richards and Elizabeth Stewart. She was born
1763, and died 1838 in Macoupin Co., IL.
Notes for Charles Stewart:
Tombstone Revelations, Book I by Macoupin Co. Historical Society:
N. Otter Township: Stewart-Crump Farm Cemetery.
STEWART, Charles - age 73, died 1833
STEWART, Charity - age 75, died 1838
Charles Stewart is a brother to James Stewart II
Probate Filed in Macoupin Co IL. John and Charles Stewart, Adminstrators, sons of Charles & Charity.
Charity was a Richards, Contrary to above mentioned TR. After book was printed one of the editors met with this
researcher and we went to Courthouse. records were found to indicate that Charity was a Richards. It had been assumed
that Charity was a Crump, because the land/farm where Charles & Charity are buried was land owned by Wm. C. Crump.
This Wm. was married to Charles' grandaughter Elizabeth Stewart, d/o Rev. John Stewart.
Notes for Charity Richards:
Edward Richards Will indicates that he had a daughter, CHARITY STUART. This Will was written in 1812 andrecorded
n Franklin Co. VA
Children of Charles Stewart and Charity Richards are:
+ 7 i.Rev. John Stewart Rev. John4 Stewart, born 31 July 1782 in Henry Co.? VA; died 02 March 1868 in
N. Otter Twp., Macoupin Co IL.
8 ii.CharlesStewart, Jr., born Abt. 1784 in (Franklin Co., ?) VA.
3. David3 Stewart (James2, David1)6 was born Abt. 17467, and died Aft. 1817. He married Rebecca Hambleton8.
Children of David Stewart and Rebecca Hambleton are:
9 i.Chapman4 Stewart9.
10 ii.DavidStewart, Jr.10. He married Mariah Grinsted11 22 December 1829 in Henry Co VA12.
11 iii.Hambleton Stewart13, died 1852 in McMinn Co TN. He married Martha Unknown.
12 iv.Margaret "Patsy) Stewart, born Abt. 1770. She married
James COOLEY 04 October 1786 in Franklin Co VA.
13 v.Nancy Stewart, born Abt. 1772. She married Thomas Ramsey 02 July 1792 in Franklin Co VA.
14 vi.Theodosia "Doshia" Stewart, born Abt. 1776. He married Jubal Brock 09 December 1796 in
Franklin Co VA.
+ 15 vii.Rebecca Stewart, born 02 September 1782 in Death age, tombstone; died 24 July 1837 in Meigs, TN.
16 viii.Elizabeth Stewart, born Abt. 1788. He married Lewis Finney 05 February 1808 in Franklin Co VA.
4. Elizabeth3 Stewart (James2, David1) was born Abt. 1749, and died Aft. 1812 in Franklin Co ? VA14.
She married Edward Richards15 Abt. 1760 in VA. He was born Bet. 1739 - 1740 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died April 1812
in Franklin Co., VA.
Notes for Edward Richards:
DARrecord for Stanley Joe Crowley lists Edward Richards as a Private in Major Jonathan Clark's Company, 4th VA
Regiment, Commanded by Col. James Wood. He enlistedin the service Feb 28, 1778, to serve one year. On April 30,
1785 a certificate for the sum of L 102. 8s. 10d was issues for the balance of his pay. He also furnished supplies in
Henry Co. VA..
Proof for DAR listedrecords: SAR Supplement of Wm. Randolph.
Marriagerecord of R. F. Nash
ReCords in Estate File of Wm. B. Potts; Pictures of Nash Bible.
Marriagerecord and estate file of Edmund Richards.
Will of Edward Richards; DAR application of Nat. # 597826
Ref. The VA Magazine of History and Biography, Vol X, p 141
Application dated 1 Apr 1972 and notarized in Albermarle Co VA. Stanley Crowley resided Charlottesville, VA; In Jan
1989 he resided 13054 Michie Ct., Woodbridge, VA 22192
DB#2, PP 136-137, 15 Feb 1788 - Deed
JAMES STEWART, Senior, Franklin Co. to DAVID STEWART, Franklin Co. for divers good
causes and Considerations, 100 acres by survey north side of Chestnut Creek.
/s/James Stewart
ELIZABETH RICHARDS, Certified 4 Aug 1788;recorded 4 Oct 1790
DB#3, p 654, 2 Feb 1799 - Deed
EDWARD RICHARDS, Franklin Co. to JESSE WARREN, Franklin Co., 40 acres on Chestnut
Creek. Witnesses Robert Core Jones; Edmund Richards; Susanna Jones. recorded Feb 1799.
(John and George Ketterman involved) /s/ Edward Richards
DB#3, p 159, 27 May 1793 - Deed
EDWARD RICHARDS and ELIZABETH, his wife, Franklin Co. to Samuel Beckell Heymore,
Franklin Co. 40 pounds, 130 acres by survey on both sides of the North Fork of Chestnut Creek.
