Name: Virginia Wagner
Date: Sun Jan 2
18:28:15 2000
Email: [email protected]
Jardines,Gardens came from Portugal to port of N.Y. on the ship named Brig Eliza Maite". 12 passegers aboard. Captain-L.H.Hutchings, In Dec.27,1852. DeFrates,date of arrival U.S. not known yet.I beleive 1852 or 1853. All settled in Sringfield,Il.
Name: Penny
Date: Sun Jan 2 19:40:17 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeFreitas, Goveia, Ferriair, Smith
I know very little. I have three last names fro my great grandmother Andrizza, they DrFreitas, Goveia and Ferriair. One was on my grandfather's marriage license another on his death certificate with info given by one of my Aunts and the other was given to me by my other Aunt so who knows. She married a Joseph C. Smith. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Name: Josephine
Date: Wed Jan 5 11:14:57
Email: [email protected]
d'fretes, frates???
All I know is my great grandmother was born in Bermuda. I don't know when, and I can't find out until I get another copy of my grandfather's birth certificate. On his birth certificate it reads D'Fretes, and on his baptismal certificate it reads Frates. I'm at a loss until I can get the correct information. She apparantly moved to Boston and married an Irishman named Cummings. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
Name: Suzanne Brazao
Date: Fri Jan 14 15:51:04
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Mussendon orMussingdon, Francisco (Francis), Soares,
da Silve, dias, Gomes, Lopes - Guyana
All immigrated to British Guiana in the 1800's.
Name: Barbara Mendes Jurs
Date: Mon Jan 17
20:47:41 2000
Email: [email protected]
My great great grandfather, Emanuel (Manoel) Antonio Mendez/Mendes was born on Madeira on December17, 1833. According to the oral tradition handed down, he was the youngest of seven children. His parents owned vineyards in Madeira. During his teenage years he fled Madeira because his parents wanted him to become a priest. Whether Manoel came directly to New York City or came by way of Demerara, British Guiana or Trinidad is a possibility. He did return to Madeira in 1871 and came back to NYC via Demerara. He did apply for U.S. citizenship in Brooklyn, NY in July of 1854 and became a citizen in 1860. His papers indicated that his parents were Portuguese citizens. His trade in the U.S. was a cooper. I am very interested in discovering the names of his parents who lived in Madeira. Since he possibly fled for religious reasons he may have been associated with the Madeiran exiles, especially since he could have left Madeira anytime from 1845 to 1854, the period of immigration of Madeiran exiles. Also he practiced protestantism in Brooklyn. His brother- in- law, Angel Vito Ferreira, was also Madeiran and a cooper, who lived next door to him in Brooklyn. I have a photograph of Manoel taken by a photographer from Funchal by the name of Camacho(a). Does anyone know if this photography studio still exists? The names of George (Giordino), Antonio, Francisco, and Manoel and possibly Jose Mendes are common links.
Name: Judy Gliebe
Date: Thu Jan 20 09:39:00
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeOrnellos, Escorsio (Scott), Vierriera, DeFrates-Reis
Francisco De Ornellos - wife Luvea DeOlliviera: Children - at least four: Antonio DeOrnellos who married Caroline Escorsio (Scott); Mary DeOrnellos, who married Gregory DeFreitas; Manuel, who married twice - 1) Rosa Meline and 2)Mary Rodiguez and the fourth child, John who married Augustina Fernandes. Antonio and Caroline had eleven children - nine who lived to adulthood. My grandmother was one of them - Minnie Jestina Ornellos. Through Mary DeOrnellos I am related to Myrtle Vierriera. My great aunt Clara DeFrates lived in a little house on Doolin Ave for decades. On my grandfather's side the immigrants were Joseph De Frates-Reis and his wife Mary. Family stories say they never reached Illinois but died enroute or in New York. Their children were brought to Jacksonville by an aunt and uncle, named Uncle Pat and Tia Johanna.There were four children: James, Joseph, John and Mary. James would be my great- grandfather. Joseph married Augustina Fernandez. John married Elizabeth Goveia - my grandfather referred to her as Aunt Lizzie. Mary married Joseph Escorse - children were roseline, Anderson, Mamie, Pauline, Annie, Carrie and Justina. It is through Mary's line that I am distantly related to Justina West. Can't believe I missed the reunion. I just found the site in December.
Date: Thu Jan 20
17:51:26 2000
Email: [email protected]
Name: Alvaro
Date: Tue Jan 25 19:11:36
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Madeira
My fammily have immigrate to brazil in 1880. They sorfred the inquisition persecution and tey converted with force to catolicism.Since today were called MARRANOS. The name for jews who have conveted by force. I came back to my origins.
Name: Felice Joaquim
Date: Mon Jan 31 19:08:30
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Joaquim, Viera, Gomes, Perreira
They came to Antigua, West Indies around 1858, they were Catholic. Some came from Monte, Madeira.
Name: John f. Andrews
Date: Mon Feb 21
12:57:23 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: John s. Andrews
Name: Douglas A.Fraites
Date: Wed Feb 23
19:18:00 2000
Email: [email protected]
My grandfather was Joseph Fraites born in St.Kitts to Antoine Fraites and Mary Daniels in 1878. I was told that Antoine was born in Madeira (possibly came to St.Kitts via Trinidad). I have no information on Antoine's siblings.My grandfather visited relatives in Trinidad in the very early 1900's but I have no idea of the names. I believe they were Antoine's family. The name Augusta is a popular middle name in our family for girls and it was the first name of either Antoine's mother or sister. I wonder if anyone can be of help with the Trinidad connection.
