1850 Federal Census
Beaufort Co., NC
"The Census Taker" (1870)
Harper's Weekly
"I saw behind me those who had gone, and before me those who are to come, I looked back and saw my father, and his father, and all our fathers, and in front to see my son, and his son, and the sons upon sons beyond ...... And their eyes were my eyes." from "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn.
This 1850 Beaufort County, North Carolina census was abstracted from microfilm Series M432, Roll 620, Pages 336A-437B (National Archives, Washington, DC). No attempt was made to correct mistakes in the spelling of the names made by the enumerators thus you should look for all conceivable variations of the surnames. A question mark (?) was placed where we were unable to discern the enumerators hand writing.
The 1850 schedules included the Free Population and Slave Population, with Mortality, Agriculture, and Industry data. Here we have transcribed the Free Schedule and the Slave Schedule transcription is underway. The inclusion of so much personal data for the first time in the Schedule the 1850 census is an obvious boon to genealogists and social historians. For the first time it is possible to identify families and other groups by name. The inclusion of birthplaces for every individual allow for the plotting of migration routes.
Ages provided in the 1850 census allow researchers to establish dates for searching vital records. While few states officially recorded vital records that early, religious and other records may be pursued with estimated dates of birth gleaned from the census.
The identification of previous residences points to still other record sources to be searched in named localities. The indication of real estate ownership would suggest that land and tax records should be searched. The 1850 census may provide starting information for searching marriage records, probates, and a number of other genealogically important records. Probable family relationships may also be determined through 1850 census records, though it is easy to come to the wrong conclusions. The 1850 census provides valuable insights into occupations and property value. It may also make it possible to spot remarriages and step-relationships and to determine approximate life spans.
Questions asked in the 1850 Census
Name; age; sex; race; territory or country of birth; whether the person attended school or was married within the year; whether the person could read or write if over age twenty; whether the person was deaf-mute, blind, insane, or “idiotic”; whether or not a fugitive from the state; and real estate value. The census also asked the occupation of males over age fifteen.
The Slave Schedules for 1850 asked the name of each slave-owner, the number of slaves owned, and the number of slaves manumitted (released from slavery). While the schedules, unfortunately, do not name individual slaves, they asked the age, color, sex, and whether or not slaves were deaf-mute, blind, insane, or idiotic; and whether or not a fugitive from the state.
Thirteen columns were used in the original census but the columns used for our purposes are:
1) House -
numbered in the order of visitation.
2) Family - numbered
in the order of visitation.
The numbering of dwelling houses & families usually
ran concurrently, but sometimes a family might occupy two houses or two
families might be living under one roof so often times the numbers in these
2 columns will differ.
3) Names
- of all persons whose place of abode on June 1,
1850 was in this family.
4) Age -
at last birthday; if under 1 year then months were
given in fractions; i.e. 3/12.
5) Sex -
Male was indicated with an "M"; female
with an "F".
6) Race -
White was indicated with a "W", Black with
a "B", Mulatto with an "M".
7) Occupation
- the trade of each person, male or female
8) Value of Real Estate
9) Birth Place of
Person - naming the state or territory
of the U.S. or the country
10) Remarks - This
column will be used to indicate whether a person attended school during
the year, was married during the year, could not read or write and whether
the person was insane, idiotic, blind, deaf & dumb, crippled, etc.
There were 14 Districts (Townships) in the 1850 Beaufort County census:
Below is a table with links to each page in the 1850 census. I also developed a small index (not full name) so it would be easier for you to find the surnames of interest. Just look on the index, find the surname you're interested in, then click on the corresponding link to that particular page. REMEMBER - there may be more than one instance of a surname on a page.
Links to Page Numbers
Town of Washington
336A | 336B | 337A | 337B | 338A | 338B | 339A | 339B | 340A | 340B | 341A | 341B | 342A | 342B |
343A | 343B | 344A | 344B | 345A | 345B | 346A | 346B | 347A | 347B | 348A | 348B | 349A | 349B |
Leachville Dist.
350A | 350B | 351A | 351B |
Pungo Dist.
352A | 352B | 353A | 353B |
Broad Creek Dist.
354A | 354B | 355A | 355B | 356A | 356B | 357A | 357B | 358A | 358B |
Bath Dist.
359A | 359B | 360A | 360B | 361A | 361B | 368A | 368B | 369A | 369B | 383A | 383B | 384A |
North Creek Dist.
362A | 362B | 363A | 363B | 364A | 364B | 365A | 365B | 366A | 366B | 367A | 367B |
Beaver Dam Dist.
