Julie's Genealogy & More

 Unidentified  2



More Photos from William James Ash's album...

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Samuel Evans - nothing on reverse of photo

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Susan Ash Evans - nothing on reverse of photo // is she perhaps a sister of James M. Ash SR?? 

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James M. Ash, Sr. - my great-great-great grandfather (dates unknown) - no other details known.  Anyone else know anything about this couple?

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Mrs. Susanah M. Ash - "Grandmother" Ash written by William James Ash, my great grandfather - (dates/maiden name unknown) Who were her parents?  Her siblings?  When/where was she born?  When/where did she die? 

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Harriet Ash - relationship unknown. / is she perhaps a sister of James M Ash SR and Susan Ash Evans????

James M. Ash, Jr. - tintype (nothing on reverse) - James Marshall Ash, Jr. - son of James M. Ash Sr. and Penelope White Ash / brother of John Ash.  When/where was he born?  A later photo shows a military medal on his chest....tiny clues but so much unknown.....

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James Oliver - photo taken by Heaerd & Moseley, Cartes de Visite. 10 Tremont Row, Boston -- Who were the Olivers and how do they connect to our Ash/Snow/North family?

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I. Alfred Oliver - photo taken by Excelsior Ferrotypes made at No. 4 Summer St., Boston, by B. P. Lasselle (with a 2cent US tax stamp that was only used during the Civil War/ the stamp tax ended in 1865. A 2 cent stamp means the photos were less than 50 cents each --with Feb. written on stamp) -- Are Alfred and James related?  How?  Who were the Olivers and how do they connect to our Ash/Snow/North family?

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Jennie Roberson - wife of James below?  photos opposite each other in album.  Photo taken by E. Crockett, Photograph and Ambrotype Rooms, Spofford Block, Up Stairs, Rockland ME// Is Jennie perhaps a sister of James M. Ash Jr. and John Ash?? 

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James Roberson - husband of Jennie above?  photos opposite each other in album.  Photo taken by E. Crockett, Photograph and Ambrotype Rooms, Spofford Block, Up Stairs, Rockland ME

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Arthur J. Carroll - son of Charles (below) - photo taken by Excelsior Studio, 500 Valencia St., S.F.

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Charles Carroll - father of Arthur (above) - no info on reverse of very tiny photo


THANK YOU for looking at these photos. 

If you have ANY information about any of these individuals, PLEASE contact me!