Name: cbrandflu
Date: Wed Mar 29 15:33:46
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Agrella, Nunes d'Agrella, de Simons,
My greatgrandfather is Joao Nunes d'Agrella born 19 nove. 1864 Faja da Ovelha Calheta. Madeira, He was maried to Christina de Simons from ...... His parents were Antonio Nunes d'Agrella and Maria de Jesus. The parents of his father were Manuel Nunes d'Agrella and Maria Fernandes. The parents from his mother are Tome Goncalves and Maria Perpetua. Apart from the names I have no dates of births from the parents. My greatgrandfather Joao Nunes d'agrella left Madeira arouond 1890 for Suriname (Dutch Guiana)at that time. There he maried Christina de Simons, a portuguese lady, we don't know where her mother called Francisca de Simons came from. We think British Guiana but we are not sure. All information abuot these people I would like to have.
Name: Claudia Reeves
Date: Sat Apr 1 07:54:57
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: deGovia or deGoveia
My grandmother was protestant from St Kitts. She used to say her family was from an island "off the coast of Spain", which I now suspect was Madiera. Her father or grandfather was a "Portugese Slave Trader" named Manuel deGovia. I have found others from St Kitts with the name Govia, who also have the tradition of an ancestor, Manuel Govia, who was a Portugese Trader I have tried to get some information from the Island of St Kitts, but without a lot of sucess. I would appreciate any help in finding where I can look for more information.
Name: Sarah Muro
Date: Sat Apr 8 19:38:48
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeSilva
George Arthur DeSilva left Madeira, Portugal sometime in the 1880's accompanied by his two sons George and Arthur DeSilva. There was never any mention of a Mrs. DeSilva accompanying them on the journey. My grandfather, from what I have been told, always spoke about the Golden Gates of Portugal and how we must go and see them if we are in Portugal. I am interested in knowing on what ship they arrived on.
Name: Bonnie Scoville
Date: Wed Apr 19
15:20:11 2000
Email: [email protected]
My mothers name was Helen Roderick, her father was Frank and her uncle was Jesse. She was born in Springfield, Illinois, July 19, 1919. Her mother died when she was five and she went to live with her uncle Jesse Roderick in Canton, Ohio. Only recently did she learn of the group that had come from the Maderia Islands and that she was a part of that group. Her grandfather and grandmother would have been a part of the group of exiles. Her grandfathers name was Jesse Roderick. My mother passed away three years ago and was still looking for her roots. I am trying to continue this search in her memory. I have two sisters and one cousin left from that side of my family. I believe that my great-grandparents left the Madeira Islands in 1846 and went to Trinidad and then on to New York and ultimatly came to Springfield. I am very interested in hearing more about these people.
Name: Walter L. Pfeffer, II
Date: Wed Apr 26
09:07:58 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeOrnellas, DeFrates
I have extensive records on the descendants of Antonio DeOrnellas and Antonia DeFrates. Would be interested to visit with folks who know something of their parents and siblings.
Name: tanya
Date: Sat May 13 07:28:03 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Gomes Balanco
well, my granfather Louis Gomes Balanco was born there in 1920-07-31 and live in a town called FUNCHAL. The hole familie came to South Africa when he was 8 years old. His father Manuel Gomes (Portugal)was born 1893. And married to Isabel they had 10 kids. Maria Gomes Isabel Gomes Manual Gomes Antonio Gomes Louis Gomes Balanco Hilda Gomes Frank Gomes Joseph Gomes Demingo Gomes Joan Gomes My granfather past away 1993-07-08 I do have a original birth certificate from BISPANDO DO FUNCHAL.
Name: sherri defrates
Date: Sun May 28
18:59:07 2000
Email: [email protected]
Name: maria eugenia sarsfield sardinha
Tue May 30 13:46:02 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: sarsfield,sardinha,abreu betencourt
my grand father manuel sardinha Bank Sardinha and may grand mather Adelaide Abreu Sardinha de father of my mather is dioge sarsfield and mather of my mother is izilda amélia gomes sarsfield.My mohter is candida sarsfield sardinha and my fhather is ernerto bettencourt sardinha.I go to brasil 1952 i live in Brasilia.
Name: Spencer Saints
Date: Tue May 30 18:05:21 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Barrows, Silva, Santos
My ancestors came to this country around 1917
Name: Joan Smedley
Date: Thu Jun 1 18:59:15
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Moniz, Gomes, DaSilva
My parents were born in the 1890s in British Guiana. Their ancestors immigrated from Madeira. I don't know when.
Name: Barb B.
Date: Tue Jun 6 15:08:39
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Ferreira, DeGouveia, Babcock, Taylor
According to the family history I know, Mathias Ferrieira Jr (Madeira, Monte, Funchal) married Mary DeGouveia (Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal) on February 25, 1859. both were buried in Jacksonville, Illinois in 1906 & 1901 respectively. I do not know how they got here or why???
Name: Judy (Cabral) Heath-Smith
Date: Thu Jun
8 20:14:26 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Cabral, De Freitas, Rodrique, Gonsalves, De Nobriga -
St. Vincent
Looking for ancestors of my grandparents Vincent Cabral & Agatha De Freitas from the island of St. Vincent B.W.I. I believe that Agatha's mother went by the name of Mary De Freitas and that Mary's father went by the name of John Rodrique. Looking for all ancestors & descendants of Vincent Cabral & Agatha De Freitas.
Name: Janis Maderia
Date: Tue Jun 13 16:17:53
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: MADERIA
We know that John Jacob Maderia was born in 1839 in PA (according to the family Bible). We know that in 1860 and 1870 he was in Pittsaburgh, PA.
