12. 3 Thadg (2 Cian, "King of Munster"1 Oiliol Olum) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married an unknown person. He was a brave and powerful prince, and when Fergus Dubhdehach (Dhuyaidah) came between Cormac MacArt and the sovereignty of Ireland, Cormac sought his aid, which Tadg promised on condition that he should get lands in return therefor, "I will give thee" said Cormac, "all the land thou canst encompass with thy chariot on the day thou wilt have routed Fergus." They then marched woth a numerous force to Brugh-mic-an-Oigh on the Boyne, at Crinna, where the battle was fought. Tadg completely vanquished the hosts of Ulster, for he routed them seven times, and ursued them to Drumiskin, and , although he had received three spear-wounds, he mounted his car and ordered his charioteer to drive him towards Tara, hoping to encompass its royal ramparts within the the circuit to be made by his war horses that day. But Tadg, having swooned severl times from loss of blood,failed to accomplish his purpose. He wasted away for a year afterwards from his wound, until a "wise Munster surgeon," Finghin Faithliagh (Finyeen Fawlea), removed a prickle of barley, some maggots, and the splinter of a spearhead from the wounds, which then healed perfectly, and Tadg became well again, winning large possessions for his sons Connla and Cormac, Gallenga, east ad west, Kiannacta, north and south, and Luigni, east and west. He was accidently killed on the brink of the Boyne by antlers of a deer.
Thadg had the following child:
4 Connla was born on (birth date
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