1840 White Co., TN Census

1840 Federal Census
White Co., Tennessee

(From Harper�s Weekly, 1870)

In 1840 June 1st was still the census day but 10 months were allowed for taking the census. It included names and ages of "Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services," the only persons other than heads of families to be named in this census.

We did not include every column in this census since there were far too many to fit onto one page. All slaves were placed into one column and as were all free colored. We've included information on the pensioners, whites and slaves who were deaf and dumb or blind, the insane, foreigners not naturalized, and those who can't read or write in a "Remarks" colume. To conserve space in this column, those who can't read or write will be designated by
"c r/w".

The original 1840 census had given names written first, then the surname. We reversed the order by placing the surname first and highlighting it in red for your easier searching. No attempt was made to correct mistakes in the spelling of the names thus you should look for all conceivable variations of the surnames. This census had two "total" columns, one vertically and one horizontally. We have included the vertical totals but left out the horizontal total column. The 1840 White County census was enumerated by John W. Jett and is listed by Districts, 1 - 6 and 8 - 15 (no District 7). This census was abstracted from digital images of the National Archives microfilm: Series: M704, Roll: 536, Images 1-114 (Pages 2-58).

Below is a table with links to each page in the 1840 census. Also, a Surname Index for easier searching. Please keep in mind that there may be more than one instance of a surname on a page.

Links to Page Numbers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 . . .

See: White Co., TN 1840 List of Pensioners

Surname Index


Abshier - 46
Acterson - 25
Adair - 57
Adams � 5, 38
Adcock - 27
Adier � 14, 19
Ailsworth - 22
Allbright - 42
Allen � 28, 53
Alverson - 15
Anderson � 4, 
11, 14, 15, 16,
25, 37, 51, 52,
Andrew - 51
Angel - 24 
Annis - 51
Armstrong - 55
Arnold  - 2, 12, 
Arrs - 41
Austin � 5, 11,
13, 57


Badger - 18
Baily - 26 
Baker � 4, 11, 
12, 25, 26, 32, 
44, 52, 54
Barnes - 38
Barnett - 35
Barrens  - 12
Bartlett � 40, 41
Bashears - 23
Basier - 27
Bates - 3
Bean - 51
Beasley - 20
Beckwith - 51
Bedwell - 36
Belcher - 48
Bell � 7, 20
Bennet - 32
Bennett � 28, 32,
34, 46
Berry - 49
Billings - 36
Black � 33, 35
Blackburn - 22
Blankenship � 17
Bohannon � 38, 
39, 40, 44
Bolin � 51, 52
Bounds - 12, 36
Bowman � 16, 
41, 42, 44
Boyd � 31, 49
Bozart - 26 
Bradey - 52
Bradford � 30, 36,
Bradley � 47, 49
Bradly - 45
Bramlett - 4
Bramligh - 41
Branson - 36
Bray � 30, 49 
Brewington - 49
Briant - 57
Briles - 42, 43
Briton - 53
Brock - 54
Brogden - 51
Bromley � 20, 44
Brown � 9, 14, 17,
19, 25, 30, 32,
34, 35, 36, 37,
47, 49, 50, 51,
53, 55
Broyles � 48, 49
Bruntly - 43
Bruster - 5
Bryan - 12
Bryant - 9, 30 
Bryen - 7, 12
Buck � 36, 38, 40
Buckhannon - 45
Buckner - 40
Bullock � 36, 37,
Bunch - 46
Burden � 7
Burgess � 30, 36
Burim - 20
Bussey - 55
Butram - 43
Buxton - 23
Byers - 49