Name: maurice decaul
Date: Wed Jun 21 15:21:27
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Decaul
I really don`t know any thing about this ancestery,except for my great grand father Manuel Decaul was a trader of some sort ,who moved to the British island of ST.VINCENT.If any one out there can help me out ,please E:mail me at the above adress.
Name: Michele
Date: Thu Jun 22 09:02:57
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: D'arze, Darze, Darce
Last known ancestor was Thomas D'arze Darce married to Juana de Vega on Madeira. Their son Joseph Innocent Darce (D'arze or Darze??) born around 1773 left Madeira and came to Louisiana in the early 1800's. Any information on the existence of this surname on Madeira or in Portugal would be deeply appreciated!
Name: Ed Jardim
Date: Wed Jun 28 19:49:59
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: de Sousa Jardim, Gouveia, Ferreira, Fernandes, Leca,
Vieira, da Graca, Incarnacao, Dias
As I have just discovered, my g-g-g-grandfather was Francisco de Sousa Jardim (b. 1799), the same name as one of the Exiles who went to Springfield and then to Brazil. I am trying to find out whether this is the same person, or family. My father was born on Madeira in 1900, came to US in 1920. Aside from the family history, am interested in the entire Exile experience, which makes an interesting history.
Name: Miriam R. Marriott
Date: Sat Aug 5
19:13:58 2000
Email: [email protected]
Dias Defretes
Emmanuel Dias came to Jacksonville, Ill. He had six sons, one of whom, Charles Oliver Day, is our grandfather. His brothers names were Frank, John, Richard but not sure of other two names. From what out mother says Emmanual wanted Charles Oliver to be a minister but he declined and ended up in southwest Michigan (Niles) where my mother and her 10 siblings lived. Many of the siblings went to Washington and Oregon state. Of the 11 children that Charles Oliver Day and his wife, Dorothy Lee Smith Day (also Portugese and from Jacksonville, Ill) gave birth to 9 males and 2 females of which my mother Ruth I. Day is one.
Name: Judy Cabral Heath-Smith
Date: Sat Aug 5
20:48:57 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Cabral,Defreitas, Rodrigues, Gonsalves (sp?) St.
Vincent B.W.I.
Looking for info on the following people John Defreitas and Florence Rodriques Manual Defreitas and Mary Defreitas Vincent Cabral and Agatha Defreitas
Name: Lenora Anderson
Date: Thu Aug 10
09:32:22 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeFreites and Brown
Looking for the family of Sebastion Domingus DeFreites...Had five children most of whom went to Greneda. Anna DeFreites married Peter Doyle Brown of St. Vincent (?) Greneda....Sebastion also had son Sir Anthony Patrick De Freites who appears in Who's Who In The World books until his death....Anthony wa a Barrister and had postions all ovewr the world.....Anthony also had children in Greneda...later was in government service and died in Barbados. The De Freites family had a large well known Spice Plantation in Greneda which still surives.........Sebastion was said to have been born in or near Madeira and had wife names Anna ( Annis?) Told that Sebastion and his family were well known in Madiera and had quite a bit of property and wealth....many of his children and grandchildren went on to become Barristers so perhaps he was one also.. His children would have been born around 1860's thru1870's. Appreciate ANY help in regards to this family it being such a common name is realy making it diffucult! Our granmother anna DeFreites-Brown and husband Peter D. Brown immigrated to US and to California 1909 but we have been unable to locate them on any ships immigrant passenger lists....We see a lot of this name in California and perhaps some of them are related if they came through Greneda. Sebastion died on a visit to Greneda in 1881...Need his documents badly.....
Date: Thu Aug 24
21:56:57 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: ORNELLAS, PITA also shown as D'Ornellas
My Father Frank Ornellas was born in Makawao, Maui on Dec.3, 1899. My grandparents Subrion Ornellas and Jesuine Pita came from Madeira in 1800? unknown year to Maui and had many children..John, Manuel, George,Frank, Agusta, Alexandra, Whilemina, Theresa, Mary, Christine..these are all I can remember. All of them are deceased. That is why I chose to carry my maiden name after divorce.
Name: Sim Fernandes
Date: Wed Sep 20 14:36:46
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Fernandes
My Grandfather was Simeon (Sim) Fernandes, born in Jacksonville, IL 12/1885. His siblings were Alvin, Harold and Raymond Fernandes, also, Mrs P. T. Potts (given name unknown). Their parents were Simeon Fernandes of Jacksonville, married 5/29/1878 at age of 23 to Miriam A. McCorkel age 19 in Jacksonville. The register of Marriages lists Antonio Fernandes as Father and maiden name of Mother as unknown. The above is about all the information I have. Would like to have more information on any of the above, but would especially like to have information on Antonio Fernandes.
Name: Gonsalves
Date: Sun Oct 15 14:48:32
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Gonsalves
Any recorded history of Gonsalves 1700 onwards
Name: Jacqueline
Date: Sun Oct 22 18:24:05
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Correira
I know they came from Funchal, Madeira around 1930 - 1940. They came to Providence, RI. How? I don't know. Names are Joao and Beatrice F. Correira. Children are: Maria, Ernest. Born in the 20's.
Name: Andrea Escorcio
Date: Sun Oct 29
08:13:25 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Escorcio
João Escorcio, born November, 16 1878, was son of João Escorcio and Jesuina de Jesus in Madeira Island, Portugal
Name: Barbara Gard
Date: Tue Oct 31 13:17:14
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Gonsalves(Goncalves), Mendonca
Emigrated to British Guiana from Madiera ~ 1850's. Manuel Mendonca fathered ~ 21 children with two wives. The oldest child, Leonilla Conceicao Mendonca, born 1880, married Joseph Stephen Goncalves. Emigrated to US (NY) ~ 1912. Moved to Cuba ~ 1915 and back to NY ~ 1923. Any help available for either the Mendonca or Gonsalves clan?