370A | 370B | 371A | 371B | 372A | 372B | 373A | 373B | 374A | 374B | 375A | 375B |
376A | 376B | 377A | 377B | 378A | 378B | 397A | 397B | 398A | 398B |
Long Acre Dist.
379A | 379B | 380A | 380B | 381A | 381B | 382A | 382B |
Washington District
384B | 385A | 385B | 386A | 386B | 387A | 416A | 416B | 417A | 417B | 418A | 418B |
Tranters Creek Dist.
387B | 388A | 388B | 389A | 389B | 390A | 390B | 391A | 391B | 392A |
392B | 393A | 393B | 394A | 394B | 395A | 395B | 396A | 396B |
Chocowinity Dist.
399A | 399B | 400A | 400B | 401A | 401B | 402A | 402B | 403A |
403B | 404A | 404B | 405A | 405B | 406A | 406B | 407A |
Blounts Creek Dist.
407B | 408A | 408B | 409A | 409B | 410A | 410B | 411A | 411B | 412A | 412B | 413A | 413B | 414A | 414B | 415A |
Durhams Creek Dist.
415B | 419A | 419B | 427A | 427B | 428A | 428B | 429A | 429B |
Goose Creek Dist.
420A | 420B | 421A | 421B | 422A | 422B | 423A | 423B | 424A | 424B | 425A |
South Creek Dist.
425B | 426A | 426B | 430A | 430B | 431A | 431B | 432A | 432B | 433A |
433B | 434A | 434B | 435A | 435B | 436A | 436B | 437A | 437B |
Beaufort Co., NC Slave Schedule
* Coming Soon * |
Surname Index
A Abbott - 345b Abell - 363b Abraham - 413a Acklin - 406a, 408a Adam - 389a Adams - 343b, 344a, 349a, 350a, 351b, 352a, 357a, 373b, 394b, 419b Addams - 367b, 369b, 409b Adkins - 409b Akenford - 345a Albert - 431a Alcock - 421a Aligood - 372b Allegood - 418b Allen - 342a, 343a, 347b, 351b, 352a Alligood - 374b, 375a, 375b, 377a, 377b, 378a, 397a, 397b, 398a Anderson - 343b Andrews - 393b Angel - 424a Archibald - 371a, 373a, 400b, 406a, 406b, 415b Arden - 417b Armstrong - 338a, 342b Arnold - 399a, 400b, 401a, 406b, 416b Artell - 361a Arther - 338b Asberry - 371a Asbury - 419b, 429b Ashley - 436a Ates - 435b, 436a Avant - 349b Ayers - 363b |
B Bachum - 389a Bacus - 388b Bailey - 361a, 361b, 363b, 366a Baily - 362b, 363a, 364a, 364b Bainer - 375a, 377a, 378a, 378b, 386b, 395b, 418b Baker - 369a, 422a, 424a, 424b, 430a Ball - 389b, 390a, 417a, 432a Ballance - 406b Banford - 348a Banks - 431a, 433a Baron - 399a Barr - 403b Barrington - 429b, 433a Barrow - 340a, 342a, 345b, 360a, 367a, 373a, 425b, 429b Bartnett - 431b Bass - 346a Bates - 392a, 400a Battens - 376b Baxter - 353a Beachum - 362b, 364b, 389a, 390a, 391a, 437b Beanly - 373a Bell - 339a, 341b, 345a, 365a Benett - 418b, 419a, 424a Bennett - 358a, 412a, 419b, 426b, 427b, 430a, 432a Bess - 342b Binnett - 432b Bird - 373a Bishop - 344a, 356a Bland - 426b, 434b Blango - 338a, 339b, 385b, 407b, 408a, 412a, 413a, 414a, 414b, 415a, 417a, 419b, 425a Blount - 337b, 339b, 342a, 343a, 346a, 347b, 350a, 367a, 418a, 418b Blunt - 405a Bogart - 341a Bond - 433b Bonner - 342a, 369b, 394b, 398b, 425a, 427a Bostin - 385a Boston - 343a Bowen - 345a, 382a, 382b, 398a Boyd - 360a, 360b, 363b, 368a, 368b, 369b, 370b, 371a, 378a, 381a, 381b, 382b, 383a, 383b, 384a, 392a, 394b, 399b, 400b, 418a, 429b Braddy - 340b, 369a, 384a Bradley - 367a Bragg - 417a, 417b Brantlett - 435a, 436a, 436b Branton - 344b Brickett - 384a Bright - 399a, 399b, 400a, 400b, 403b Brin - 346a, 385b, 421b Brinn - 355b Britton - 393b Brock - 345b, 346b, 377a, 395b Brown - 336b, 338b, 344a, 346a, 346b, 391a, 391b, 396a, 396b, 399a, 401a, 419b, 434a Brooks - 340a, 348a, 356b, 386b Bruffett - 434a Bryan - 337b, 340a, 348b, 366a, 436a Bryant - 418b Buchannon - 410a Buck - 346b, 401a, 401b, 402a, 402b, 403a, 405a, 405b, 418a, 429b Buckman - 339b Burbage - 361b, 362a, 386b, 434b Burbank - 341a, 341b Bushure - 353b |