Caffee - 28
Cambo - 53
Camp - 5, 31, 
53, 54
Campbele - 52 
Campbell - 22 
Campdele - 24
Camrell � 27, 
Camron � 26, 42
Canard � 34, 41
Cantam - 23 
Canter - 43
Cantrell - 27
Carder - 41
Cardwell � 29, 
Carey - 19
Carland - 29
Carmaichel - 43
Carrick - 4, 5,
Carroll - 15
Carter � 5, 18,
Cash - 37
Certin � 32, 33
Chanler - 17
Charles - 17
Chisum � 17, 18
Cile - 3
Clark - 3, 21, 
Claybrook - 2
Clemmons - 8
Clenny � 4, 6, 
Cline - 5
Close - 41
Clouse - 26, 27
Coda - 46
Cole � 25, 47, 
Collings - 40
Collins - 6, 17,
31, 37
Conner - 5, 24
Conway - 19, 32 
Cook - 4, 7, 19,
23, 28
Cool - 25 
Cooly - 28, 33
Cooper � 30, 31,
38, 40, 42
Cope � 13, 14, 
24, 27
Copeland - 19
Copher - 51
Corbit - 4
Couch - 7, 12, 
Cox - 6, 39
Crain - 54, 56
Cram - 54
Crawley � 19, 
Crewly - 54
Croley - 7
Crook - 30, 37,
Crowder - 28
Crowel - 38
Cumming - 16
Cummingham � 11
Cummings � 56, 
57, 58


Dale - 8
Daniel - 41
Dashier - 23 
Davis - 3, 6, 10,
11, 14, 19,21,
26, 29, 51,57
Dearing � 30, 42
Dearmon - 33
Defraze - 34
Dempsey - 11
Dening - 49
Denny - 9, 11, 55
Denton � 13, 14, 
16, 47, 54
Derafield - 4
Dermon - 26
Dew - 29 
Deweese - 33
Dibrell � 6, 7
Dickerson � 35, 
Dickson - 39
Dildine - 25, 33
Dillon - 17, 18
Ditty - 30
Dixon - 38
Dodson - 8, 9, 
10, 11, 12, 15, 
Dogle - 23 
Dotson - 25 
Downy - 15
Doyle � 7, 8, 9,
Driver - 52
Dukes - 13
Dunagin - 31
Duncan � 23, 46,
Dunkin - 28
Dunn � 16, 31
Dunnagin - 31
Dutton - 35 
Dyer � 36, 52
Earles � 14, 15,
Easley - 31
Eastland - 51
Edmiston - 39
Edmunds - 6
Eller - 48
Elliot � 30, 46
Ellisson - 31
Elliston - 30
Elmore - 32
Elms - 43, 44, 45
England � 28, 34,
36, 45
Ervin - 24, 28
Evans - 9, 22


Faley - 35
Fansher - 49
Farley - 23, 33, 
34, 35
Faster - 8
Felin - 11
Felkins - 54
Felton - 53
Felts - 24, 31
Filtch - 28
Finley - 4
Finly - 46
Finsley - 26
Fisher - 17, 18
Fisk - 3, 47
Flemming - 25, 56
Fletcher - 7
Ford - 24 
Forgesson - 38
Foster - 9, 53
Fox - 42
Franks - 7, 17
Frasier - 2, 8, 10,
11, 53
Frisby - 33, 56
Frost - 52
Gamble - 3, 55
Gammon - 44
Gann - 20
Gardis - 39
Gardner - 47
Gashca(?)- 4
Gear - 37, 42
Gibbins - 6
Gibbs - 24 
Gibson - 51
Giddins - 14
Gill - 51, 52
Gillentine - 55, 
Gillpatrick - 46
Gist - 2, 13
Gleeson - 21 
Glenn - 13, 20, 23,
24, 27, 32, 42
Glover - 4
Goff - 25 
Golden - 48
Gollyhorn - 40
Gooch - 15, 16, 37
Good - 36
Goodall - 7
Goodard - 58
Goodson - 22
Goodwin - 25, 26,
Goolsby - 31
Gracy - 3, 4
Graham  - 8, 9, 10,
30, 36, 43
Grant - 38
Grantham - 8, 56
Grassly - 49
Grasty - 46
Green  - 2, 5, 11, 
12, 14, 25
Griffett - 2, 35
Grisham - 21
Gross - 24
Guallin - 2


