Hyde Co., N.C. Photos Page

Hyde County, N.C. Photos of People & Places

This space is for you to post old photos of your Hyde County ancestors, places and scenes, such as homes, churches and other locations, & for miscellaneous subjects.

You can submit photos in several ways:

(1) Scan them yourself or have them scanned locally to a floppy disk (preferred method) as a .GIF or .JPG image. You can then transmit them as an attachment to an email or send the disk thru the U.S. Postal Service. Disks will not be returned so make yourself a copy or save it to your harddrive. If you can not find someone to scan your old photo for you, then you can:
(2) Have a good, clear Xerox copy made and send the copy thru the U.S. Postal Service.
(3) You may also send your old photo thru the U.S. Postal Service (not preferred method). We cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of your photos sent through the mail.

All disks and photos that are mailed thru the U.S. Postal Service should be enclosed in a rigid envelope to avoid bending. Clearly write "DO NOT BEND" and "PHOTOGRAPHS" on the outside of the envelope. All care will be taken with your valued photographs and will be returned to you in a rigid envelope as soon after receiving them as possible.

You may mail them to Kay Midgett Sheppard, 1140-A Williamson Road., Goodlettsville, TN 37072 to be scanned or you can send them as an e-mail attachment (preferred) to

Kay Midgett Sheppard or John B. McGowan

Please be sure to give the full name of the person or persons in the photo; birth, death & marriage dates (if known); year the photo was taken (if known); and any other pertinent genealogical information that you may know about them. If it's a photo of a Hyde County place include all information known about it. Please don't forget to include your return postal address and your email address. Your email address will be posted with your ancestors photo.  The only thing we ask is that the individuals were born before 1900.

So please go through your photo albums, those old shoeboxes up in your closets and old trunks in your attics and see what you can dig up!

If you would like to submit information on any of these individuals for our Biographies Page, or if you have additions or corrections to information on these pages, please let us know.

SECTION # 1 - Individuals and Families

SECTION # 2 - Churches, Homes, etc.

SECTION # 3 - Miscellaneous Photos

SECTION # 4 - Unknown Photos

 � 1999 - 2005

Information on these web pages may be copied for personal use providing credit is given to the author/contributor and to the Hyde Co., NCGenWeb. Commercial distribution in any manner is strictly prohibited. Graphics and logos are the property of Kay M. Sheppard, John B. McGowan, and/or the Hyde Co., NCGenWeb, with all rights reserved.

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