Useful Addresses

Useful Addresses

Abbeville Probate Court


P. O. Box 70, Abbeville, SC 29620

(803) 459-4626 or 459-4023

Contact them by mail for copies of wills and probate records. As of 1996, they were charging 50 cents per side for copies, plus a $1.50 handling fee per pack/file/volume, and a $5.00 fee per order for out-of-state requests. They require prepayment--send a long self-addressed, stamped envelope for a price quote.

Abbeville Books

Uptown Town Exchange, 102 Trinity Street, Abbeville, SC

Phone: 1-800-822-5583 E-mail: [email protected]

Virginia Ingrham maintains a good selection of books dealing with local history and genealogy. She is also willing to perform very limited index checks.


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Last revised 19 February 1999