C Cadett - 435b Cain - 416a Calaw - 373b, 374a Callaway - 437b Cambell - 350b, 359b, 401b Cambreling - 412a Campbell - 383b Camell - 359b Campaign - 346b Campen - 420a, 422b, 423a, 423b, 430b, 431b, 432b Campian - 357a Capps - 364b, 365a, 365b Carell - 344a Carey - 347a Carmault - 339a, 339b Carmer - 347b Carney - 408a Carow - 353a, 362b, 372b, 421b Caroway - 423b Carowin - 420a, 420b, 436b Carrow - 356a, 357a, 403b, 404a, 406b, 416b Carroway - 345a Carrowan - 416a Carrowin - 338b Carter - 351b, 358b, 360b, 366a, 366b, 407b, 414a, 415a Caten - 418b, 427b, 428a Caton - 409a Chambers - 347b, 364b Chan - 432b Chance - 432b, 433a Chauncey - 374b, 385b, 386a, 386b, 393a Cherry - 342b, 344b, 348a, 378b, 387a, 387b, 389b, 390a, 390a,391a, 391b, 392b, 396a, 416a Clark - 351a, 353a, 353b, 354a, 365b, 403a, 403b, 418b, 423b, 431b, 434a Clarke - 363b, 388a, 391b, 394b, 403a, 406b, 413b, 416a Clayton - 432a Clemons - 338b Clutch - 418b Coffy - 341b Cole - 389b Collins - 343a, 348a, 389b, 408b, 416b Comer - 362a Condra - 433a Condrey - 338a Congleton - 340b, 370b, 374b, 375a, 375b, 387a, 397b Cook - 436b Coopper - 342a, 344b Copeland - 336a Copper - 343b Cordan - 390a Corden - 339a, 339b, 342b, 346a, 347b, 349b, 361b, 366a Cordon - 386a, 435a Cornell - 345a Corpy - 418a Corsin - 357a Cosway - 340b Cottenham - 348a Cousins - 362a, 362b, 366b Coward - 347b Cowell - 340b Cox - 372b, 407a, 408a, 411a, 413a, 415b Crabtree - 349a Cradell - 364a, 387b, 390a, 396a Cradle - 349a Craig - 347a Craiton - 382b Crandell - 380a, 390a Cratch - 347a Crawford - 400b, 415b Crawley - 348b Credell - 360a Cremer - 404a Crutch - 408b, 424b Cruthers - 346a, 397b Cruthus - 437a Cullar - 407b Curganus - 433a, 433b (see Gurganus) Curry - 390b Curtis - 411a Cutlar - 367b, 369a, 371b, 372a, 373a, 373b, 374a, 385b, 425b |
D Daniels - 352a, 380a, 384a, 384b, 420a, 420b, 424b, 430b, 431a, 432b, 436b Darden - 339a Davis - 338b, 343a, 345a, 350a, 350b, 351a, 351b, 352a, 353b, 358a, 358b, 363a, 368a, 369a, 394b, 416a, 418a, 432a, 434b Daw - 354a Day - 420a Delaney - 347b Demill - 346b Denby - 404a Deneal - 336a Devine - 344a Dexter - 336b Dill - 340a Dimock - 342b Dixon - 345a, 348a, 348b, 358b, 373b, 374a, 399a, 403b, 406b, 418b, 425b, 426a, 427b, 434b, 436b Doren - 363a Dorning - 337a Doughty - 336b, 338a, 345a Douglass - 416a Douty - 422a, 423a, 437a Dow - 415a Downs - 401a, 404a, 404b, 405a Dowty - 362b, 364b, 386b, 397b, 398a, 412a, 417b, 425a, 426b, 429a, 430b, 437a Driggers - 434a, 435b, 436a Dudley - 349b, 388b, 395b Duglass - 345a, Dun - 337a Dunn - 400a, 430a Dupree - 428b Duran - 340b Durdan - 341b |