Name: Anthony Durao Sr.
Date: Thu Nov 16
00:38:45 2000
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Durao, Ferreria
My ggGrandfather was Antonio Durao not sure of his birth or death gGreatgrandfather was Martinho Durao born june 9 1896 in lisbon and died in Manteca Ca.(america) in 1976. My grandfather is Joaquin marion Durao Sr. Born March 22 1922 in lisbon and living in America. Would realy like info. on Antonio Durao i was told he worked for the goverment in portugal and spoke many languages. ther is supposed to be a villiage named Durao near lisbon. Any info would help thankyou.
Name: Waren Lucas
Date: Thu Dec 28 11:21:23
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Ferreira / Lucas
Lucas My grandfather Malcolm S. Lucas was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad. His Father, my Great Grandfather, Charles James Lucas went to Trinidad with the new British Governor of the Island and according to family oral history was the Aide de camp of Governor Sanford Freeling K.C.M.G. 1880-1884. After the Governor left, he stayed in Port of Spain and opened a bakery in Port of Spain. He also attended attended St. Ann's Church. In December 23, 1882, Charles married Caroline Ferreira. The wedding was officiated by Rev. Alick M. Ramsay. Caroline was the oldest of two sisters and two brothers. She was born (approx.) 1865-1866 in Jacksonville Illinois. Her parents, Frank and Helena Ferreira, moved to Illinois from Maderia. Carolines birth date is estimated because family tradition states that she was about 16 years old when married to Charles. The problem is that my Great Grandfather died November 29, 1898 (and is buried in Lapreyrouse Cemetery in Port of Spain, Trinidad) when the family was quite young. Therefore, much of the history died with him. His children were my Grandfather Malcolm, Archibald, Edwin, Emily, Violet and Evelynn. My Grandfather once stated that his father, Charles James Lucas, was born in Bournemouth England.
Name: Maria Madison
Date: Fri Dec 29 13:25:53
Email: [email protected]
Rodrigues, DeCastro, DaSilva, Machado, Correira, DeFrance
My grandparents were all born in British Guiana between 1882 and 1902. My maternal grandparents were John Govaia DaSilva and Dorothy Machado. My paternal grandparents were Gerald Manuel Rodrigues and Christina DeCastro. My paternal great grandparents, Francisco Rodrigues and Vincencia Correira were born in Madeira.
Name: Lyn Burkett
Date: Tue Feb 27 08:09:09
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Thornblad, DeFrates, Sousa
My great- grandparents were part of the group that came to Jacksonville from Madeira. My grandparents on my mother's side were Ernest DeFrates and Ethel Sousa DeFrates.
Name: Gary De Nobrega
Date: Tue Mar 13
11:26:55 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: De Nobrega, Figueira, Da Silva, Walsh, Teixeira,
Rodrigues, Waddell,
I am told that both sides of my family migrated from Madeira to British Guiana then to New York City. Some branches of the family may have gone to Trinidad. I have no idea when my family migrated to British Guiana. The earliest history I have is of one great great grandfather on the De Nobrega side of the family. His name was William Walsh (Irish) I do not know of his wife. He was the Chief Dispenser of the Publio General hospital and several other governmental hospitals in British Guiana in the late 1800s and possibly into the very early 1900s. He had one daughter, my Great Grandmother, Anna Maria Walsh.she was born I think in British Guiana on November 8, 1868, She went to St. Rose's High School (the Ursuline Convent) in British Guiana. On May 8,1885, she married my Great Grand father Angelo A. De Nobrega. I do not have any Idea of his birth and death dates. Angelo A. De Nobrega (in those days (de Nobrega) was an accountant for the D'Aguiar Bros. in Georgetown (Demerara) British Guiana. It is mentioned that Angelo A. De Nobrega had a brother. The only name mentioned is F. A. De Nobrega. I know that he was married and I am not sure But there is a Isabella De Nobrega mentioned in a news paper article. We think it may be his wife. Nothing more is known about his brothers side of the family at this time. Anna Maria (Walsh) De Nobrega and Angelo A. De Nobrega had 5 children. Clement A. De Nobrega, (my Grand father) and supposedly 4 sisters. One sister we are not sure of at this time. The other three were Christina A. De Nobrega who married Manoel Da Silva, Guilhermina Augusta De Nobrega who married who married Mr. E. Hugh Waddell (Scotish- we think), and Victoria Adalaide De Nobrega who married Jose Rodrigues (we think from Trinidad). We do not know what became of any of the sisters families. It was rumored that some may have gone to Canada, But can't confirm that. There is a Margurite that was a cousin and she visted and may have moved tho New York or Canada. Clement A. De Nobrega is supposed to have graduated from St. Stanislaus College in Georgetown, British Guiana. Clement A. De Nobrega was born in Georgetown, British Guiana on Nov. 11, 1901. He was the youngest of his four sisters. Clement A De Nobrega married Adalaide Veonilda Figueira (my Grand Mother who was born November 17, 1905, in Georgetown, British Guiana) on Oct. 15,1922. Adalaide Figueira had two brothers that we know of, there could be more. She had one sister that we know of and there could also be more. There names were Joseph, Charlie and Ursula. Adalaide Figueira's father was Joa Figueira who married Miss Teixeira. I don't know her first name and I am working on it. Joa Figueira we are not sure But think he was born in British Guiana. He is supposed to have had brothers. Not really sure. Miss Teixeira, is a mystery. We just don't know much of her. I do have a picture of her though. Joa Figueira had a spirits business and after his death which we believe was in either 1921, or 1922, there was some kind of fude going on over, we think the business. Any way, one of the Brothers is supposed to have poisoned the other brother, who died. Clement and Adalaide De Nobrega came to America on Nov. 24, 1922, on the Matura ship, which left them off in New York City. If you have any connection here please E-mail me ( [email protected]) Thanks for your help !!
