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Welcome to our family album project page.
A Cochrane subsite for my children's paternal lineageMy family's surnames with pages on this site or to come in future are listed in alphabetical order.
- Alexander 3/28/2010
- Anderson
- Barrington
- Boynton
- Caffery
- Cashion
- Cromwell
- Donelson
- Dresser
- Everard
- Hackworth
- Harvey 6/7/1998
- Hines/Heinz
- Hughes
- Ickes
- Keith
- Kidder
- Kress
- Mangrum 2/24/2005 (information common with York and Shockley)
- Meade
- Pennington 3/30/1999
- Phillips
- Pole
- Ralston
- Renegar/Renninger
- Rogers (New England)
- Rogers (Virginia)
- Rutherford 10/26/1997
- Shockley 2/24/2005 (information common with Mangrum and York)
- Shores 2/7/2000
- Snow
- Stambaugh
- Stewart
- Sugg/Suggs
- Swan
- Walker
- Wallace
- Watson 4/1/2005
- Wills
- York 2/24/2005 (family tree information common with Mangrum and Shockley)
In addition to those in my direct lineage, there are some pages and links here about some families who are only "kissing cousins," not blood kin.The Polk family are relatives of our late cousin, Burney Parker, who provided me much information and encouragement in my genealogy and family history studies. This page has pictures from the Polk House in Tennessee, a former home of US Pres. James Knox Polk.
The Radfords are descendants of Elizabeth Hackworth, our ancestor Augustine Austin Hackworth's sister. Several Radford researchers have contributed to our search for information about the early Hackworths.
Our first Rowley, MA ancestor's widow married Maximilian Jewett, and there were other intermarriages between the Boynton and Jewett families since the 17th century, although not in our direct line. Since our Boyntons lived in the same small town with the Jewetts for five generations, we have a lot in common with their descendants, and work on some historical topics together.
Have a look at what can be done with old, damaged pictures if you have the right tools and a little bit of knowhow... Peter Parker's picture
Among the resources we've used to trace our lines are these webpages:
- Dick Eastman's ROOTS Forum on Compuserve
- Read an article contributed by Dick to the CD Information Center about using CD-Recordable for family history & geneaolgy projects.
- Subscribe to Dick's free weekly email newsletter
- GNIS Mapping Search
- Map Collection
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- USGenWeb Project
The author of these pages has had a genealogy-related article published in the following:
Family Chronicle | March/April 1997 | Vol. 1 No. 4 | Save Your Family Tree on CD |
©1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2010 Katherine