E Eason - 386a Easter - 338a Easters - 344b, Eckolls - 424b Eborn - 350a, 354a, 358a, 358b, 359b, 360a, 361a, 362b, 364a, 367a, 371b, 372a, 372b, 397a Edwards - 399a, 401a, 401b, 402b, 403a, 403b, 404b, 405a, 406a, 408a, 409b, 410a, 411a, 411b, 412a, 418a Eliott - 372b, 373a Elks - 399b Elliott - 347a, 386b Ellis - 344a, 344b, 416a Ellison - 337b, 340b, 342a, 396b, 398b, 418a, 418b, 434a Elliss - 406a, 418a Elwell - 416a Ely - 416a Emery - 424a Erklin - 405a Erwell - 403a Etheredge - 345b Evans - 403b Event - 404a Eventon - 406b Everett - 352a, 384a Eveson - 395b Evett - 408b, 410a, 427a, 428a, 428b, 433b, 436b, 437b Eyepock - 427b |
F Farris - 340a Farrow - 337a, 346a, 348b Filpot - 411b Fitchett - 346a Flinn - 354a, 354b, 355a Flowers - 420a, 421b, 433b Flynn - 398a Floyd - 390a, 392a Fobs - 348b Fonville - 400b Ford - 416b, 427a Foreman - 363a, 363b Forman - 362a, 365a, 366a, 424b, 437a Fortiscue - 363a, 365a, 370a, 424b, 431a Fortune - 386a, 420a Foster - 364b, 365a, 418a Fowle - 336a Fowler - 341a Frances - 344a Freeman - 346b, 366b, 404a Frizell - 346b Frost - 340a Fulenton - 339a Fulford - 347a, 349a, 375a, 424b Fultcher - 345a |
G Gain - 418a Galard - 353b, 354a Gallagher - 338a, 338b Galloway - 404b, 411b Galoway - 399a Garett - 366a Garrett - 365b, 370b, 373b, 379b, 383a, 384a Gaskill - 344a, 347a, 407b, 411b, 413b, 421b, 432b Gaylord - 355b, 356a, 361a, 363a Gerrard - 340b Gherkin - 379b, 380a, 382a Gibbs - 422a Gibs - 337a, 348a Gilgo - 344b, 416b Gill - 341a Giraud - 413a Glass - 337a Godett - 343b, 372a Godley - 399a, 399b, 400a, 400b, 401a, 405b, 406a Goganus - 350b (see Gurganus) Gordan - 361a, 361b, 391b Gorham - 387b Gotier - 347b Gradless - 354a, 360b, 382b Gray - 401b, 417b Grean - 365a Green - 342a, 349a, 349b, 365a, 404a Greene - 398a, 414b Gregory - 336a, 434b Griffin - 389a Grist - 391b, 396b, 399a, 402b Guilford - 404b, 405b, 417b Gurganus - 351a, 351b, 353a, 358a, 366b, 372a, 373a, 375b, 383a, 383b, 384a, 388b, 395a, 407a, 407b (see Curganus) Gurkin - 407a Gurghnus - 381b |
H Haddock - 402a Hagins - 435b Hall - 342b, 356b, 357a, 406a, 416a Hammond - 361a, 370a, 415a Hampleton - 344b, 346b, 347a, 348b, 349a Hancock - 336b Hanks - 349b Harborn - 380b, 381a, 381b Hardenburg - 348b Hardenson - 340a, 345a Harding - 400b, 401a, 402b, 404a, 405a, 405b Hardison - 362a, 365b, 386b, 395b, 396b, 397a, 398a Harrell - 400a Harris - 341a, 355a, 355b, 368a, 368b, 382a, 382b, 383a, 394b, 410a Harrison - 383a, 394a Harvey - 360a, 369b, 373b, 396b Hasell - 392a Hassel - 343a Hatton - 393a, 393b, 418b Havens - 337b, 348b Hawkins - 338b, 344b, 361b, 363b, 367a, 370a, 371a, 374a, 384b, 389a, 394a, 397a, 429b Hawks - 342a, 342b Hayman - 368a Haywood - 346a Heard - 396a Henry - 336b , 339b, 421b, 422a Heritage - 343a Herrington - 362a, 362b , 363a, 365b, 366b, 395b Hervey - 362a, 371a Hill - 344a, 398b, 399a, 400b, 402a, 402b, 403a, 407b, 408a, 409b, 424b, 428b Hilton - 359b, 360a Himon - 336b Hinton - 418b Hobbs - 425a Hobs - 417b Hodge - 418a, 435b Hodges - 340b, 350b, 351a, 360a, 373a, 373b, 374a, 389a, 391b, 394b, 