Names in description: Warren�s line; John Harger line; Mason line; Archers line.
/s/ Edward Richards
Elizabeth, the wife, relinquished her right of dower. recorded Apr 1794
DB#3, p311, 1 Feb 1796 - Deed
James COOLEY, Anne COOLEY, Franklin Co. to EDWARD RICHARDS, Franklin Co, 31 pounds,
125 a on the Branch of Chestnut Creek. /s/ James COOLEY (their mark)
/s/ Anne COOLEY
ReCorded Feb 1796
County: asrecorded in VA Appalachian Notes:
MB #2, p 112 - 24 Aug 1780: EDWARD RICHARDS taken before Robert Woods, Esq. on
Suspicion of being guilty of Treasonable Conspiracy against the States of America -- found not guilty by Jury.
Children of Elizabeth Stewart and Edward Richards are:
17. i.Nancy4 Richards, born in VA. She married John Hargas in Franklin Co., VA16.
18 ii.Shadrick Richards, born in Pittsylvania Co., VA17; died Bef. 1827. He married Susannah Hamilton
28 October 1779 in Henry Co., VA.
+ 19 iii. Charity Richards, born 1763; died 1838 in Macoupin Co., IL.
20 iv. Waitman F. Richards, born Abt. 1765 in VA; died 1845. He married Nancy (Sally) Hodges18
11 January 1797 in Henry Co., VA.
+ 21 v.Susan "Susa" Richards, born 11 September 1769 in Richmond, HenriCo Co., VA; died 08 August 1802
in Franklin Co., VA.
+ 22 vi. Rhoda Richards, born Abt. 1771 in Pittsylvania Co VA; died 1871 in Robertson Co., TN.
23 vii. Elizabeth (Betsey) Richards, born Abt. 1771 in VA. She married Wilson Maddox 11 April 1796 in
Franklin Co., VA.
+ 24 viii. Edmund Hendley Richards, born 22 March 1783 in Franklin/Henry Co.? VA; died 16 September 1840
in Macoupin Co., IL.
5. James3 Stewart (James2, David1) was born Abt. 1755, and died 31 August 1829 in Morgan Co., TN19. He
married Rachel Holloway20 October 1775 in VA21, daughter of James Holloway. She was born
07 May 1759, and died Aft. 1836 in Morgan Co., TN?22.
Notes for James Stewart:
DB#3, p 545, 20 Dec 1797 - Deed of Trust
JAMES STEWART, Junior, Franklin Co. to William SHEARWOOD, Franklin Co. 78 pounds/16/2, indebted to James Smith
& Co.-----100 acres on Chestnut Creek--land whereone JAMES STEWART, Jr. now lives
/s/ James Stewart, Jr. (his mark0
I, Samuel Calland attorney in fact for James Smith & Co. do acknowledge to have received of he within mentioned Wm.
Shearwood the sum of 28 pounds/16/2---in the name of James Smith & Co. relinquish all right & interest.
/s/ Samuel Calland
Witnesses: Jesse Prunty; James COOLEY, his mark; Robert Prunty,his mark
RACHEL, the wife of JAMES STEWART relinquished her right of dower. recorded Feb 1798
COUNTY: (As published in the VA Appalachian Notes)
MB #2, p 113; 24 Aug 1780: JAMES STEWART, Jr. on Suspicion of being guilty of Treasonable Conspiracy against
the States of America -- Jury called - found guilty of the fact & that he pay 100 pounds & Costs.
Page 12: STEWART, John 2 males u/10 2 females u/10
1 male 16/26 1 female 10/16
male 26/45 1 female 26/45 5 slaves
STEWART, James, 1 male 16/26 1 female 26/45
1 male over 45 1 female over 45
Children of James Stewart and Rachel Holloway are:
25 i. Nancy4 Stewart23. She married Thomas Hodges 20 July 1792 in Franklin Co., VA.
26 ii. Sarah Stewart24. She married Littlesberry Thornton 24 March 1807 in Franklin Co., VA.
27 iii. Mary Stewart, born Abt. 1776. She married John Bird 07 October 1792 in Franklin Co., VA.
+ 28 iv. Elizabeth (Edea?) Stewart, born Abt. 1776 in Franklin? Co., VA;
died 1861 in prob. Benton Co., MO.
+ 29 v. Brice Stewart, born Abt. 1779 in Franklin Co., VA ?; died 23 April 1847 in Polk Co., MO.
30 vi. William Stewart25, born Abt. 1780. He married Catherine Short 03 September 1806 in Franklin Co., VA.
+ 31 vii. James Stewart, born Abt. 1785 in VA; died 1815 in Roane Co., TN.
+ 32 viii. Agnes Stewart, born Abt. 1790.
6. William3 Stewart (James2, David1)26 was born Abt. 1760, and died Abt. 1840. He married Nancy Burgess.
Children of William Stewart and Nancy Burgess are:
33 i. Agnes4 Stewart.