Name: James A. Reeves
Date: Sat Mar 17
13:00:35 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Govia-Reeves
I was told my Great great grandfather was named Emanuel Govia his daughter was named Mana or Maria, she was married to a Sherman Reeves in 1898. They had three children, Everett Eugene, Warren and Myrtle.
Name: Miguel de Freitas Lomelino Botelho de
Date: Sun Mar 25 11:14:10 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Lomelino, Freitas, Oliveira, Ortigão, Gidts,
Vangoetsenhoven, Bollens, Felgenhauer, Hunnicher,
Everything I know is that they lived at the Quinta das Cruzes. I have the Lomelino genealogy until about 1150. Interested? Write me.
Name: I. (Luizinho) Medeiros
Date: Thu Apr 12
21:58:30 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Luizinho, Agrela
From Estreito da Calheta, Madeira...looking for any Luizinho's or Agrela's, Josefa, Afonso, DeJesus. Have cousins there with whom I have contanct, but looking for distants.
Name: Gregory D. F. Pereira
Date: Sun Apr 15
19:54:32 2001
Email: G-
[email protected]
Surnames: Pereira, Da Costa,
I understand that my Dads ancestors came across from Funchal, Maderira in the late 19 th. century somewhere around 1870 as a husband and wife immigrant family. Not much is known of the familys' early history but I can get exact names and birtdates ect. of these early kittitians from Maderira if it can help your/our cause. Thanks for creating this most interesting page! My dads' linage is 100% portugese with my grandmother being a DaCosta from Cumberland Estate in St.Vincent and my grandad being a Kittitian Pereira. I would love to find out more about my familys' history, please let me know how I can help with information or whatever at all I can do from my end here in St.Kitts where I live. It was a pleasent surprise to find others out there like myself, west indian portugese ancesters!! Keep up this web site it is much appreciated by me! With much respect, a very interested ancestor, Gregory.
Name: Terri Aleman
Date: Sat Apr 21 18:20:37
Email: [email protected]
My Madeiran descendant is Antonia Fernandes (b.1801). He came to America from Trinidad via the Brig Standard on June 24,1853. Traveling with him sons: John(20y), my g-g-grandfather Joseph (18y)and 2 daughters: Maria (15y) and Frances (13y). In a biographical exerpt from the "Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Sangamon County" (1912), about my g-g-grandfather, Joseph Fernandes, it stated that "He was born in the Island of Madeira, in August 1832, being the son of Antonia and Frances Fernandes, both of the same locality. The father was a gardener and came to America with a family consisting of THREE sons and THREE daughters and his wife. I don't know who the other son and daughter were. Anyway, Joseph married Lucy "D'Aquin" (best I can decipher of spelling)in Sangamon County, IL in November 1859. They had six children: Lucy K.(my g-grandmother), Margarida (nicknamed "Dudy"), Maria Louise, Guilhermina, Joseph and Minnie.
Name: Walter L. Pfeffer, II
Date: Sat May 12
22:59:47 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeOrnellas, DeFrates
Antonia DeOrnellas (1813 to 11-14-1894) and Antonia DeFrates (1812 to 10-6-1920) emigrated from the Madeira Island and settled in Jacksonville, Morgan County, IL. I have a database of their descendants (hundreds of them). I am also interested in any of their siblings who may have settled in Jacksonville. Also, the DeOrnellas Reunion will be held in June of 2001.
Name: renato lopes
Date: Mon May 14 11:55:01
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: lopes
Name: Steve
Date: Fri May 18 20:42:09 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Enos-Cordeiro(a), Fernandes(z), Maderos
Enos-Cordeiro was the maiden name of my great-grandmother (Maria A. Cordeiro, b. 1894)who immigrated from San Miguel to Oakland, CA via Brazil (possibly) and Hawaii. Her fathers name was Joseph Enos-Cordeiro and mother's name was Minnie Maderos. Maria married Louis Fernandes(z) in Oakland CA in Oct. 1912. Louis was from Madeira, born July 1884.
Name: Tina
Date: Sat May 19 14:35:43 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: de Castro / de Sousa
Family history-Funchal. Grandparents and daughters emigrated to Lowell, Mass. in 1920's. Soccer Champion & Boat and Yacht builders.
Name: Luann E.
