Madeira Exiles: Passenger Shiplists
For the Portuguese Religious Exiles
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Summary of Progress
In June 1998, I began researching a group of U.S. immigrants from Madeira. As I searched for information on our specific ancestors, I came across much related information... including detailed passenger lists. To save others some time, I convinced my charming daughter, Austin, to help me transcribe these shiplists. (Thanks, dear! =) My apologies for all errors and ommissions.

  • Sept 6, 1998, Katy L. - "I think I may have located my 2nd great-grandparents, Joze & Maria FERNANDES. They are on the same ship that your Thomas came on so I think there's a possibility of a link there..."
  • August 1998, Bob H. -" great grandmother, #14 Mary RODRIGUES age 15, was listed as a passenger on the Trowbridge... I had not heard of the Trowbridge until I surfed your website."
  • June 27, 1998, Chris - "Good news: looks like your gg-grandmother, Matilda JACINTH, sailed from Trinidad on the "Thomas Trowbridge", arriving in NY on 6 Aug 1849."
  • Please send me an email ([email protected]) if you make a connection.

    The passenger information is provided in two different formats. However, they both contain the exact same info.
      Presented in the order of each original document (eg, sorted by ship, then passenger #)
      Sorted by first letter of last name, then by ship, then by passenger # (this groups families/friends traveling together). Please note that this list is sorted by FIRST LETTER of last name, NOT by last name. Search carefully!
    The lists include full passenger records for the following ships:

      Arrival Date Ship Name Route
    1 1849 Sept 17 Zeno Madeira-NY
    2 1849 Jul 26 H. Trowbridge Trinidad-NY
    3 1849 Aug 6 Thomas Trowbridge Trinidad-NY
    4 1849 May 14 Schooner Mary Patton Trinidad-NY
    5 1849 Jul 21 Brig. Nancy Trinidad-NY
    6 1853 Nov 18 Dow Bark Milly & Rachel Madeira-NY
    7 1854 Apr 27 Bark Nacoochie Madeira-NY

    The following ships also contain exiles from Madeira. These passenger lists have not yet been transcribed. To add a ship to this list, please send an email to [email protected].

      Arrival Date Ship Name Route # Passengers
    1 1846 Sep 16 William of Glasgow Madeira-Trinidad 197
    2 1846 Oct 9 Lord Seaton Madeira-Trinidad 200
    3 1846 Nov 8 Peru Madeira-Trinidad 160
    4 1846 Nov 13 Dalhousie Madeira-Trinidad 216
    5 1848 Dec 1 ? Trinidad-NY ?
    6 1849 Jul ?? Bark Hyperian Trinidad-NY ?

    For a comprehensive list of passenger ships sailing from Portugal, visit Doug Holmes' excellent website.

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