34 ii. Robert Stewart27, born Abt. 1780. He married Polly Goff 14 August 1806 in Franklin Co VA28.
7. Rev. John Stewart Rev. John4 Stewart (Charles3, James2, David1) was
born 31 July 1782 in Henry Co.? VA29, and died 02 March 1868 in N. Otter Twp., Macoupin Co IL. He married
Agnes Warren30 15 April 1805 in Franklin Co., VA, daughter of Zacariah Warren and Agnes White. She was
born 20 July 1788 in Franklin? Henry Co? VA, and died 02 September 1852 in N. Otter Twp., Macoupin Co IL.
Notes for Rev. John Stewart Rev. John Stewart:
Robertson Co TN Landrecords, John deeds land to Signal Martin,15 Sep 1831, resides Macoupin Co IL
Stewart Clan Magazine, Vol. 34, #3, Sep 1957, Tome G
Probate of Father CHARLES STEWART, Macoupin Co IL 8 Feb 1834
Union Chapel Cemetery Inscriptions, N. Otter Twp., Macoupin Co IL state John d age 86yr/7mo/3da 1 May 1868.
Petition for Letters of Administration:
Petition of SAMUEL STEWART in the matter of the estate of JOHN STEWART, deceased, for Letters of Administration.
To the Hon. Thaddeus L. Loomis, Judge of the County Court of Macoupin County, in the State of Illinois......The Petition
of the undersigned SAMUEL STEWART respectfully represents that JOHN STEWART late of the County of Macoupin
aforesaid, departed this life at the resident of petitioner in said County on or about the 2 day of March A. D. 1868, leaving
no last will and testament as far as your petitioner know or believe.
And this Petition further shows that the said JOHN STEWART died, seized and possessed of Real and Personal Estate,
Consisting chiefly of land in Macoupin County, sheep clothing and notes of hand worth in all about five thousand dollars.
All of said personal estate being estimated to be worth about two thousand dollars. That said deceased left surving him....
STEVENS; LOUISA HAYS, JOHN T. TAYLOR and _____TAYLOR, heirs of NANCY TAYLOR, his daughter, deceased.
And JAMES B. PRUNTY, M. G. OWENBY and MARY CHEEK(?) heirs of SARAH OWENBY, his daughter, deceased.
And the unknown heirs of ZACHARIAH STEWART, his son deceased and LETHA JANE MCPETERS, MARTHA
McPETERS and _____McPETERS, heirs of CHARITY McPETERS his daughter deceased, as heirs. That your petitioner
(being a son of said deceased, and) believing that the said estate should be immediately administered, as well for the
proper management of said ________ as for the prompt Collection of the assets, by virtue of ______right under the
tatue_________therefore pray that your honor will grant Letters of Administration to ____________in the premises,
upon_________taking the oath prescribed by the Statue and entering into Bond in such sum, and with securities, as may
be approved by your honor.
Macoupin County SAMUEL STEWART
being duly sworn, deposes and says, the the facts averred in the above petition are true, acCording to the best of his
knowledge, information and belief.
Sworn and subsribed before me
Clerk of the County Court of Macoupin
County this 20 day of March, A. D. 1868
G. C. Holliday, Clerk (Signed) SAMUEL STEWART
Macoupin County ILLINOIS Courthouserecord:
County Court record 11 Nov 1872 (4 Dec 18__)
TWELFTH DAY, Thursday, December 5th, 1872
Came into Court SAMUEL STEWART Administrator of the estate of JOHN STEWART and presented to the Court a
report-__owing the Condition of his acCount with said Estate which was examined approved and ordered to berecorded.
And the Court being so advised by satisfactory evidence of the Correctness of each of the credits taken in said report, it is
ordered that the same be allowed and Said Administrator be credited by the several Sums therein claimed --
And it appearing to the Court that this is yet in the hands of said Administrator, the further Sums of Two hundred and
Fifteen dollars Seventy one cents, he is ordered to pay the same out, as follows:
Charles STEWART, share Twenty one dollars fifty seven cents / $21.57
Heirs of Sarah OWENBY, vis-
James P. OWENBY Seven dollars nineteen cents $ 7.19
Marcus G. OWENBY, Seven dollars nineteen cents $ 7.19
Mary CHUCK (?), Seven dollars nineteen cents $ 7.19
Heirs of Zacariah STEWART, vis
Wesley STEWART, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Levi STEWART, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Lewis STEWART, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Louisa STEWART, two dollar sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Dennis STEWART, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Betsey STEWART, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Heirs of Agnes DAVIS, two dollars sixty nine cents $ 2.69
Heirs of James STEWART, two dollars sixt;y nine cents $ 2.69
Heirs of Charity McPETERS, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $21.57
Heirs of Nancy TAYLOR, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
Heirs of John STEWART twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
Peter C. STEWART, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
Samuel STEWART, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
Elizabeth CRUMP, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
Jane CHERRY, twenty one dollars fifty seven cents $ 21.57
and retain balance subject to further orders
Children of Rev. Stewart and Agnes Warren are:
+ 35 i. Charles Shaw5 Stewart, born 1806 in VA; died Bef. 1872.