395a, 396b, 412a, 413a, 418b, 422b, 423a, 435a Hoell - 339a, 346b, 389b Holand - 341a Holland - 390a, 390b, 396b Hollawell - 337b Hollis - 346a, 374b Hollowell - 394b Holmes - 401a, 402b Holoway - 357b, 418a Holowell - 338a, 355a, 357a, 357b Hooker - 374b, 377b Hoops - 388b Hooten - 364a, 364b, 365a Hooton - 342b Hoover - 348a Hopkins - 356b, 393b, 421a, 422b Horton - 347b Houlin - 424a Houston - 336a Howard - 337a, 347b, 348b, 350b, 353a, 356a, 357a, 371a, 394b, 430a Howlowell - 354a Hoyt - 336b, 417b Hudnell - 431a, 431b, 432a, 432b, 433b, 434a, 435a, 436a, 437b Hutchens - 345b Hutchings - 354a Hyatt - 347b |
I - J Ierland - 423b Isham - 416b Ives - 340b, 421a, 423b, 424a, 431a Jackson - 342b, 343b, 380a, 380b, 387a, 387b, 389a, 390a, 396a, 418b James - 339b, 343a, 347a, 417b Jarvis - 337b, 342b, 353a, 362b, 373b, 416a, 430a, 431b, 432a Jefferson - 368b, 369a, 372a, 372b, 379a Jeffoson - 371b, 397a Jenkins - 388a, 388b, 393a, 394a Jerrold - 402b, 403a Jesper - 347b Jewell - 425b, 426b, 433a Jiles - 353a Jinkins - 345b Johnson - 343a, 344a, 354a, 357b, 361a, 362b, 388, 409a, 431b, 432a, 435a Joiner - 340b Jolley - 337a Jolly - 393b, 396a Jones - 337a, 341a, 348a, 353a, 353b, 355a, 356b, 357a, 357b, 366a, 368a, 392a, 393a, 394a, 394b, 409a, 409b, 410a, 411b, 419a, 419b, 424a, 428b, 431a, 433b Jordan - 337a, 363a, 364a, 366b, 368a, 371a, 378b, 380b Judgkins - 339b |
K Keas - 338a Keeach - 373b Keech - 361b, 366b Keese - 371a, 371b, 384b, 385a, 385b, 404b, 409a, 414a, 414b Keeyes - 418a Kelly - 362a, 379b, 381a, 381b, 405a Kennedy - 371a, 377b, 418b Kennion - 404b Kettlethorp - 360a Kewell - 339b Keys - 343a, 345b, 371a, 371b Killinsworth - 368b Kinnon - 408b Kipps - 358b, 367b Kirk - 431a Knapp - 338a Knox - 412a, 412b Krause - 417a |
L Labarbe - 336a Lain - 417b Landing - 434a, 434b Lane - 432a, 432b, 433a, 435a Langley - 370a, 370b, 406a, 407b Lanter - 389a Latham - 343b, 346b, 349a, 354a, 357a, 367b, 368a, 369b, 373b, 374a, 432a Lathum - 372b, 373a, 379b, 380a, 392a, 393a, 395a, 395b, 405b, 410b Lavender - 341b Lea - 393a Leak - 342b Leary - 420b, 421b Leath - 341a Lee - 372b, 384b, 428a, 431a, 431b, 436b Leggett - 388a, 388b, 391b, 392b, 394a, 394b, 395a Legit - 394b Leighth - 420a Leroy - 341b Levenson - 339b Levinton - 370b Lewis - 353a, 368b, 401b, 402a, 404b, 409a, 415b, 419a, 419b, 421a, 427a, 427b, 429a, 429b, 434a Lilly - 360b, 383a, 386a, 388a Lindsay - 432a Lindsy - 434a Linear - 395a Linett - 381b Latham - 416b Lingman - 382b, 416b Linton - 359b, 361a, 368b, 421b, 422a, 423b, 424b Linyear - 360a, 373b Liskum - 367a, 367b Little - 394a, 396b Liverman - 365b Long - 338a, 340a, 360a, 407a, 408b, 411b Long Tom - 356b, 363b Lowery - 340a Lozell - 345b Lucas - 347b, 353b, 360a, 363b Lupton - 420b, 422a, 422b, 423a, 423b Lynch - 343a Lynier - 351a |
