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The e-mail addresses that I normally use are listed on this page.
Other e-mail addresses, registered by me, do exist, as an automatic result of the subscription to some web applications, but are rarely used for sending mail.
  • Personal data and contact

  • My permanent address
  • My main addresses
    [email protected]:
    My usual address, linked with my main mailbox
    POP3 mailbox - is automaticly downloaded several times each day
    Linked with my current ISP - can change - All private mail is forwarded to this address
    [email protected]:
    My genealogical address, linked with a separate mailbox
    POP3 mailbox - is automaticly downloaded several times each day
    All my genealogical mail is forwarded to this address
    [email protected]:
    My Belgium-Roots address, linked with a separate mailbox (my primary ISP of this moment)
    POP3 mailbox - is automaticly downloaded several times each day
    Linked with my current ISP - can change - All BELGIUM-ROOTS mail is forwarded to this address
    [email protected]:
    My webmail address
    Webmail mailbox with POP3- is automaticly downloaded several times each day
    Not linked with my current ISP - is used as forwarding address when my ISP does have troubles.

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Site contact address [email protected]
Copyright 1998-2007, Luc Matthijs (All Rights Reserved).
This Global file S:\Webbeta\rw_lucmatt\email.html (lucmatt_email|dd=E)
was last revised 19 May 2001, validated 27/12/2006 11:37:58 CET and uploaded Wednesday, 27-Dec-2006 04:37:58 MST

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