+ 36 ii. Sarah Stewart, born 1808 in VA; died Bef. 1868.
+ 37 iii. Zachariah Stewart, born 1810 in Robertson? Co., TN; died Bef. 1868 in Lee's Summit,
Jackson Co., MO.
+ 38 iv. John Stewart, born Abt. 1814 in TN; died Aft. 1868.
+ 39 v. Agnes (Nancy) Stewart, born 1815 in TN; died February 1858 in Macoupin Co., IL?.
+ 40 vi. Peter Cartwright Stewart, born 01 July 1819 in Robertson Co. TN; died 13 May 1903 in
Leon, Decatur Co. IA.
+ 41 vii. Samuel Stewart, born 14 October 1821 in Robertson Co., TN; died Aft. 1872 in MO.
+ 42 viii. Elizabeth Stewart, born 17 December 1823 in Robertson Co., TN; died 02 January 1906 in
Macoupin Co., IL.
43 ix. Jane Stewart31, born 22 November 182832; died 29 August 1888 in Macoupin County, IL33.
She married James Peter Cherry 19 August 1847 in Macoupin Co IL; born 1827; died
31 May 1863 in Macoupin County, IL.
44 x. Charity Stewart, born Abt. 1818 in TN; died Bef. 1868 in MO?. She married James Harvey
McPeters 23 December 1832 in Macoupin Co IL; died in MO?.
Notes for James Harvey McPeters:
Known as Harry, too?
15. Rebecca4 Stewart (David3, James2, David1) was born 02 September 1782 in Death age, tombstone34, and
died 24 July 1837 in Meigs, TN. She married William Zeigler35 29 September 1804 in Franklin Co VA. He was
born 02 January 1782, and died 04 January 1846 in McMinn? Co TN.
Children of Rebecca Stewart and William Zeigler are:
+ 45 i. Catherine5 Zeigler, born 07 April 1807 in Tombstone; died 10 February 1879 in Webster Co MO.
+ 46 ii. Easter Zeigler, born Abt. 1810 in VA.
+ 47 iii. Rebecca Zeigler, born 30 June 1812 in Franklin Co VA?;
died 05 November 1893 in Webster Co MO.
48 iv. William O. Zeigler, born 06 January 1817; died 12 October 1894 in Meigs Co TN.
He married Diadama Mansell.
49 v. JaCob F. Zeigler36, born Abt. 1818; died Aft. 1856 in Washington, D. C.. He married Tennessee
50 vi. Lucinda Ann Zeigler, born 06 February 1822 in Franklin Co VA?; died 1896 in Webster Co MO.
She married John Ellis Haymes 16 November 1838 in McMinn Co TN.
19. Charity4 Richards (Elizabeth3 Stewart, James2, David1) was born 1763, and died 1838 in Macoupin Co., IL.
She married Charles Stewart37 Abt. 1780 in VA?, son of James Stewart. He was born Abt. 1760 in VA?, and died
29 October 1833 in Macoupin Co., IL38.
Notes for Charity Richards:
Edward Richards Will indicates that he had a daughter, CHARITY STUART. This Will was written in 1812 andrecorded in
Franklin Co. VA
Notes for Charles Stewart:
Tombstone Revelations, Book I by Macoupin Co. Historical Society:
N. Otter Township: Stewart-Crump Farm Cemetery.
STEWART, Charles - age 73, died 1833
STEWART, Charity - age 75, died 1838
Charles Stewart is a brother to James Stewart II
Probate Filed in Macoupin Co IL. John and Charles Stewart, Adminstrators, sons of Charles & Charity.
Charity was a Richards, Contrary to above mentioned TR. After book was printed one of the editors met with this
researcher and we went to Courthouse. records were found to indicate that Charity was a Richards. It had been
assumed that Charity was a Crump, because the land/farm where Charles & Charity are buried was land owned by
Wm. C. Crump. This Wm. was married to Charles' grandaughter Elizabeth Stewart, d/o Rev. John Stewart.
Children are listed above under (2) Charles Stewart.
21. Susan "Susa"4 Richards (Elizabeth3 Stewart, James2, David1) was born 11 September 1769 in Richmond,
HenriCo Co., VA, and died 08 August 1802 in Franklin Co., VA. She married Robert Augusta Core Jones39 20 June 1785 in
Henry Co., VA40. He was born 16 April 1748 in near London, England, and died July 1828 in VA?/TN?41.