M McCabe - 340a, 414a McCullough - 417b McElroy - 402a McGowan - 367a, 422a McGowen - 338a, 349b McIntosh - 429a McKeeal - 429b McKeel - 376a, 376b, 377a, 377b, 390b McKelly - 381b McKey - 345a, 347a, 357b, 359b, 362b, 363b, 366b, 367a, 394b, 397a, 397b McMahon - 397b, 398a McWilliams - 398a Mackellroy - 401a, 405b Mackey - 348b, 432a Malison - 365a Mallison - 338a, 357a, 364a Maning - 353a Manning - 343b, 351a Marsh - 337b, 360b, 434a Martin - 342a, 350b, 351a, 355a, 383a Mason - 420a, 422a, 422b, 430a, 437b Mastin - 348b Mason - 343a, 423a Matson - 347b, 347b, 359b Mayo - 399a, 406a, 430a, 431a Mays - 432a, 433b Meakins - 365a, 367b Meekins - 362a Mekins - 339a Meredith - 385a Meridith - 406a Messick - 432b Mexon - 338b Midyett - 361b Miller - 342b, 434a Minles - 416a Mish - 398a Mitchell - 340b, 349a, 349b, 391b, 411a, 413b Mixon - 356b, 360b, 364b, 430b, 432b Mobley - 395b, 400a Mondwell - 345a, 358a Moor - 396a Moore - 338a, 339a, 339b, 342a, 343a, 343b, 344a, 345b, 346a, 346b, 347a, 362b, 365a, 371a, 385a, 385b, 388b, 392b, 399b, 400a, 406a, 407b, 408a, 408b, 409a, 409b, 410b, 412a, 412b, 413a, 413b, 414a, 414b, 415a, 416b, 417b, 425a, 425b, 426a, 428b, 430a, 432b, 434a, 435b, 436a, 436b, 437a, 437b Moorening - 341b Morgan - 337a, 417a Morris - 344b, 348b, 408b, 411b Morse - 340a Morselander - 411b Morton - 341b Mourning - 425b Munroe - 340a Murphey - 421a Muse - 350a, 350b Mydgett - 346b, 348a, 348b, 353a Myers - 342a, 349a |
N Nadall - 340a Neal - 346a, 417a Nelson - 404b Neusom - 410a Newill - 340a Newmans - 429a Newton - 339b, 340a, 348b Nichols - 395a Nidall - 416a Nobles - 401b, 402a, 403b, 404a, 404b Norcom - 336b, 337a Norcott - 337a Noriss - 423b Norris - 402b, 420b, 434a North - 371b, 384b Norman - 345b, 418a, 425a, 425b, 427b, 435a Nusom - 344a, 347b |
O Oden - 369b, 370a, 383b, 405b Ogelbury - 423b Oldham - 406b Olison - 338a Oliver - 338a, 378b, 380a O'Merry - 389b, 396a O'Neal - 339b O'Neil - 420a, 436a Orell - 410a, 410b, 415b Orrell - 409b Orkney - 336b Ormand - 359b, 383a Ormond - 430a, 436b, 437b Ormund - 360b Osborn - 343a, 380b, 382a, 382b, 386b Outlaw - 394a Owens - 342b, 370a |
P - Q Pagett - 391a Pairtree - 344b, 345a, 348a, 360a, 362b, 363b, 366b, 394b Pariss - 435a Parker - 400b Parmerlee - 337b Partrick - 336a, 348b, 398b Pate - 337a, 370b, 371a, 398a, 413a, 424b, 436a, 436b, 437a Patrick - 406a, 406b, 432a, 436a Patterson - 417a Patton - 337a Paul - 346b, 347a, 348a, 352a, 359b, 360a, 361b, 368a, 368b, 427a Peal - 390b Pearce - 336b, 349b Peaterson - 348b Peed - 425a, 426b Peede - 412a Pelt - 401a Penington - 437a Perd - 432a, 433b Perkins - 363b, 435b, 436a, 437a Perry - 386b, 387b, 388a, 392a, 394a, 398b Phillips - 340b, 345b, 351a, 356b Picare - 344a Pickering - 343b, 425a Pierce - 385a, 406a, 407a Pilant - 432b Pilgram - 389a Pilgreen - 345a Pilgrim - 388b Pilley - 373a Pinkum - 374b, 376a , 377b, 418b Pister - 348b Poor - 417b Port - 348b Porter - 359b Potter - 420b, 421a, 421b, 423b, 424a Potts - 341b, 342a Powell - 380b, 383b, 393a, 393b, 414a Powers - 341b, 347a, 349a, 353b, 437a Prescott - 427a Prier - 406a Prime - 337b Pringell - 437a Pritchett - 366a, 383b, 407b, 419a Proctor - 338a Pugh - 341b Purkins - 347b Purser - 408a Purvis - 412a Pusser - 432a, 432b, 433a, 433b, 434b, 435a Putman - 349b Quidley - 427b |
