Phillip NOLAN - Remus NOLAN

Phillip NOLAN

Ancestors of Phillip NOLAN

                  /-Pierce NOLAN
        /-Pierce NOLAN
Phillip NOLAN

Descendants of Phillip NOLAN

1 Phillip NOLAN
  =Bridget CARROLL
      2 Pierce NOLAN

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Phillip NOLAN

Ancestors of Phillip NOLAN

        /-Philip NOLAN
Phillip NOLAN
        \-Elizabeth AWBREY

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Pierce NOLAN

Ancestors of Pierce NOLAN

        /-Pierce NOLAN
Pierce NOLAN

Descendants of Pierce NOLAN

1 Pierce NOLAN
      2 Stephen NOLAN I
        =Mary Obryan CONNELL
            3 James NOLAN
            3 Daniel NOLAN
              =Henrietta SMALLWOOD  Marriage: 1738, Charles Co, MD
            3 Stephen NOLAN II
              =Susannah SMALLWOOD  Marriage: 1748
      2 Phillip NOLAN
        =Bridget CARROLL
            3 Pierce NOLAN
      2 Pierce NOLAN III
        =Elizabeth DARRELL
      2 Thomas NOLAN
        =Mary Boyer HILL
      2 William NOLAN

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Pierce NOLAN

Ancestors of Pierce NOLAN

                            /-Pierce NOLAN
                  /-Pierce NOLAN
        /-Phillip NOLAN
        |         \-Katherine
Pierce NOLAN
        \-Bridget CARROLL

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Ancestors of Pierce NOLAN III

                  /-Pierce NOLAN
        /-Pierce NOLAN

Descendants of Pierce NOLAN III

1 Pierce NOLAN III
  =Elizabeth DARRELL

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Pierce NOLAN

Descendants of Pierce NOLAN

1 Pierce NOLAN
      2 Henry NOLAN
            3 Richard NOLAN
            3 Henry NOLAN
      2 Pierce NOLAN
            3 Stephen NOLAN I
              =Mary Obryan CONNELL
            3 Phillip NOLAN
              =Bridget CARROLL
            3 Pierce NOLAN III
              =Elizabeth DARRELL
            3 Thomas NOLAN
              =Mary Boyer HILL
            3 William NOLAN
      2 Philip NOWLAN
        =Bridget NELSON  Marriage: 1685
      2 Darby NOLAN
        =Ann BROWNING
      2 William NOLAN
            3 William NOLAND
      2 Thomas NOLAN
        =Mary PARRISH
            3 Sarah NOLAN
            3 Edward NOLAN
            3 Daniel NOLAN
            3 Thomas NOLAN

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Pierce A. NOLAN

Ancestors of Pierce A. NOLAN

                            /-George NOLAND
                  /-Thomas NOLAN
                  |         \-Rebecca GORDON
        /-Judge Kelsy NOLAN
        |         \-Martha Broder THRASHER
Pierce A. NOLAN
        \-Martha F. MCCOY

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Pinkey Caroline NOLAN

Ancestors of Pinkey Caroline NOLAN

                            /-Stephen NOLAN
                  /-David NOLAN
                  |         \-Susannah
        /-Stephen M. NOLAN
        |         \-Catherine Cornelia WELLINGTON
Pinkey Caroline NOLAN
        \-Lizzie AULDS

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Ancestors of Polly NOLAN

                            /-Stephen NOLAN I
                  /-Stephen NOLAN II
                  |         \-Mary Obryan CONNELL
        /-Stephen NOLAN III
        |         \-Susannah SMALLWOOD
        \-Mary Pollie SMITH

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Ancestors of Polly NOLAN

                            /-Philip NOLAN
                  /-Awbrey NOLAN
                  |         \-Elizabeth AWBREY
        /-George NOLAND
        |         /-Govin GORDON
        \-Rebecca GORDON
                  \-Sarah CLARK

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Queenie NOLAN

Descendants of Queenie NOLAN

1 Queenie NOLAN
  =James Ernest NOLAN

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Quince Robertos NOLAN

Ancestors of Quince Robertos NOLAN

                            /-Awbrey NOLAN
                  /-George NOLAND
        /-Thomas NOLAN
        |         |         /-Govin GORDON
        |         \-Rebecca GORDON
        |                   \-Sarah CLARK
Quince Robertos NOLAN
        \-Martha Broder THRASHER

