1819Boln | "Bolin Clark b. 1819" submitted by Patricia Stanley DEC 1998. Continuation of the line of Bolin Clark, son of Micajah Clark and Luranna Johnson and grandson of Bolling and Winefred. |
Albmrdds | Transcription of various Albemarle County VA deeds mostly involving Micajah Clarks -- Sr., his son Jr., and his grandson "Jr." plus Thomas Martin Clark to William Clark(s). At the end is a transcription of the newspaper article reporting Micajah Clark Sr.'s death in 1808. |
Altnage | "Alternate Lineage of Capt. Christopher and Francis CLARK" SEP 1996. An in�depth discussion of the career of John CLARK "the Navigator." |
Altlnpii | "Alternate Lineage Capt. Christopher Part II" SEP 1996. Discussion of early VA emigrants, including the "Ancient Planter" Edward and his son, Nathaniel; possible connections to early JOLLY and KEITH families; also Edward JOHNSON, minister of Hampton Parish 1650s. |
Aprdoug | Found at end of file APR 1996: "Thomas CLARK, Possible Father of Christopher" APR 1996. This is reply to a previous report; also appears in JULY96.txt. |
Aprhdgpd | "April Hodge-Podge" MAY 1996. The first discussion of CLARKEs in England with ANTHONYs and MOORMANS in Isle of Wight, England as well as McKENEYs found with CLARKs in Barbadoes records. Includes a discussion of Francis CLARK Sr's relationship to Capt. Christopher. |
Bolling | "Bolling/Bowling and Winefred (Buford) CLARK" DEC 1998. So little is known about this son of Christopher and Penelope, this may be the first attempt to trace and document ALL their children in one place. This is only a beginning. Daughter Agnes who m. John Johnston and sons Micajah, David, Jonathan, Bowling and Joseph are followed. |
Bond-ThmMil | Campbell County Marriage Bond, dated December 22, 1787 for Thomas M. Clark and Mildred Moorman. |
Clark3 | "Clarkes from KY in Carroll Co. MS" by John J. Hansen, March 2002. Attempt to determine which set of parents Rowland W. Clark belongs with; all descendants of Bolling and Winefred. (Replaced text version with rtf on April 9, 2002. Original in reports/clark2.txt.) |
ClarkII | "Christopher CLARK and Penelope ???" JAN 1996. Also includes "Edward CLARK: Father or Brother of Capt. Christopher? Plus Other Possible Siblings (and Anything Else I Could Toss In)" JAN 1996. Edward Clark of Middlesex Co. is dismissed. Also covers Edward the sexton, Benjamin Clark of Henrico, Daniel and Mary Clark of Charles City Co., Edward of Chiskiake, and York Co. Clarks. Includes children of David TERRELL and Agatha CHILES plus BOLLING/ CLARK connections in England. |
Clkupdii | Three in one: "Micajah CLARK and Sallie Ann MOORMAN" JAN 1996. Long discussion re: proving ages by tithable lists and orders to help with roads. Also, Somerton connection with MERIWETHERS and VA records for a Michael CLARK. "Michael CLARK and Margaret" covers possible connections from England to Barbados. Earlier report "Edward JOHNSON update" also discusses Lord Shaftsbury as Penelope's possible father or grandfather; this is a MASSIE tradition. |
Clrkbibl | CLARK Family entries from Bible owned by T. G. and Margery B. (Rogers) Clark, submitted by Kay Sugg Best NOV 1998. Gives birth and death years for Bolling Clark, son of Capt. Christopher and birthyear for Winefred. |
ClrkDNA | DNA road map for male descendants of Bolling Clark--Group 13--prepared by Linda Sparks Starr in January 2006. This file of names/dates/places where and when their known male descendants lived may contain errors. Each generation should be documented, but at least it will tell you where to search for the documentation. |
Dougcand | "Evidence of the Marriage of Micajah CLARK and Sally Ann MOORMAN" APR 1996. Excerpts 1788 letters from Rev. Thomas MOORMAN of NC to cousin Mary Ann LYNCH of VA with details of relationships between people mentioned. Also includes "The CANDLER Family in Ireland and America" which begins in the 16th century and includes VA, NC and GA families. |