R Raffity - 339a Rainger - 342b Rainor - 390a Randolph - 342a Raney - 336b Ransom - 383b Rasco - 346a, 398a Ratliff - 354a, 354b, 355a Rauls - 392b, 393a Rea - 340b, 341a Reddett - 402b, 419b Reddick - 353a, 415b, 416a Redditt - 411a, 413b Redding - 339a, 340b Reddy - 340a Reece - 427a Reid - 339b Respess - 340b, 347b, 357a Respiss - 382b, 383a, 383b Rice - 403b, 428a, 432b Richards - 338a, 346b, 386a Richardson - 342b, 346a, 348a Ricks - 395b Rion - 351b Roan - 372a, 373b Robbason - 424b, 437a Robberson - 338a Robbins - 336b, 337a, 337b, 339a, 342a, 348a, 366b Roberts - 406a Robins - 358b, 362a, 435a Robinson - 376b, 387b, 394a, 396b, 417a, 425a Roden - 339b Rodgers - 339a, 396a Rodman - 342a Roe - 415b, 419a, 419b, 425a, 426b, 428a, 429b, 432a, 434b, 435a Rogers - 399a Rolins - 364a Roland - 380a Rolland - 379b Rose - 341b, 419a Ross - 338a, 343a, 361b, 362b, 363a, 364b, 366a, 366b, 426b, 427a, 427b, 428b, 429b Rowland - 359b Roy - 399b, 404a, 427b Royster - 339a Rue - 417b Ruff - 410a, 410b, 426b Rumley - 337a Runyon - 348b Russ - 355a, 356b, 364a, 364b, 367a |
S Sadler - 422b, 423a, 423b, 424b Satchell - 347a Satchill - 395b Satchwell - 353b, 355a, 361a, 364b, 395b, 396a Satterthwaite - 338a, 346a, 350a, 350b, 351a, 353a, 354a, 358b, 363b, 364a, 366a, 367a, 394b Saunders - 356a, 358a Sawyer - 348a, 355a, 361a, 403b, 406b, 421a Scarborough - 342b Scot - 391b Scott - 429b Searls - 343b Sears - 364b, 406a, 411b Sebrook - 336b Sebrooks - 340a Selby - 337a, 342a, 351a, 381b Sexton - 345a Shaler - 434b Shavinder - 355b, 356a Shaw - 337a, 337b Sheashum - 392a Sheppard - 370b, 371a, 374b, 377a Shields - 389b Ship - 349a Shipp - 430b Short - 393b Silivan - 375a, 375b, 397b Silverthorn - 346a, 346b, 398a Simons - 340a, 343a, 345b, 347a, 350a, 353a Simpson - 338b, 432a, 433b, 434a, 434b, 437b Singleton - 377a, 390b, 391b Skank - 348b Slade - 351a, 357a, 377a, 400b, 422a Slocum - 372b Small - 398a, 398b, 417a Smallwood - 337a, 340b, 344b, 382b Smaw - 338b, 341b, 346b, 397a, 416b Smidwick - 362b, 425a, 425b Smith - 341a, 342b, 354b, 355a, 355b, 358b, 360b, 365b, 370a, 399b, 400a, 416b, 432a, 436a Snell - 339a, 358b Snoad - 336b Snoden - 348a Spain - 421a, 421b, 422b, 423a, 424b Sparow - 376a Sparrow - 342a, 343a, 415b, 417a Spears - 342b, 402a, 402b, 416b Spellman - 410a, 411a, 428b, 432b Spelman - 349a, 408b, 414a Spencer - 374a, 401a Spincer - 346a Springle - 346b Squiers - 354b Squires - 374a Squires - 369a, 369b, 379a Stallings - 387a, 389b Staton - 390b, 396b Stewart - 344b, 364a, 371b Stickney - 402b Stilly - 408b, 409a, 411b, 412a, 425b Stiron - 345a, 346b, 420a Stoe - 348b Stone - 345a Stratten - 342a Stubbs - 379b, 381b, 384a, 407a Stubs - 380a Styron - 389b Surls - 405b Sutton - 402a Swain - 385a Swanner - 386b, 391b Swift - 349a Swindall - 357a, 416b Swindel - 423a Swindell - 355a, 355b, 367a, 397a, 421b, 422a, 423a, 423b Swindle - 338a, 344a Swinson - 394a |
