Maggie's Ohio Web Ring Welcome! |


This Web Ring has been created on June 5th, 1998 to help unite pages with an interest in the State of Ohio and it's genealogy.
There are only a few rules to join ...
- Page must be related to Genealogy in the State of Ohio.
- Page must not be "Under Construction" to a point where there is hardly anything there.
- HTML code must be on the URL you register. Unless you have an entrance page designed to be just that. If your entrance page has the option of more than one version of the site, the fragment must be present on all versions.
- HTML Fragment includes Maggie's Ohio Ring logo, 'next' 'prev' and 'next5' links.
- Do not move the HTML fragment to a subpage of the site.

Follow the steps below to join the ring...
- Fill the FORM out completely.
- Copy and paste the provided HTML code.
or Download the Logos and Html by Clicking Here.
Be Sure to alter the following items:
- site is owned by ____________; replace the ____________ with your name
- __________; replace the __________ with YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in two places
- id=__; replace __ with your ID# (given to you by the system when you registered) in six places
- Copy the ring logos (right click on the graphics [located below] and upload them to your own directory) on your page.
- Email Maggie Stewart to be reviewed.
Be sure to include your
- Site ID# that was assigned to your
- URL you registered
- and email you registered

This Maggie's Ohio Web Ring
site is owned by
Want to join Maggie's Ohio Web Ring?
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]
visitor to this page since the counter
was reset on 6/18/99 when count was 2855 since June 5, 1998. Check back often!
This page was last updated Tuesday, 07-Jul-2009 09:36:00 MDT
© 1998 - 2010 by Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman