
Leiberstung, Germany


Leiberstung was the home of many members of the Ibach family. The Leiberstung link (above) will take you to the German Black Forest site from which this information was obtained.

Leiberstung is located only four km. from Schwarzach and 6 km. from Steinbach. Known as a agricultural town, cattle breeding and fruit growing are the residents main souce of income. Tobacco crops and basket weaving are a secondary source of profit

In early times, Lieberstung was the Eberstein-Baden fiefdom of the Lords of Badenstein and of Bach. Precinct names like Burgstaden (fortress stead) and Rittersmatt (knightmeade) reminds everyone that in early times a moated castle stood in this village.
The town chapel, called St. Wendlin, was built in 1810. Wendlin being the patron saint of farmers and cattlemen, made this name most appropriate. The original school house and Rathhaus (town hall) were built in 1829.
Religiously, Leiberstung is an outpost of the Schwarzach parish of St. Peter and Paul's, though Leiberstung residents are buried in their own town.

Emigrant Surnames:
Diebold, Droll, Ernst, Faißt, Feist, Friedmann, Frietsch, Ibach, Kiefer, Koch, Kreidenweis, Lorenz, Meier, Schuh, Seiler, Speier, Speierer, Striebich, Velten, Weingartner, Würz

Information Sources:
birth and baptisms: 1810 - 1870
marriages: 1810 - 1870
death and burial: 1810 - 1869


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