Dougmisc | "Where to Look for Bloodline Connections Between our CLARKs and George Rogers CLARK" by Douglas Tucker SEP 1996. Discusses possible identities of Lucy Clark Moorman who sent a letter to her "cousin" Thomas Moorman in 1786. "Parents of Elizabeth Clark Anthony" corrects often published mistakes. "Andrew MOORMAN of St. Mathew's Parish GA." Discusses three possible Andrews with reasons why they fit or don't fit this person. Ends with MOORMAN / DIGGE / HALEY queries sent by other researchers. Finally Particia Stanley identifies the Christopher CLARK who lived across the Broad River for Gen. Elijah Clark. |
Ewdclark | "Re-Thinking Edward CLARK" FEB 1996. Also includes data on Francis CLARK Sr. and Edward JOHNSON; suggests Thomas CLARK as possible father of Christopher. |
FraClarkSr | "Francis Clark Sr." by Patti Smith Lamb May 1997. She discusses the known facts of he and Cordelia, followed by a brief discussion and questions over their 11 children. |
Gengeorg | "General George Rogers CLARK" AUG 1996. Discusses possible connections between the two lines; includes 1788 letters between Lucy (Clark) Moorman and her cousin Thomas Moorman. Includes information on ancestors of the general and explorer. |
July96 | "Commentary from my CLARK/MOORMAN Pile" JUL 1996. Includes Doug Tucker's response "Thomas CLARKE, Possible Father of Christopher"; this also appears in aprdoug.txt. |
Jasclrk | Transcription of Campbell Co. will of James CLARK, son of Micajah Sr., dated 1802. |
Mcbible1 and Mcbible2 | Scanned images of Samuel T. Moorman's 1832 transcription of Micajah Clark Sr's (1718-1808) Bible. |
MCSr | Micajah Clark Sr. (1718-1808) and Judith Adams (1716-before 1800) by Linda Starr DEC 2001. Everything we know about this couple and list of their children. |
Micajhjr | "Micajah Clark Jr. and Mildred (Martin) Clark Oglesby" DEC 1998. Documented account of his short life, including a complete list of the inventory of his estate and Mildred's "dower" portion prior to her marriage to Jacob Oglesby. She and Micajah had five children and she and Jacob a "reported" three. |
Penelope | Brief discussion of the three surnames attributed to Penelope ( ) Clark -- Bolling, Massie and Johnson -- by Linda Sparks Starr, September 2004. |
Perdue | "Commentary on the Letter of Gershom Perdue dated Feb. 14, 1878" by Kelsey J. Williams, Oct 2000. He quotes from a transcription of the original letter and documents many of the family relationships he mention. |
PerCom | This begins as a Hodge-podge of comments from members of the group on the Gershom Perdue letter, but expands into comments on the Candlers, Lord Shaftsbudy, royal lineage, and more. |
SamlMoorman | Samuel T. Moorman's transcription of the Moorman and Clark line as found in a paper given him by Charles, grandson of Thomas and Rachel (Clark) Moorman. |
Tmclark | Report on Thomas Martin CLARK and Mildred "Milly" MOORMAN. He is the son of Micajah Jr. and she the daughter of Andrew d. 1791. Both were born in Albemarle Co. VA, married in Campbell Co., then moved to Breckinridge Co. KY c1809. |
WmbClark | "William B. Clark and Eleanor "Ellen" (Pate) Clark Comstock Hambleton" MAY 1999. Breckenridge Co. KY court records provides more insight into familial situations than normally seen. |
WmbClark | "William B. Clark and Eleanor "Ellen" (Pate) Clark Comstock Hambleton" MAY 1999. Breckenridge Co. KY court records provides more insight into familial situations than normally seen. |
Wmck1760 | "Albemarle Co. VA Probate Records" of William Clark (1760-1800) son of Micajah Clark Sr. including division of property for his son Jacob C. Clark (1782-1804) plus Albemarle Co. deeds associated with the above and dealing with Jacob Oglesby and his widow, aunt of the above William. JUN 1999. |