Hadley - 9
Hagan - 19
Haily � 18, 34
Hale � 3, 22 
Hall - 3
Hamlin � 2, 42
Hammons - 35
Hampton � 35, 
Hanby - 47
Harbert - 4
Harden - 19
Hardin - 4, 
14, 18, 58
Hargis - 45
Haris - 26
Harlow - 5
Harris � 17, 
Harrisson � 9, 
Hastin � 9, 54, 
Hawks - 25 
Hefner - 24 
Helton - 24 
Hembry - 24 
Henderson - 45
Hennessee - 42
Henry � 37, 42,
44, 45
Hensley � 2, 
Herd � 7, 13
Hewet - 4
Hewett - 5
Hick - 35
Hickman - 48
Hicky � 28, 34, 
Hile - 46
Hill � 14, 37, 
41, 43, 57
Helton - 13
Hindsley - 34
Hitchcock - 29 
Hodge � 14, 39, 
Hoffman - 5
Hogshead - 57
Holder � 13, 
18, 19
Holderfield - 5
Holeman � 46, 
Holland � 13, 
Hollingsworth �
Holteman - 19
Homes - 32
Hooks - 38
Hooten � 34, 
35, 36
Hopkins � 56,
Horn - 42
House � 42
Howard � 3, 6, 
18, 30, 35, 
37, 41, 43
Howe - 19
Howell - 28
Huddleston �
29, 36, 37
Hudgens - 5
Hudgins � 5, 40
Hudson - 33
Hughs - 47
Humphrey � 27, 
Hunter � 4, 6,
7, 24, 38, 40,
Hutching � 26,
Hutson � 16, 
17, 20, 24, 
34, 53
Hyder - 39


Irvin � 26, 32
Isom � 5, 36, 
Issoc - 37
Jackson � 18,
38, 39
Jaco - 32
Jacobs - 21 
James - 6
Jarvis � 21,
23, 25 , 47
Jay - 41
Jenkins - 4, 
12, 24, 52
Jett - 2
Johnson � 9, 
37, 43, 44, 
46, 48, 49, 
55, 57
Jones  - 2, 4,
8, 12, 16, 17,
19, 20, 25, 
26, 28, 29, 
35, 47
Judson - 32
Julin � 27, 41
Keathly � 13,
Keener - 57
Kelly � 32, 36
Kerby � 3, 4,
5, 7, 9
Kerklin - 56
Kerr � 14, 15,
Ketherside - 47
Kidwell - 51
King � 7, 52,
Kirk - 15
Kirlin - 44
Kitrell - 26 
Knowles � 17, 
20, 21, 23 
Kuhn � 14, 53
Lamb - 46
Lance - 47
Lane � 2. 9. 
Langhard - 42
Largent - 9
Latham - 21
Lawele - 9
Lawson - 16
Lay � 14, 23,
Lee � 7, 25
Lefever � 29,
31, 32 
Leftwich - 7
Lewis � 8, 27,
51, 52, 53, 54
Lincoln - 6
Lindsey - 6
Linnville - 33
Linville - 33
Lisk - 24, 34
Lisles - 34
Little - 6, 23, 
46, 51
Loggins - 19
Loller � 29, 
31, 44
Lolless - 5
Lonak (?) - 17
Long - 31
Love - 53
Lower - 5
Lowry � 3, 15, 
9, 50
Lundy - 34
Lyda - 32