Notes for Robert Augusta Core Jones:
COUNTY: as found in VA Appalachian Notes:
MB #1, p 15: 18 Aug 1777, ROBERT JONES, Jr. came into Court and took the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth of
Viriginia. Whereupon he is exempted from barring Arms. (Note: Could be a dissenter such as a Quaker?)
Children of Susan Richards and Robert Jones are:
51 i. Infant5 Jones, born in VA42.
52 ii. Infant Jones, born in VA43.
53 iii. Susan Jones, born in VA.
54 iv. Edward Jones, born 25 August 1786 in VA/England?. He married Betsey Hodges44 15 July 1805
in Franklin Co., VA.
+ 55 v. Phoebe Jones, born 04 February 1788 in VA/England?; died 30 March 1861 in Franklin Twp.,
Morgan Co., IL ?.
+ 56 vi. Reuben Jones, born 10 February 1795 in VA; died Aft. 1827 in TN?.
+ 57 vii. Waitman Jones, born 13 December 1797 in Franklin Co., VA; died 30 September 1871 in
Waverly, Morgan Co., IL.
58 viii. Elizabeth Jones, born Abt. 1802 in VA. She married John H. Stephenson 28 November 1833 in
Morgan Co., IL.
22. Rhoda4 Richards (Elizabeth3 Stewart, James2, David1) was born Abt. 1771 in Pittsylvania Co VA, and
died 1871 in Robertson Co., TN45. She married Jesse Warren 13 February 1790 in Franklin Co., VA, son of Thomas
Warren and Jane Brown. He was born Abt. 1770 in Lunenburg Co VA, and died 14 July 1840 in Robertson Co TN.
Notes for Jesse Warren:
From "Gookin Genealogy" - Jesse's Will mentions also "motherless grand-children" EMILY ENGLAND, now
Children of Rhoda Richards and Jesse Warren are:
59 i. Rhoda5 Warren.
60 ii. Sibert Asher Warren46, born 02 July 1790 in VA; died 12 September 1863 in Bolivan, Polk Co
MO. He married Frances Bushrod Swift47 March 1810 in Robertson Co TN; born 02 June 1791
in Caswell Co.?, NC;
died 13 September 1865 in Walnut Hill, Marion Co IL.
61 iii. Isaiah Warren, born 1793 in VA; died 23 November 1862 in TN. He married Permelia Ann
Phillips48 Abt. 1819 in TN; born 1803 in NC; died 1885 in Fannin Co TX.
+ 62 iv. Susannah Warren.
24. Edmund Hendley4 Richards (Elizabeth3 Stewart, James2, David1) was born 22 March 1783 in
Franklin/Henry Co.? VA, and died 16 September 1840 in Macoupin Co., IL. He married Sarah (Sally) Warren 22 March
1802 in Franklin Co., VA, daughter of Zacariah Warren and Agnes White. She was born 12 September 1778 in VA, and
died Abt. 1840 in Macoupin Co IL.
Children of Edmund Richards and Sarah Warren are:
+ 63 i. Edward Nathaniel5 Richards, born 1804 in Franklin Co., VA;
died Aft. 1880 in Macoupin County, IL.
64 ii. Edmund Hendly Richards, Jr., born 1805 in VA; died 19 January 1875 in Macoupin Co IL.
He married (1) Nancy S.; born 14 June 1805; died 23 September 1852 in Macoupin Co IL.
He married (2) Maria Good 02 January 1853 in Macoupin Co IL49; born 1819 in TN.
65 iii. Enoch S. Richards, born 1807 in NC/VA; died 18 January 1839 in Girard, Macoupin Co IL.
He married Mary Jane Gibson 15 August 1831 in Girard, Macoupin Co IL; born 1808 in KY;
died 07 October 1869.
66 iv. John A. Richards, born 1809 in VA. He married Rebecca Unknown.
+ 67 v. Agnes Richards, born Abt. 1810 in VA; died 1853 in N. Otter Twp., Macoupin County, IL.
+ 68 vi. Charity C. Richards, born 24 June 1813 in VA; died 29 October 1891 in N. Palmyra Twp.,
Macoupin Co., IL.
69 vii. Zachariah Richards, born 1815 in VA. He married Polly Fields 11 March 1832 in Morgan Co IL.
70 viii. Caleb D. Richards, born 1817; died 1839 in Macoupin Co IL. He married Nancy Gibson
04 May 1837 in Macoupin Co IL50.
+ 71 ix. Rhoda Ann Richards, born 19 October 1821 in Robertson Co TN; died 11 July 1882 in
Montgomery Co IL.
28. Elizabeth (Edea?)4 Stewart (James3, James2, David1)51 was born Abt. 1776 in Franklin? Co., VA, and
died 1861 in prob. Benton Co., MO. She married Titus England 26 December 1795 in Franklin Co., VA. He
was born Abt. 1770 in VA, and died 29 July 1849 in near Edwards, Benton Co., MO.