Descendants of Quince Robertos NOLAN

1 Quince Robertos NOLAN
  =Anne Mable CAMPBELL  Marriage: 28 JAN 1849, Henry Co, GA
      2 W. M. NOLAN
      2 T. G. NOLAN
      2 John Quincy NOLAN
        =Fanny Celeste COCHRAN  Marriage: DEC 1879
            3 Frank M. Nolan

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Ancestors of R. A. NOLAN

                            /-Stephen NOLAN II
                  /-Stephen NOLAN III
                  |         \-Susannah SMALLWOOD
        /-James NOLAN
        |         \-Mary Pollie SMITH
        |                   /-Thomas ADDISON
        |         /-Christopher ADDISON
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Barbara ADDISON
                  |         /-Samuel MONTGOMERY
                  \-Agnes MONTGOMERY

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Ancestors of R. G. NOLAN

                            /-Stephen NOLAN
                  /-David NOLAN
                  |         \-Susannah
        /-Joseph C. NOLAN , Sr
        |         \-Catherine Cornelia WELLINGTON
        \-Sarah Sally AARON

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Ray Albert NOLAN

Ancestors of Ray Albert NOLAN

                            /-B. David Atticus NOLAN
                  /-Joseph T. NOLAN
                  |         \-Louisa R. PEEBLES
        /-Remer Thomas NOLAN
        |         |         /-James Seaborn CAMP
        |         \-Susan Luvinia CAMP
        |                   \-Mahaley BEAVERS
Ray Albert NOLAN
        \-Lucy E.

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Rebecca NOLAN

Ancestors of Rebecca NOLAN

                            /-Benjamin NOLAN
                  /-B. David Atticus NOLAN
                  |         \-Polly HUDSON
        /-John Yarbrough NOLAN
        |         |         /-Lewis PEEBLES
        |         \-Louisa R. PEEBLES
        |                   \-Mary S. PATTERSON
Rebecca NOLAN
        |                   /-Thomas W. ANSLEY
        |         /-Benjamin Strain ANSLEY
        |         |         \-Mary Baty MCKINLEY
        \-Mary Virginia ANSLEY
                  |         /-Hartwell GARY
                  \-Mary G. GARY
                            \-Rebekah STANTON

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Rebecca NOLAN

Ancestors of Rebecca NOLAN

                            /-Philip NOLAN
                  /-Awbrey NOLAN
                  |         \-Elizabeth AWBREY
        /-George NOLAND
Rebecca NOLAN
        |         /-Govin GORDON
        \-Rebecca GORDON
                  \-Sarah CLARK

Descendants of Rebecca NOLAN

1 Rebecca NOLAN
  =Terrell FIELDER  Marriage: 12 OCT 1820, Morgan Co, GA

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Regina Anna NOLAN

Ancestors of Regina Anna NOLAN

                            /-Peyton NOLAN
                  /-Henry Terrell NOLAN
                  |         \-Sarah MOSLEY
        /-William Henry T. NOLAN
        |         |         /-John PACE
        |         \-Mary Ann Jane PACE
        |                   \-Jane MCDONALD
Regina Anna NOLAN
        \-Louanna Susan LANE

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Remer Thomas NOLAN

Ancestors of Remer Thomas NOLAN

                            /-Benjamin NOLAN
                  /-B. David Atticus NOLAN
                  |         \-Polly HUDSON
        /-Joseph T. NOLAN
        |         |         /-Lewis PEEBLES
        |         \-Louisa R. PEEBLES
        |                   \-Mary S. PATTERSON
Remer Thomas NOLAN
        |                   /-John CAMP
        |         /-James Seaborn CAMP
        |         |         \-Winifred MATTOX
        \-Susan Luvinia CAMP
                  |         /-Alsey BEAVERS
                  \-Mahaley BEAVERS
                            \-Susannah DUNNAHO

Descendants of Remer Thomas NOLAN

1 Remer Thomas NOLAN
  =Lucy E.  Marriage: ABT 1901, GA
      2 Ruth I NOLAN
      2 Ray Albert NOLAN
      2 Velta L. NOLAN
      2 Cora E. Thassaly NOLAN
      2 Blanche E. NOLAN
      2 Everett NOLAN

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Ancestors of Remus NOLAN

                            /-Stephen NOLAN IV
                  /-Francis Marion NOLAN
                  |         \-Mary Polly ADDISON
        /-James M. NOLAN
        |         |         /-Willis LOCK
        |         \-Nancy Dulcimer LOCK
        \-Rosana T.

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