Required by Ohio 1867 onward. From 1867 (if available) to Dec. 10, 1908, these records are available in the Probate Court of the county where they took place.
Adoption Records are are sealed. I now have a page up that explains the proper procedure for seeking adoption related information. It also has a link to an adoption web ring for your convience and help.
Ohio Division of Vital Statistics
Ohio Department of Health
P.O. Box 15098, Columbus, OH 43215-0098
Ohio birth records Dec. 20, 1908 to present
Ohio death records 1937 to present
The original death records from 1908 though 1944 have been transferred to the Ohio Historical Society as part of a new, but onging, process that will recur each year for records that have reached 50 years archival age.
If you do not know the date or the place of a birth or death (including death records transferred to O.H.S.), you can request a special search of the indexes for $3.00 an hour or fractional hour. Approximately 10 years of indexes can be searched in one hour.
This is the slip used for requesting a special search:
For all records in the custody of the Division of Vital Statistics the current fee for uncertified photocopies is $0.03 each. Certified copies are $7.00 each.
The Division of Vital Statistics will not provide photocopies of the records transferred to the Ohio Historical Society, but will certify copies provided by O.H.S. The $7.00 fee charged by Vital Statistics would be in addition to any fees charged by O.H.S.
Ohio Historical Society
Archives-Library Division
1985 Velma Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211-2497
Ohio death records, required Dec. 20, 1908-Current
(Search is limited to earlier years)
Available at the Probate Court in the county where the marriage occured. These go back to the formation of the county. Early marriage records include names of the bride and groom, date of event, county in which the marriage occurred, and sometimes the place of ceremony and officiating party. Records after around 1920 or so contain much more information of genealogical interest. After September 7, 1949 are recorded at the Ohio Department of Health in Columbus.
Ohio Division of Vital Statistics
Ohio Department of Health
P.O. Box 15098, Columbus, OH 43215-0098
Ohio marriage records, Sept. 7, 1949 to present
Since I receive about 10 requests a week for this information I have compiled what you need to get married in the State of Ohio today. I hope that this is useful to all.
Both persons must apply in person (at the same time) at the marriage license section of the county in Ohio where they are applying.
One person getting married must be a resident of the county of application.
Both must be 18 years old.
- If less than 18years, both sets of parents must accompany the applicants to apply and give consent. (Parents/Guardians must bring identification to prove their relationship.)
- If female and under 15years, parents/guardians must go with her to juvenile court where the court has to give consent for the marriage.
- Any questions see statute 3101 of the Ohio Revised Code.
If either have been married before, must have copies of all prior divorce
information and a certified copy of the divorce decree. If a spouse died you
must have a certified copy of the spouse's death certificate.
Cost is $45 in Cash only. (This was quoted from Franklin County so a call to the probate court of the county of marriage might obtain a different cost.)
No Blood Test or Physical are required in Ohio.
Each person has to have a picture ID with Social Security Number and Date of Birth. If you don't have that they will accept a certified birth certificate and social security card.
You get the liscense right then and have 60 days to get married and that marriage can take place anywhere in the State of Ohio.
Divorces, records of dissolution of marriage, were kept in the State Supreme Court until 1852 and then by the Court of Common Pleas in each county. Before September 7, 1949 a divorce record should be recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Courts where the divorce was granted. After September 7, 1949 are recorded at the Ohio Department of Health in Columbus.
Ohio Division of Vital Statistics
Ohio Department of Health
P.O. Box 15098, Columbus, OH 43215-0098
Ohio divorce records, Sept. 7, 1949 to present
The county recorder has land records for each county. Early records of land grants, bounty land, and land purchases are available at the Ohio Historical Society, 1985 Velma Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211. Following are some online resources with information about Land Records and History of Land Purchases.
"Ohio Lands - A Short History" (This is a short booklet on Land Transactions in Ohio. It is very informative.)
Wills and Estate Records are available in the Probate Court of the County where the person died or they were filed. Sometimes this is different but not often. Following is a link to my page that indexes all my county information. You can click on the county of your choice and get the probate address to obtain your will and/or estate records.
Visit the Ohio Department of Health for the most current information and to download request forms.
INDIVIDUAL COUNTY INFORMATION: A guide to my pages containing genealogical information about Ohio Counties. Feel welcome to visit any county and obtain information from my skeleton closet of how to track your footloose and fancy-free ancestors.
NOTE: This area is constantly under construction. If you need more info on a certain county, drop me a line and I will put it up as soon as possible.

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© 1997 - 2010 by Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman