Ken Lennan - photos


Three Lennan Generations

3 Lennan generations
The three Laurences (Kenneth, James & Diarmuid)

Ken Lennan & Patrice (née Foley)

5K .jpg image of Ken and Patrice
Ken & Patrice, marriage 1998, Redwood City, San Mateo, CA. (full image 22K)

Over the years

3K .jpg image of Ken 11 months
Ken (5 months) (full image 14K)

2K .jpg image of Ken 11 months
Ken (11 months in cute dress!) (full image 18K)

4.8K .jpg image of Lennans 1958
Lennans 1958 (full image 31K)

3.6K .jpg image of Maebh 1965
Maebh 1965 (full image 31K)

3.5K .jpg image of Ken B.A. UCD 1967
With sister, UCD, B.A., 1967 (full image 34K)

3.5K .jpg image of wedding 1968
Wedding, 1968 (full image 30K)

4.5K .jpg image of kids 1970
Children, Achill, 1971 (full image 27K)

4.8K .jpg image of Ken TCD 1972
M.Litt., TCD, 1972 (full image 44K)

3.7K .jpg image of Citroen DS
The DS Super 5, 1973 (full image 22K)

9K .jpg image of Bergamo conference platform
With Professors S. Fischer and A. Cukierman, Mr. Mortensen and Dr. Papadia in Bergamo 1984 (full image 76K)

3.5K .jpg image of Patrice, Brussels
Trice, Brussels (full image 18K)

4.4K .jpg image of Ken and Missy
Ken & Missy (full image 30K)

6.1K .jpg image of Patrice and Missy
Patrice & Missy (full image 26K)

3.5K .jpg image of Patrice, Omeath
Trice, magic mushrooms, Omeath, Ireland (full image 23K)

4.6K .jpg image of Ken
Omeath (full image 37K)

4K .jpg image of Patrice and Ken, Bruges
Bruges, 1994 (full image 27K)

4.5K .jpg image of Utah
Utah (full image 23K)

6K .jpg image of Utah
Utah 2 (full image 64K)

5.8K .jpg image of Mexico
Mexico - Puerto Vallarta (full image 32K)

4.8K .jpg image of Kelsey
Kelsey (full image 39K)

3.2K .jpg image of Kelsey
Kelsey (full image 39K)

6.4K .jpg image of Trice in Florence
Trice in Florence May 2004 (full image 54K)

5.2K .jpg image of Kelsey
Kelsey Christmas 2004 (full image 31K)

10.5K .jpg image of ECFIN-F-2
DG ECFIN 2004 (from left) - Emil, Szabolcs, Michel, Ute, Jean-Pierre, Charo, Errikos, Klaus, Ken (full image 175K)

4.8K .jpg image of MARKT-F-1
DG MARKT 2005 (from left) - Errikos, Katri, Jacqueline, Anna-Marie, Charo, Gerassimos, Klaus, Ken, Ute, Emil and Gabriel (full image 22K)

2.8K .jpg image of Kelsey
Kelsey (full image 21K)

4.8K .jpg image of MARKT-F-1
DG MARKT 2006 (from left) - Klaus, Paco, Diarmuid, Anna-Marie, Ken, Errikos, Emil, (seated) Caroline, Balazs (full image 22K)

10K .jpg image of MARKT-F-1
DG MARKT 2006 (2) (from left) - Paco, Errikos, Diarmuid, Ute, Emil, Ken, Klaus, Dalila, Anna-Marie, Balazs (full image 110K)

4.8K .jpg image of garden 2007
Garden 2007 (full image 77K)

6.2K .jpg image of garden 2007
Garden 2007 (2) (full image 66K)

site map

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