Mackie - 30 
Makes - 15
Malory - 10
Maloy - 54
Manard - 54
Mancil - 30 
Manifee - 34
Manning - 3, 
Markham � 22, 
Marlow - 18
Marr - 51
Marsh - 43
Martin - 8, 23, 
31, 32, 57
Martine - 29 
Masley (?)- 44
Mason � 2, 3, 
16, 49
Massa � 27, 32
Mathus - 54
Matlock - 34
Maulden - 49
Mays - 14
McBride - 16, 
19, 48, 57, 58
McCan - 42, 45
McClane - 3
McCone - 25 
McConnell - 35
McCormack - 10
McCormic - 4
McCoy - 7
McCrary - 53
McCullough � 
47, 48
McDaniel � 21, 
23, 47
McDole - 25
McDonald - 15
McDonnald - 20
McElroy - 19
McGarah - 27
McGee - 49
McGlothin - 55
McGowen � 21, 
McGraw - 9
McGuin - 56
McGuire � 46, 
57, 58
McKinny � 45, 
McMannen - 6
McMath - 19
McNab - 45
Meales � 33, 
Medley - 18
Medwell � 38, 
Meeks - 2
Mercer - 6
Merdyth - 6
Merit - 24 
Meshen - 8
Metcalf - 42
Meyars - 54
Midgett - 23 
Mileway - 14
Miller - 10, 
34, 51
Mills - 30 
Mitchel - 56
Mitchell - 2, 
12, 15, 30, 
48, 53, 55,
Montgomery - 27
Moonyham � 52, 
54, 55
Moore - 8, 16, 
17, 18, 19, 20,
23, 29, 32, 43,
44, 55, 57
Morgan - 15
Morris � 3, 22,
32, 46
Moses (?) - 26
Moss  - 12, 22
Murfer - 46
Murray - 6
Myers - 52


Napeyer - 5
Nash - 29
Neamore - 5
Nellson - 25 
Nelson - 2
Netherton - 44,
45, 46
Newman - 4
Nicholas - 36
Nicholass - 40
Nichols - 8, 9
Nicles - 10
Nicoles - 39
Nicols - 15
Nolen - 29, 33
Nooks - 6
Norris - 22 
Norvell - 41
Odle - 15, 17, 
18, 20
Officer - 43,
Ogden - 4
Oldham - 3
Overby - 3
Overton - 19
Owen - 40
Owens - 18
Oxendine - 38, 
Ozart - 24
Paine - 18
Parish - 28
Parker - 37, 
43, 53, 56
Pascal - 27, 
Pass - 37, 45,
Passon - 4, 32
Paterson - 23 
Pearson - 49, 
53, 56
Pendergrass -
Pendleton - 15
Pennington -
16, 36
Perkin - 31
Permillion - 27
Permot - 32
Person - 33
Pertiller - 29
Peterson - 5
Petit - 16
Pettit - 58
Pharis - 20, 30 
Phifer - 19, 52
Philips - 16,
18, 39
Pirtle - 23,
26, 27, 28
Pistole - 28
Pithfoot - 5
Pitts - 53
Plumly - 55
Po - 33
Pollard - 22,
Pool - 35
Potts - 35,
43, 45
Prater - 11
Pratt - 16
Price - 3, 4,
20, 34, 35,
Prince - 20
Province - 20
Pryer - 41


Quarles - 7
Rains - 51
Ramey - 31
Ramsey � 10,
37, 48
Randles � 13,
Randolph � 40, 
41, 43, 44
Raper - 8
Rasco - 21 
Rase - 46
Ray - 30 
Rice - 54
Richard - 9
Richey - 54
Richman - 16,
Richmond - 14
Ricket - 22 
Ricketts - 39
Riddles - 55
Rigsby - 27
Robbins - 19
Roberson - 6,
Roberts - 6,
13, 18, 28, 
29, 35
Robertson - 
17, 20, 29, 
39, 42, 44
Robinson - 41
Rodes - 21 
Rogers  - 2, 
5, 9, 11, 13,
26, 37, 38, 
Roggers - 2
Roman - 58
Rosier - 31
Ross - 54
Rotan - 11
Rothbun - 15
Runnels � 2, 
7, 12, 13, 
26, 28, 35
Rutlage - 46