Date: Mon May 28 00:53:53
Email: [email protected]
SYLVESTER, MARTIN, SHERMAN, also Roderick, Day, Vieira, &
Rhea Mildred SYLVESTER SHERMAN my grandmother b. 26 June 1893 Elgin, Ill. m. 14 August 1926 Toledo, Ohio (Jay Julius SHERMAN) d. 19 December 1973 Walla Walla, Washington full blooded Portuguese made a few handwritten in her (now my) copy Testa's articles in "Journal of Presbyterian History" Nellie Almria MARTIN my grandmother's mother b. 17 or 18 January 1864 Jacksonville, Ill. m. 11 June 1884 Jacksonville, Ill. (John O SYLVESTER) d. 29 August 1948 Detroit, MI (burial Lake St. Memorial Park Cemetery, Elgin, Ill.) Joaquin MARTIN my grandmother's maternal grandfather b. October 1837 Madeira m. (Mary) d. 7 Dec. 1924 Elgin, Ill. (burial Soldier's Ground, Jacksonville East Cemetery, Jacksonville, Ill.) served (under name Jackson MARTIN) in Co. C, 101st Illinois Infantry, enlisted 25 July 1862, mustered out 7 June 1865, private lived in Jacksonville, Ill. other children: Willis E. MARTIN, Della/Dilla MARTIN, Henry MARTIN (I belive only Willis grew to adulthood) John O SYLVESTER my grandmother's father b. 11 April 1859 Springfield, Ill. m. 11 June 1884 Jacksonville, Ill. (Nellie Almira MARTIN) d. 21 November 1945 Detroit, MI (Burial Lake St. Memorial Park Cemetery, Elgin, Ill.) graduated Springfield High School 1879 lived in Elgin, Ill. worked as bookbinder, for Bordon's, and for Elgin Watch Co. other children: Warren M. SYLVESTER: have almost no information on him, born Elgin, Ill. (?), died young in 1929, artist, moved to St. Louis, Missouri, wife Mamie, one daughter: Mrs. Mildred (husband Francis E.) HOWARD. John A SYLVESTER my grandmother's paternal grandfather b. ~ 1827 Madeira m. (Francisca DeFREITAS/DeFRATES/DePOTAS) d. 12 November 1895 Springfield, Ill. (burial at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield Ill. There is no headstone.) ship: The Milly & Rachel, 18 November 1853 (?, passenger list I've seen lists a Joao SILVESTER 25, also lists: Manuel SILVESTER 55, M? SILVESTER 20 f, Victorina SILVESTER 19, Maria SILVESTER 4, and Sophia SILVESTER inft.) Note: elsewhere I've found that the father of John A was Manuel, or Emanuel; I have no idea who Victorina is; the daughter Sophia I have was born in Ill., but the ship board Sophia might have died, and the next child was also named Sophia. lived in Springfield, Ill. cabinetmaker, in 1856 helped put with the interior woodwork when the Lincoln Home was converted from the one and a half story home to the two story home we know today other children: Mary E. SYLVESTER RODERICK (John C. RODERICK), born in Madeira ~ 1850/1852 Sophia SYLVESTER DAY (Henry H. DAY), born in Ill. 17 March 1855 Sarah E. SYLVESTER VIEIRA (John G. VIEIRA), born in Springfield ~ 1857 Minnie M. SYLVESTER CHERRY (John F. CHERRY Jr.), born in Ill., ~ 1862 Victor M. SYLVESTER (Etta M. ROGERS?), born in Ill., ~ 1864
Name: Bill N
Date: Mon Jun 18 13:08:24 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Nunes, Marks, Marquis
Emanuel Nunes b 1810 Madeira Island d 1889 Jacksonville, Il married Mary Marks / Maria Marquis b 1818 Madeira Island d 1908 Children: Mary P. Nunes Emanuel Nunes Charlotte Ellen Nunes Sarah Ellen Nunes William Nunes Lydia Nunes Antonio J. Nunes Elizabeth Nunes
Name: ervin deis
Date: Wed Jul 11 16:59:27
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Deis
grand parents and father were russian german migrated to fresno calif.from laub russia
Name: Donald E. Turner
Date: Fri Jul 27
16:34:30 2001
Email: dturnerx
Surnames: Ferreira/Smith, Baptist, Gouvia, Vieira
My great grandfather John/Jack Ferreira and wife, Maria Sousa Ferreira immigrated about 1870. They were, we believe, following John,s brother who may have come with Exiles. There were at least 2 children: Manual, born 2-26-1868 and Jenny born about 1869 or 1870, both born in the Madeiras according to our family. A daughter, Emma was was born in the US about 1875 In Jacksonville, IL. Manual married Maggie Haydock in Champaign Co. IL 11-24-1896(These are my grandparents). Sister Jenny married Lewis P. Baptist 5-26-1886 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co. IL. Sister Emma married Samuel H. Hembrough 11-22-1896 In Jacksonville Morgan Co. IL. Have been trying to locate information on John/Jack Ferreira and Mary Sousa Ferreira. The situation is somewhat complicated as we are not sure of the exact spelling of great grandpa's surname. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Don Turner
Date: Fri Aug 10 15:56:00 2001
Surnames: FILIPE
Name: Jean Hadden
Date: Sat Aug 11 09:50:25
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Lucas, Ferreira
Lucas: Charles James Lucas (Died Nov. 29, 1898, Port of Spain) Ferreira: Caroline Ferreira (Died Aug. 12, 1947, Port of Spain) married Charles James Lucas on Dec. 23, 1882 Her parents - Frank Ferreira (Died May 24, 1928, Port of Spain) Helena Ferreira (Died Oct. 12, 1924, Port of Spain) Siblings to Caroline: Two brothers who's names are unknown, two sisters one named Isabella the other unknown Children of Charles and Caroline Lucas: Malcolm, Archibald, Edwin, Emily, Violet, and Evelyn
Name: Jean Hadden
Date: Sat Aug 11 19:55:35
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Ferreira
Caroline Ferreira, born in Jacksonville, Illinois approx. 1867. Died on Aug. 12, 1947 in Port of Spain, Trinidad Her father Frank Ferreira died May 24, 1928 in Port of Spain, Trinidad Her mother Helena Ferreira died Oct. 12,1924 Port of Spain, Trinidad Caroline had four siblings, two brother who's names are unknown, and two sisters one who's name is Isabella. It's estimated Frank and Helena Ferreira left Madeira sometime in the 1840's lived in Jacksonville, Illinois for a while and then moved to Trinidad.