Notes for Titus England:
1814-1815-1816-1817 Roane Co. TN Tax Lists:
A Titus ENGLAND listed as owning 20 acres in 1814; 35 acres in 1815 and 72 acres in 1816-1817.
Taken from Roane Co. TN Web Page Archives.
Children of Elizabeth Stewart and Titus England are:
+ 72 i. Isaac5 England, born 1796 in Franklin Co., VA; died 1875 in Benton Co., MO.
73 ii. John H. England, born 1798 in VA; died 05 January 1862. He married (1) Elizabeth Skaggs.
He married (2) Jane Bailey 04 May 1843 in Macoupin Co., IL.
74 iii. Rachel England52, born Abt. 1800 in VA. She married John Stoops 19 March 1834 in
Macoupin Co., IL.
+ 75 iv. Titus England, born Abt. 1803 in TN.
+ 76 v. Mary England, born 27 March 1808 in Roane Co., TN; died 06 August 1892 in Cole Camp,
Benton Co., MO.
+ 77 vi. Elizabeth England, born 25 January 1815 in Roane Co., TN; died 04 February 1900 in Courtney,
Jackson Co., MO.
29. Brice4 Stewart (James3, James2, David1) was born Abt. 1779 in Franklin Co., VA ?, and died
23 April 1847 in Polk Co., MO. He married Mary "Polly" Hodges53 30 January 1798 in
Franklin Co., VA. She was born Abt. 1775 in Franklin Co., VA, and died 28 October 1846 in
Polk Co., MO.
Child of Brice Stewart and Mary Hodges is:
+ 78 i. Esther(Hessie)5 Stewart, born 18 November 1798 in Franklin Co., VA; died 08 September 1872 in
Morgan Co., IL.
31. James4 Stewart (James3, James2, David1)54 was born Abt. 1785 in VA55,56, and died 1815 in Roane Co.,
TN57. He married Phoebe Jones58 24 February 1804 in Franklin Co., VA59,60, daughter of Robert Jones and
Susan Richards. She was born 04 February 1788 in VA/England?, and died 30 March 1861 in Franklin Twp.,
Morgan Co., IL ?.
Notes for James Stewart:
Roane Co. TN Tax Lists:
A James STEWART, Jr. listed in 1814 with 23 acres; 20 acres in 1815; 23 acres in 1816 & 1817. This Could be James who
married Rachel Holloway, or his son James who married Phoebe Jones. Son James died 1815 in Roane Co. TN per Court
Notes for Phoebe Jones:
Jones Family Biblerecords in possession of William England, death source.
Phoebe Jones Stewart England is found on the 1835 Morgan Co. IL State Census:
Phoebe England -1 male age under 10;
1 female 10/20
1 female 40/50
Children of James Stewart and Phoebe Jones are:
79 i. Robert5 Stewart, born Abt. 1813 in Roane Co., TN. He married Sarah J. Duke 1849 in
Macoupin Co., IL.
+ 80 ii. William Stewart, born 10 September 1814 in Roane Co., TN; died 22 November 1877 in
Waverly Twp., Morgan Co., IL.
32. Agnes4 Stewart (James3, James2, David1) was born Abt. 1790. She married Reuben Jones61
11 March 1811 in Franklin Co., VA62, son of Robert Jones and Susan Richards. He was born 10 February 1795
in VA, and died Aft. 1827 in TN?.
Notes for Reuben Jones:
In Roane Co TN 1814- 1817, in Morgan Co TN 1824-27. There is a Reuben Jones listed in the 1830 Sangamon Co IL
Census, which Could be this Reuben?
Roane Co.TN Tax Lists:
A Reuben JONES listed 1815, 1816, 1817, no acreage listed
Child of Agnes Stewart and Reuben Jones is:
+ 81 i. Titus5 Jones, born Abt. 1812 in TN.
Generation No. 4
35. Charles Shaw5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1)63 was born 1806 in VA, and died Bef.
1872. He married Mary McPeters 1827, daughter of David McPeters and Susanna Lloyd. She was born 1806 in KY.
Children of Charles Stewart and Mary McPeters are:
+ 82 i. Charles6 Stewart, born 17 March 1840 in MO; died 06 May 1897 in Jackson Co MO.
+ 83 ii. Harvey Stewart, born 31 December 1835 in Macoupin Co IL; died Aft. 1918 in Co?.
36. Sarah5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 1808 in VA, and died Bef. 186865.
She married ? Owenby.
Children of Sarah Stewart and ? Owenby are:
84 i. James P.6 Owenby.
85 ii. Marcus G. Owenby.
86 iii. Mary Owenby.
37. Zachariah5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 1810 in Robertson? Co., TN, and
died Bef. 1868 in Lee's Summit, Jackson Co., MO. He married Elizabeth England 10 December 1832 in Macoupin Co., IL,
daughter of Titus England and Elizabeth Stewart. She was born 25 January 1815 in Roane Co., TN, and died 04 February
1900 in Courtney, Jackson Co., MO.
