43. Gilleneuffe34 O'Meagher (Thadg33 O' Meachair, Gillanaomh32 O'Meachair, Diarmuid31, Fionn30 O' Meachair, Mealsechlainn29 Ua-Meachair, Muirchertach28, Donnchad27, Iarann26, Fiacha25, Murchad-Og24, Murchad23, 22 Domhnall, 21 Eignech, 20 Thadg, 19 Dlutach, 18 Meachair, 17 Ceallaidh, 16 Cuchoille, "King of Ele"15 Meachair, 14 Aodh-Mor, 13 Fergna, 12 Lughaidh, 11 Donnchuan, 10 Feilimidh, 9 Fiachu, 8 Lughaid, 7 Etchu, Eochaid6 Faebhasdearg, 5 Fionnachta, 4 Connla, 3 Thadg, 2 Cian, "King of Munster"1 Oiliol Olum) was born before 1508, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
He married an unknown person. [rectius Gilla-na-neeve] An inquistion taken at Clonmel on the 30 of May, 1629, found that this Gilleneuffe O'Meagher on the 30th of August 1551, executed a deed by which he covenanted to pay John O' Meagher, of Clonakenny Castle - who was then chief of his name , and father of Colonel Teige-oge O'Meagher and of Ellen, wife of Dr. Gerald Ffennell, member of the Supreme Council of Confederation - and his heirs a rent of twelve shillings; that he was father of Daniel; who was father of John; ;that John was in his lifetime seized of the lands of Ballybeg Camlin, Clonyne, Cloughmuile Grange, and Gortvollin, situated in the barony of Ikerrin and county of Tipperary, which he held by knight service, and that John O'Meagher was his son and heir-at-law, of full age, and married.
Gilleneuffe O'Meagher had the following child:
Daniel35 O'Meagher was born 1508.
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