Name: Chantelle de Sousa
Date: Thu Aug 23
12:11:31 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: de Sousa, da Canha, Capelo
MY paternal grandparents Manuel and Jesuina de Sousa emigrated from Calheta in the 1960's. My maternal grandparents the late Antonio and Natividade de Sousa emigrated from Estreito da Calheta in the 1960's to South Africa. My maternal grandmothers surname is da Canha and my pateranl grandmother's surname is Capelo. I would like to know about my surname, family tree and coat of arms.
Name: stephen
Date: Tue Aug 28 13:22:30
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: gomes
i live in london england my mums name is lorraine gomes she has 6 sisters desiree,sandra,noel,audry,alan,barbara and mary, there mum is izabella who married edward gomes his family owned a jewellers and rum shop in georgetown his dad was portugese
Name: Marcella Lanns-Monish
Date: Tue Sep 4
22:10:11 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Veira,De Nunn, Fraites, Ferdinand
My mother's (Evelyn Veira-Lanns)parents were Anthony Veira & Beatrice Ferdinand-Veira. They were born in St. Kitts. My grandfather Anthony Veira parents Anthony Veira & Mary De Nunn- Veira were from Antigua. I am not sure if they were born in Madeira or Antigua but I was told that the family was from Madeira. My grandmother Beatrice Ferdinand parents were Joseph Ferdinand & Francis Carey-Ferdinand. I was told that some where along the line my great grandfather changed is name from Fraites to Ferdinand because there were too many Fraites running around. Their parents were also from Madeira. If anyone has information about these surnames I will be happy to get this information.
Name: Alice Henzel
Date: Wed Sep 5 15:31:09
Email: [email protected]
Camacho. Gomes, Ferreira
Dad was born in Funchal on March 31,1901 and he was Joao Gomes Camacho. His parents were Francisco Gomes Camacho and Maria Jose Camacho. My mother, Bella Ferreira was born in same place on March 2, 1903. Her father was Antonio Ferreira and Maria da Encarnacao Ferrera. In 1920 Mom and Dad married and st sail for the USA, arriving at Ellis Island (NY) in April. Know Dad had brothers Teodoro and Abel and sisters Adelaide, Vicenca Maria and possibly more. Adelaide married Manuel A.F. da silva and they settled in California and have two daughters Mary Miller and Esther Lacount. Would love t find out what has happened to my uncles and aunts. Must have many cousins out there!
Name: Mary Rees
Date: Sat Sep 8 00:06:53
Email: [email protected].
Surnames: Gomes Camacho
G G G Grandmother left Madeira early 1830s with all her 10? children and sailed to West Indies. On the voyage (as family rumour has it) one daughter became friendly with a boy named Camacho,(? stowaway) and on arrival in Antigua they were married. Other children were left on various islands to make their fortunes and GGG returned to Madiera to her husband.They were farmers (small). When he died she rejoined her children in Antigua. Antiguan branch of family thrived and in due course acquired sugar estates, also became lawyers, several judges. My mother is Marie Genevieve Gomes. G mother Dolores Camacho married Frederick Gomes barrister Greys Inn, died young in 1913/4. Mother had brother Rupert Gomes and sister Frederica Gomes. Dolores Camacho was one of a large family,Fabian became a Judge Trinidad, Alfred, Pauline, Stella, and others.
Name: Jim T.
Date: Sat Sep 8 23:33:57
Email: tas _msn.com
Surnames: Escorse/Gouveia
I know very little about my great grandparents.Manuel Escorse and Isabel Gouveia went from Madeira to Hawaii and were married.Had several children,then moved to San Leandro ca.
Date: Thu Sep 20 10:31:12 2001
All I know is person By the name of Mary DaSilva.She is my great-great grandmother. She or her parents came from Madeira. She lived in Bristih Guiana. She married a man by the name of Chin-Qui Stokes. They lived there in British Guiana all the days of there life. They had Seven children.2 buys and 5 girls. I don't know if she had any brothers or sisters. The person with the Perreira name is Christine Perreira. She is my great grandmother. She came exactly from Madeira, but I don't know what part she came from. She came to Guyana in the 1800's. She had a few chldren. The off springs are Stokes &,Chung. there are more but i don't know the rest.
Name: Henry Duncan Stokes
Date: Thu Sep 20
10:32:22 2001
Email: [email protected]
DaSilva & Perreira
All I know is person By the name of Mary DaSilva.She is my great-great grandmother. She or her parents came from Madeira. She lived in Bristih Guiana. She married a man by the name of Chin-Qui Stokes. They lived there in British Guiana all the days of there life. They had Seven children.2 buys and 5 girls. I don't know if she had any brothers or sisters. The person with the Perreira name is Christine Perreira. She is my great grandmother. She came exactly from Madeira, but I don't know what part she came from. She came to Guyana in the 1800's. She had a few chldren. The off springs are Stokes &,Chung. there are more but i don't know the rest.
Name: Marcia
Date: Sat Sep 22 11:10:13
Email: [email protected]
All my parents and their family are from Madeira Island. My grandfather, Antonio Simao Escorcio born in Brazil (Sao Carlos)and them returned to Portugal with 6 years-old. Spent some years there and came back to Brazil with the surname of Escorse; he married Maria de Jesus Martins yet in Portugal. They had 6 kids, Conceicao / Natalia / Laurinda / Manuel / Martinho (my father) and Gabriel. All of them lived and have lived in Brazil, concentrated in Osasco - a small city in São Paulo State. My grandfather had a tale that his grandmother was from UK with the surname of Escorse. That´s all I know from my family Escorcio
Name: Carl DeAbreu
Date: Sun Sep 30 07:02:52
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeAbreu
My father's name was Stan (Christened Romeo Stanislaus DeAbreu). He was born in Georgetown, Guyana in about 1932, and died in Cardiff, Wales in 1989. He has two brothers, Mario, who now lives in Toronto and Michael, who lives in Cardiff, Wales (soon to move back to Guyana). He also has a sister, Tessie, who is living in Florida. They also had a half brother, Clement, who died a few years ago in Guyana. Their father's name was Charles DeAbreu (I think his wife's name was Hilda, and may have been a de Souza or a de Silva). It's Charles DeAbreu's family I'm trying to trace (parents, brothers, sisters etc) who was born, lived and died in the Georgetown area of Guyana. My goal is to get back to my Madeiran ancestors. If anyone has any info on any of thes people please send an e-mail.