Notes for Zachariah Stewart:
Blackhawk War - 1832---During the winer of 1831-32...private soldiers from Macoupin Co. men included John Chapman
(Charity C. Richard's husband), E. H. Richards (Edmund Hendley Richards), John England (Elizabeth's brother?)..Harvey
McPeter's(Charity Stewart's husband) and Zachariah Stewart----History of Macoupin Co. IL, pps 66-67. Joanne Yeck
Purchased land in Macoupin Co., IL:
SESW 20-12-07, 40 acres 15 Aug 1834
SENE 25-12-08, 40 acrees 15 Oct 1835
Children of Zachariah Stewart and Elizabeth England are:
+ 87 i. Agnes6 Stewart, born 10 August 1834 in Macoupin County, IL; died 17 December 1869.
+ 88 ii. Wesley Stewart, born 23 November 1836 in Van Buren Co., IA; died 27 April 1890 in
Jackson Co., MO.
+ 89 iii. Levi Stewart, born 1839 in Van Buren Co., IA; died Abt. 1861 in Denver, Co.
+ 90 iv. Lewis Newton Stewart, born 1841 in Van Buren Co., IA.
91 v. John Stewart, born 1845 in IA?.
92 vi. Mary Jane Stewart, born 1846 in Van Buren Co., IA.
+ 93 vii. Levin Dennis Stewart, born 1849 in Van Buren Co., IA.
94 viii. Sarah Louise Stewart, born 1851 in Van Buren Co IA. She married John Reardon.
95 ix. William Stewart, born 1853 in Jackson Co., MO; died Bef. 1860.
96 x. Elizabeth Stewart, born 1856 in Jackson Co., MO.
97 xi. Zachariah Stewart, born 1858 in Jackson Co., MO; died Abt. 1864 in Jackson Co., MO.
38. John5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1)66 was born Abt. 1814 in TN, and died Aft. 1868.
He married Clarissa Hodges 05 August 1838 in Macoupin Co iL. She was born 1818 in VA, and died Bef. 1874.
Children of John Stewart and Clarissa Hodges are:
98 i. John6 Stewart.
99 ii. Mary Stewart, born Abt. 1839.
100 iii. George Stewart, born Abt. 1843.
101 iv. Betsey Stewart, born Abt. 1845.
102 v. Charles Stewart, born Abt. 1847.
103 vi. S. J. Stewart, born Abt. 1849.
39. Agnes (Nancy)5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 1815 in TN, and died
February 1858 in Macoupin Co., IL?68. She married (1) Hiram Hays 09 March 1834 in Macoupin Co IL, son of William
Hays and Elizabeth Wade. He was born 1801 in SC, and died 09 January 1850 in Girard, Macoupin Co., IL. She married
(2) John Taylor Aft. 1850.
Notes for Hiram Hays:
Birthyear given by Evelyn Alexander . Hays researchers: Gloria Frazier ;
Yvonne Stedman ; Carolynn Bettis ;
Eric ADCOCK ; and many others.
Memoriam in possession of Evelyn Alexander:
In Loving Remembrance of our Dear Parents:
G. L. Stevens, died july 24, 1888, age 736/10m/15d
Moriah, died 16 Jul 1887; age72y/10m/15d
Hiram Hays, died 9 Jan 1850; age 48 years.
Nancy E., died Feb 1958, aged 44 years.
Evelyn writes: This information seems to Conflict with his brother William Hays? It is possible, and still not be a twin.
I wonder if William might have been born 1801 or 1803?
Children of Agnes Stewart and Hiram Hays are:
+ 104 i. Elizabeth F.6 Hays, born 08 July 1835 in Macoupin Co IL; died 03 May 1877.
105 ii. Matilda ?Jane Hays, born 1842. She married ?Darrow.
106 iii. John W. Hays, born 1838 in Macoupin Co IL.
+ 107 iv. Martha Henrietta Clementine Hays, born 29 March 1844 in Macoupin Co IL; died 25 April 1902
in Weiser, Washington Co ID.
108 v. Louisa Hays.
109 vi. Mary Agnes Hays, born 1840 in Macoupin Co IL. She married James Monroe Hays 1858 in
Appanoose, IA; born 28 November 1829 in Martin Co IN; died 02 April 1909 in Macoupin Co IL.
110 vii. Nancy M Hays, born 1849.
Children of Agnes Stewart and John Taylor are:
111 i. John T.6 Taylor.
112 ii. unknown Taylor.
40. Peter Cartwright Stewart5 (Rev. John4 Stewart, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 01 July 1819 in
Robertson Co. TN, and died 13 May 1903 in Leon, Decatur Co. IA. He married Harriet Elizabeth Roberts 27 August 1843
in Andrew Co MO.
