Lovelace Legacy Genealogical Newsletter for Members of Lovelace and Loveless Family

Lovelace and Loveless Family

To join our LOVELACE LIST, a group of e-mail researchers interested in the Lovelace and Loveless Family, Send an email to Greg Lovelace to request an invitation to join the group.
The Lovelace List od an Internet e-mail list of several hundred researchers of the Lovelace and Loveless family. When Rootsweb decided to discountinue the list on their servers, we moved to another format. You can email Greg Lovelace via the link, above, to join the new list and can access list archives here: We share family data as well as stories, humor, and friendship.

For a list of current and past e-mail subscribers and the primary line each person researches, click here.

Email addresses are likely outdated; please join our new list to contact any of these folks.

Debbie Burke, one of our subscribers, wrote the following about what our list is like:

"Don't worry about not following what's going on. Our illustrious leader Greg just starts us off every morning with a cheery hello about what he's doing and how much coffee he's drunk so far, then Susan B. jumps in with a couple of whammies, and then everybody else trades quips for the rest of the day. Usually somewhere in there, Wendy and a few others do some actual genealogy :) and the rest of us sit back and laugh ourselves silly while hoping to stumble on something or waiting for something to show up in the mail so we'll have something to contribute to the family bramble bush! We might not be the most serious genealogy group, but we sure do have the most fun. Jumping right in is definitely the right strategy. Have fun!"

For more information, see my frequently asked questions page.

For a humorous look at how and what to post on a list, click here.


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