Name: Elizabeth
Date: Sat Oct 13 19:25:28
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Ferreira
My grandpa was born in Paul do Mar, Madeira in 1912. His name was Jose Ferreira. His parents names were Jose Ferreira and his mom was Palmeira Ferreira. He had 3 other siblings I think. He came to America when he was 18 years old.I was just wondering if I have any cousins or other relatives still living there. Please contact me if these names sound familiar.
Name: Elisheva B. Alphonso
Date: Sat Oct 13
22:18:09 2001
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Oct 15 21:38:17
Email: [email protected]
I truly do not know too much. My great-grandmother, Maria-Monica Pestana (maiden name Reice), was born in 1901, she married Francisco Pestana. They moved to Trinidad and settled there. Had (I think in total 5 or 8 children), but only three 3 survived to old age. My grandmother adriana, now surname King, Lawrence pestana and Angie Fernandez. They all still live in Trinidad. If you can help me complete my family tree that would be great.
Name: Andrew Carvalho
Date: Wed Oct 24
20:19:21 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: CARVALHO
My great grandfather moved from Madeira to Trinidad. He spent some time in Guyana and Brasil. One of his sons, Claudio Carvalho, my grand father, was apparently born in Guyana. They moved back to Trinidad. They probably arrived in Trinidad around 1897. Had a few stores: bakery, soft drink business, grocery and provision business. In the town of San Fernando, they had the Carvalho's Store where they sold furniture and bicycles. Claudio had a few children, Alvino (my dad) was born 07 October 1914. Other children were Val, Eddie, Carlos from one marriage. In another marriage, his children included Victor, Gerrald, Harold. My dad Alvino had one daughter, Gloria, with his first wife. With his second wife, Irene Villaphana, he had 15 children: Marian, Tony, Anna, Peter, Joan, Barbra, Marisha, John, Rosemary, Allan, Andre, Charles, Raymond, Carol, and Andrew (that's me born 16JULY1961). That's a lot, hope I did not forget anyone. I will love to get the names, birthdates, marriage dates, date of death and places of my great grandparents. If you can help send me an e-mail.
Name: Ana Nunes
Date: Thu Nov 1 12:33:34
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Nunes, Cabral, Jarimba
To find exiles to Britain, the US, Canada and South America.
Name: Kevin J. L. Figueira
Date: Fri Nov 2 21:39:27 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Figueira
From Funchal. Left and immigrated to Hawaiiin 1911.
Name: Dolores M. De Freitas Eppard
Date: Fri
Nov 16 16:32:43 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: De
Grandfather Guilherme De Freitas was born in Funchal Madeira Grandmother Amelia Carmelita (Jorge) was born in Lisbon Portugal both immigrated to Trinidad British West Indies in the late 1800 or very early 1900. They had eight children. Joseph Cornelious De Freitas is my father. All but one is alive, but she cannot remember anything about the family. Hopefully some one will recognize the name.
Name: Denise Rees
Date: Wed Nov 28 22:15:10
Email: [email protected].
Surnames: Camacho Gomes Mendes de Freitas
Brazila Ramas left Madeira with her family and went to British West Indies about 1840. Her daughters married Gomes Camacho men. Have records of next generation but would like to find out more about first generation in British West Indies and also about Brasila herself.
Name: Calvin Rico Santiago
Date: Thu Dec 6
23:59:35 2001
Email: [email protected]
Fernandez,Cosme,Santiago,Lopez. and Rodrigues.
Im looking for any information on my great grandmather Matilda Fernandez, from Madeira. She was born in about 1878, she came to Hawaii and Married John Cosme, My grandmothers name is Carnation Cosme, and my Mothers name is Shirley Martin Rodrigues. If you have any info Please let me know, Thank you.
Name: Penny McDonell
Date: Fri Dec 7 20:30:38 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: Clarence Albers
I'am searching for my great grandparents names and family histroy
Name: leslie anthony gonsalves
Date: Tue Dec
11 15:21:49 2001
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: gonsalves
my granmother immigrated from madeira to british guiana she had three sons by charles alexander a high school teacher at st. stanislaus college, on brickdam. her sons names are kenneth (eldest lives in england) michael (middle lives in england) and my dad patrick (youngest lives between suriname french guiana & new york)
Name: B De Lima
Date: Tue Dec 11 21:24:59
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: De Lima
All I am certain of is that they left Portugal,and went to British Guiana.
Name: Kellie Mullins
Date: Wed Dec 19 21:50:52
Email: [email protected]
Surnames: DeSilva, Hearnes, McNamara, Mullins
My mother's side of the family is what I am trying to research. I am from Australia. My grandmother is Barbara McNamara (maiden name: Hearnes) My g.g. grandmother was Violet Hearnes (maiden name: DeSilva)- born 1905, died 1987 in Australia. Her father, Albert DeSilva, was born in Sydney, Australia. He had 6 children - Violet, Doreen, Lena, Gladys, George & Bert. Albert DeSilva's father(don't know name) was born somewhere in Spain. I am trying to start a family tree. Would be very appreciative of any help or info on any of these names.