Notes for Peter Cartwright Stewart:
Mentioned in his father JOHN STEWART's Will in Macoupin Co. IL
Ancestor of JOANNE YECK, 1677 Cerro Gordo, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Children of Peter and Harriet Roberts are:
113 i. Charles6 Stewart, born 22 May 1844 in Andrews Co MO;
died 17 April 1862 in Keokuk, Lee Co IA.
114 ii. Martha Stewart, born 13 February 1846 in Andrew Co MO; died 16 December 1916 in St. Joe, IA.
She married Richard J. McEvoy 23 August 1876.
115 iii. John W. Stewart, born 20 June 1847 in Harrison Co MO; died 01 December 1932 in nr Denver,
Co. He married Julia Hanner 1886.
116 iv. Rebecca Jane Stewart, born 20 January 1849 in Harrison Co MO; died 29 December 1918 in
Leon, Decatur Co. IA. She married John M. Muse 28 February 1869.
117 v. Charity Isabel Stewart, born 04 July 1850 in Decatur Co. IA; died 22 July 1876 in Muscatine, IA.
She married (1) Oliver Lawrence. She married (2) Delbert C. Johnson.
118 vi. Elizabeth Agnes Stewart, born 04 July 1852 in Decatur Co. IA; died 19 July 1923 in Eden,
Decatur Co IA. She married Philip S. Detrick 26 October 1871.
119 vii. James Thompson Stewart, born 20 October 1853 in Decatur Co. IA; died 06 September 1930 in
Leon, Decatur Co. IA. He married Esther Marie Sanger 25 March 1890.
120 viii. Sarah Ann Stewart, born 30 June 1856 in Decatur Co. IA; died 25 March 1920 in Leon,
Decatur Co. IA. She married Edward D. Parker 15 May 1876.
121 ix. Harvey Leander Stewart, born 31 December 1858 in Decatur Co. IA; died 1945 in Tulsa, Tulsa
Co OK. He married Mary Eliza Thompson 18 November 1886.
122 x. William Francis Stewart, born 11 February 1862 in Decatur Co. IA; died 27 May 1863.
+ 123 xi. Clara Delilah Stewart, born 12 February 1864 in Decatur Co. IA; died 22 February 1942 in Ames,
Decatur Co. IA.
124 xii. Lenora E. Stewart, born 23 May 1866 in Decatur Co. IA; died 18 June 1893 in Centerville, IA.
She married Foster C. Millinix.
125 xiii. Benjamin Franklin Stewart, born 05 December 1866 in Leon, Decatur Co. IA; died March 1929 in
Kansas City, MO. He married (1) Nancy Darr. He married (2) Celia ?.
126 xiv. Lewis Erwin Stewart, born 16 June 1868 in Decatur Co. IA; died 27 March 1930 in Leon, Decatur
Co. IA. He married Millicent M. Simpson December 1895.
41. Samuel5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 14 October 1821 in Robertson Co., TN,
and died Aft. 1872 in MO. He married Lucy Ann Waldrip 23 June 1842 in Macoupin Co IL. She was born 1822 in KY, and
died 06 December 1845 in MO.
Children of Samuel Stewart and Lucy Waldrip are:
127 i. Elizabeth A.6 Stewart, born 1844.
128 ii. Almarinda Stewart.
129 iii. J. W. Stewart.
130 iv. Louisa Stewart.
131 v. Franklin Stewart.
132 vi. Sarah E. Ada Stewart.
133 vii. Nancy A. Stewart.
42. Elizabeth5 Stewart (Rev. John4, Charles3, James2, David1) was born 17 December 1823 in Robertson Co.,
TN69, and died 02 January 1906 in Macoupin Co., IL. She married William C. Crump 21 April 1846 in Macoupin Co., IL.
He was born 26 June 1821 in Nicholas Co., KY, and died 12 January 1889 in ?Macoupin Co., IL.
Notes for Elizabeth Stewart:
Cathy "[email protected]" descendant of Elizabeth Stewart Crump.
Children of Elizabeth Stewart and William Crump are:
134 i. Martha Agnes6 Crump, born 13 May 1847.
135 ii. Nancy Ellen Crump, born 08 March 1849.
136 iii. Parthenia Jane Crump, born 28 December 1851 in MO.
Notes for Parthenia Jane Crump:
This James McGlecklin on the 1850 Macoupin Co IL Census....Son??
137 iv. Sarah Elizabeth Crump, born 11 February 1853.
138 v. John William Crump, born 17 December 1855.
139 vi. Charles Dixon Crump, born 18 December 1857.
140 vii. Mary Frances Crump, born 12 February 1859.
141 viii. Henry Clinton Crump, born 16 November 1861.
142 ix. Thomas Jefferson Crump, born 16 November 1861.
143 x. Ida Ann Crump, born 16 January 1863.
Page TWO Stewart Genealogy
Page THREE Stewart Genealogy
Our Stewart Direct Descendants

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