Related Families - Ifft Family History Project

Ifft/Ift/Eft Family History Project

Related Families

This page is for information regarding other related families from the Gref Degenfeld and Schl�chtern area (Vollmerz, Elm, Wallroth, Hinkelhof, Hintersteinau, Sterbfritz, Breunings, etc.)

The Pfeiffer Family

Some history and information on Pfeiffer Relatives

In 1720 my ancestor went to Ramholz and became Lutheran as that Grafshaft supported Martin Luther. Even today the people there are called Degenfelders. The various priests spelled the name differently through the years. The main town in the Kries is Schl�chtern. This is in the Kinzigtal or Bergwinkel which is between the Spessart, the Vogelsberg and the Rh�n. It is about halfway between Frankfurt and Fulda on route 40. In May 1837, 104 Bergwinkelers, probably many related, left a dozen little villages and came to Baltimore on the "Hertha". They first went to Beaver and Butler Counties in Pennsylvania where there were already relatives (named Ifft) and after a short time purchased land in Hardin County, Ohio. From there they spred westward. From 1740 to 1837 they lived in Hinkelhof. 3 miles away was Elm the home of the famous Graf Zeppelin. A few miles away is Vollmerz and Ramholz where they went to church. You may use any of this you wish for your bulletin board. - Judge Frederick Pfeiffer

The Knauff Family

The Bensing Family

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by Kay Starr Schaney