T Taft - 392a Taman - 340a Tanahill - 416a, 416b Tankard - 374a, 417b Taunt - 396b, 418a Taylor - 392b, 395a, 399a, 400a, 401a, 401b, 403a, 403b, 404a, 417a, 421a, 436b Teal - 341b, 395b Teffoson - 371b Telfair - 336a, 337a Tench - 360b Terance - 343b Terry - 393a Tetterton - 369a, 374a, 382b, 385b, 389b, 391a, 394b, 396a, 426a, 430b, 431a, 431b, 434b, 437a Thomas - 343b, 347a, 349b, 355a, 392a, 409a Thomersson - 419a Thomason - 415b Thornton - 343b, 416b, 423a, 423b Thougood - 386a Tier - 406b, 418a Tilmon - 348a Tison - 346b, 350a Tolson - 344a Tompkins - 363b Tompson - 434a Tonsell - 411b Tooley - 340a Topping - 357a Townson - 346a Tredwell - 337b Tripp - 408a, 415a, 415b, 428a, 428b Truman - 434a Tucker - 346a Turkenton - 418a Turner - 340b Tutel - 411a Tuten - 437a Tuton - 428b, 431b, 435a Tyler - 336a, 344b Tyson - 435b, 436a |
V Vale - 357b Vanderver - 416a Vannortrick - 338a Ventress - 339a Vines - 336a, 415b, 419a Vorhill - 360a |
W - Y Wadley - 345b Walker - 336b, 338b, 340a, 341a, 343b, 354a, 366a, 386a, 386b, 391b, 396b, 412a, 416a, 418a, 429b Wall - 398b, 400a, 400b, 406b Walling - 394b Wallis - 378a, 378b, 379a, 382a Ward - 356a , 367b, 368a, 368b, 394a Warner - 364b, 430a, 430b, 434a Warren - 336b, 404b, 405a, 412b, 413a, 416b, 419a, 427a, 427b, 429a Warters - 337a, 340b, 368a, 370b, 371a, 372a, 376a, 379a, 379b, 380a, 380b, 381a , 381b, 384b, 392a, 397a, 416a, 416b, 418a Watson - 359b, 360b, 420a, 420b, 424a Web - 386b Welborn - 345b Welch - 364a, 365b, 372b, 373a, 380a, 380b, 407b, 418a Westers - 408b Weston - 408b, 419b Wetherton - 349a Whitaker - 375a, 388b, 392b White - 345a, 391b, 397a, 412b, 424b, 434a Whiteaker - 393a Whitehurst - 436b Whiteker - 347a Whitfield - 345b Whitley - 354a, 357a, 358a, 360a, 363a, 368a, 369a, 369b, 396a, 397a, 405b, 432b Whithurst - 416b Whitust - 349b Wigans - 343a Wiggins - 385b Wigins - 338b, 345a, 385b, 386a, 394a Wilcox - 406b Wiley - 340b, 407a Wilkerson - 354b, 356b, 367a, 402a, 402a Wilkins - 361a, 368a, 385a, 385b, 385a, 385b Wilkinson - 346a, 348a, 349b, 350a, 351a, 353b, 355a, 355b, 361b, 362b, 363a Willard - 348a Williams - 337a, 338b, 339a, 339b, 340b, 341b, 344a, 347b, 349a, 392a, 393b, 394a, 418a, 434a Williamson - 364a Willis - 341a, 342b, 345b, 347b Wilson - 342b, 380b, 395a, 395b Win - 343a Windley - 337b, 344b, 354b, 355a, 356b, 357b, 358a, 360b, 363b, 364b, 367b, 368a, 368b, 369b, 370a, 382a, 383a, 383b, 384a Windly - 356a, 356b Winfield - 349b, 353b Windfield - 350a, 350b, 351b, 354a, 358a, 369b, 400b, 406b, 407a Wiswall - 337a Wolfenden - 398b Wolloway - 421a Womble - 416a Woodard - 337b, 338a, 397b, 420a, 422a, 425a, 428a, 431a Woolard - 368b, 369a, 370a, 370b, 371a, 373a, 374b, 375a, 375b, 376a, 376b, 377a, 377b, 378a, 378b, 380b, 381b, 384b, 385a, 386b, 387a, 387b, 388a, 390b, 393a, 396b, 397a, 397b, 398a Woolf - 340a Woollard - 342b Worely - 399b Worthington - 408b, 418b Wright - 357b, 358a Whyte - 417b Yates - 407a |
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Source: Microfilm Series
M432, Roll # 620, Pages 336A-437B (National Archives, Washington, DC)
(Transcribed by Sallie Gargis & Proofed by Kay M. Sheppard &
John McGowan)
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