Sales � 43, 53
Sanders - 22
Sapp - 11
Sapt - 5
Saunders - 16
Savage - 33
Saylers � 28,
Scarborough � 
Scoggin � 9, 
17, 28, 53
Scott � 34, 
35, 43, 52
Scuff - 24
Seaborn � 35, 
Seales � 55, 
Sear � 37
Seat - 40
Serborough - 52
Sharkman - 9
Sharp - 15
Shaw - 26 
Sheares - 2
Shepherd - 20
Sherell - 29 
Shockley � 11, 
54, 55, 56
Shoemake - 25
Short - 22 
Shugart - 6
Shuster - 21 
Simeon - 8
Simmons � 14, 
15, 53, 55, 
Simpson  - 6,
12, 24, 51
Sims � 24, 32,
Singleton - 32 
Skarbrough - 44
Slattern - 24 
Slaughter - 34
Sligar � 35, 48
Slone - 56
Smallman - 57
Smith - 7, 
12, 18, 20, 
24, 34, 49, 51
Snodgrass � 
47, 49
Sorrell - 27
Sparkman � 15, 
19, 53, 57, 58
Sparks � 19, 44
Spears - 45
Sperry - 6
Spurr - 47
Stamp - 44
Stanberry - 12
Staten - 28
Steakley � 54,
Stewart � 2,32, 
33, 39, 48
Stipe - 56 
Stipes � 54,
55, 56
Stone � 36, 37
Street - 43
Stumps - 22 
Sublett - 46
Suliva - 27
Sullivan - 26,
Suttle - 44
Swiff - 33
Swift - 22
Swindell - 18
Swindle � 17, 21


Tailor - 51
Talance - 28
Tapley - 52
Tarby - 49
Taylor - 12, 16, 
25, 46, 47
Tedleton - 13
Teeters - 55
Temalton - 23 
Templeton - 16
Terry � 30, 40
Thomas � 20, 41,
50, 52, 54
Thomisson - 9
Tindle - 15
Tollerson - 25 
Tomlin - 22
Townland - 38
Townsend - 26 
Troglin - 55
Tucker - 4, 12
Tucky - 9
Turner � 3, 32, 
46, 49
Turney - 3
Underwood � 14,
Usary � 29 
Usrey � 3, 6
Vandiver - 51
Vanwincle - 52
Vast - 2
Vaughn � 18, 57
Vaun - 12
Vincent � 2, 3,


Waddle - 29 
Walden - 16
Walker  - 3, 
12, 32, 33, 
34, 44, 47, 53
Wallace � 7, 
8, 39, 40
Walling � 3, 
13, 20, 54, 55
Ward - 56
Warren � 4, 51
Warriner - 2
Waterman - 11
Watkins � 2, 
6, 26, 40, 45,
Weaver � 7, 
29, 42, 43, 
45, 48
Webb - 12, 
14, 18, 21, 
29 , 38
Webster - 14
Welch - 10, 
22, 39, 41
Wells - 31
Wetherford - 33
Whitaker � 38, 
39, 40, 41
White - 4, 7,
8, 10, 12, 27,
Whitefield - 31
Whitley � 4, 7
Whitson � 30, 
Wildair - 17
Willhite � 33,
37, 48
Williams � 2, 
9, 10, 18, 26,
28, 33, 36, 
42, 45
Williamson � 
27, 58
Willis - 31
Willson � 8, 
9, 11, 20, 21,
22, 24, 33, 53
Wilson - 12, 27
Wisdom - 48
Wiser - 38
Witt � 17, 18,
Wolf - 41
Wommack - 21
Wood - 18
Woods - 30 
Woolbright - 17
Wooten - 28
Worley � 8, 
11, 12, 22 
Wormack - 29
Wright - 21, 36


Yager � 42, 48, 
Yarbrough - 3
Yates � 10, 11, 
Yeager - 48
Young � 3, 6, 
26, 58


NOTE: Don't forget that you can find any word on a current web page you're viewing by pressing CTRL+F. In the little pop-up box simply type the word to look for and press ENTER.

Source: Microfilm Series M704, Roll #536, pages 2-58 (National Archives, Washington, DC)
Transcribed by Larry Miller & John B. McGowan
Proofed by Mary Holland, White County Historian

Copyright  2004
White Co., TN Census Project, All Rights Reserved

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