
Mr Raleigh P. Hollingsworth of Bellevue, Washington 98008 has sent your
editor his work on these deeds from the court house at Jefferson, N.C. 
In an earlier H.R. we published what we found on the microfilms in the 
custody of the Genealogical Society of Utah (HR 4:20 March 1968). But 
it was noted that "Deeds 1805-1813 seem to be totally missing" and 
mistakenly wrote this off to a possible fire. Not so. It is thought 
worthy to repeat all our finds with Mr. Hollingsworth's own here.

(1) Book A, page 271. Indenture dated 6 May 1802 from Stephen Reid 
(Reed) to WILLIAM HOLLINSWORTH. 50 pounds. "A certain parcel of land 
containing fifty acres on the North Fork of New River, Beginning at a 
White Oak running thence East one hundred and forty polls crossing the
River to a stake thence North fifty seven polls to a Buckeye and White
Walnut tree on the bank of said River near said REED'S corner then West
crossing said River one hundred and fifty polls to a stake thence south
fifty seven polls crossing a branch to the first station." (Stephen 
Reed signed by mark; James Chapel, witness). NOTE: Items in parentheses
sare HR's own notes, from the 1968 issue. Purminas Howard, witness.

(2)(Book A, p. 430. WILLIAM HOLLANDWORTH a witness to an indenture, 
May 17, 1803, from Stephen Reed to Mary Powell.)

(3) Book A, p. 431. Indenture dated 18 Mar. 1803, from William Hubbard
to VINCIN HOLLANDWORTH, (both of Ashe County)for fifty pounds, "A 
certain parcel of land containing fifty acres be the same more or less
lying and being in the County aforesaid (Ashe) on the waters of the 
North Fork of New River Beginning at a Hickory on a drain of Rich Hill
Creek running North twenty West forty four polls to a Spanish Oak then
North sixty three West sixty polls to a Chestnut then South sixty West
thirty six polls to a Maple then South forty five West sixty polls to a
Sugar tree then South seventy two East one hundred and twenty six polls
to a stake then to the first station." 
(Signed William (X) Hubbert, by mark; James Bunyan and John Bunyan,
*witnesses. Received in May Term 1803.) Record of transfer of this 
parcel away by Vincent Hollandworth not found by either researcher. 
*Bunyard - R.P.H.

(4)(Book A, p. 432. "VINSON HOLLEN" a witness, 1803, to indenture from
Matthias Carpenter to William Jones for 100 acres. See HR 15:64.)

(5) Book B, p. 16. Indenture 9 Nov. 1803. Stephen Reed to WILLIAM 
HOLLINSWORTH. $l00.00. (Both of Ashe County.) "A certain tract of land
Containing forty four and one fourth (44 1/4) acres lying and being in
the County of Ashe situate on the North Fork of New River joining the 
tract said HOLLINSWORTH lives on Beginning at a White Oak a corner of 
the old survey, running West forty eight poles to a Buckeye then North
eighty eight poles to a Red Oak then East eighteen poles to a Red Oak 
then North forty five East twenty two poles to a chestnut then East 
eighteen poles to a Hickory, then South seventy four East one hundred 
and twenty poles to a stake in the old line then west one hundred and 
fifty poles to the old corner, then to the first station." 
(Witnesses John Reed, BEASLEY HOLLINGSWORTH his X mark, Registered in 
November Term, 1803.)

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